Imagine a woman walking in front of you to enter an abortion clinic. The look on her face says it all—one of melancholy as if she’s defeated and hopeless, or has come to the conclusion that abortion is her only way to pursue personal and/or professional dreams.
What would you say if you only had 5-10 seconds to ask this woman to give her unborn child a chance at a happy and healthy life? How would you let her know that helpful services truly exist? That she can be a mom AND succeed in her personal and professional goals? Your presence and voice can be life-changing. That’s why the Pro-Life Union established “Newby Saturday” to help first-time, or fairly newer witnesses, become effective in their approach to help women choose life for their unborn baby! DATE: Saturday, November 9 TIME: from 10:00am-12:00pm LOCATION: Outside Planned Parenthood at 12th & Locust Streets in Philadelphia* *Fact: There were 4,231 unborn lives lost at this particular Planned Parenthood location in 2018. HOW NEWBY SATURDAY WORKS: “Newby Saturdays” are designed to answer the following questions for a first-time or newer witness:
OTHER DETAILS: We’ll have a seasoned person there: Tom Stevens (Pro-Life Union President and CEO), Patrick Stanton (Pro-Life Union Board Member; Leader of Philadelphia 40 Days for Life), Dr. Monique Ruberu (Pro-Life Union Board Member; Leader of Philadelphia 40 Days for Life), or another designee to help answer common questions about Sidewalk Servants. QUESTIONS? Call our office at 215-885-8150 the Friday before “Newby Saturday” to find out who will be there, or if you have other questions. SPREAD THE WORD: Click here to view our Facebook event and share it with friends and family on social media. Continue to pray for the unborn and the vulnerable. Your prayers and compassionate outreach can save lives and restore faith in the lives of others. Sincerely, Tom Stevens |
Pro-Life Union Establishes “Newby Saturday” on Saturday, November 9, 2019
Do you have St. Frances Cabrini Parish’s app on your phone? If not, download it today. The app is available at the AppStore for iPhones and the PlayStore for Android users. Search for St. Frances Cabrini – Fairless. The app developer is Web4U Corporation. The Parish app gives you easy access to all the information about our Parish Community, including event calendars, schedules, photo gallery, prayers, and much more. It also helps us keep you informed of current events! So, download the app today!
Please support the Fetal Remains Bill
Please contact your state Representative as soon as possible and ask him or her to support the Fetal Remains Bill proposed by PA Rep. Frank Ryan.
It is substantially similar to legislation in Indiana that was recently declared constitutional by the United States Supreme Court. The legislation provides for the respectful internment of the remains of a child who dies prior to birth. The bill has prompted opposition from Democrats in Harrisburg. All Democrats in the PA House Health Committee voted against it. All Republicans–who are in the majority–supported it and the bill passed through the committee.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches, “bodies of the dead must be treated with respect and charity, in faith and hope of the Resurrection. The burial of the dead is a corporal work of mercy, it honors the children of God who are temples of the Holy Spirit.”
Click the link below to log in and send your message:
PARISH MISSION begins on Sunday, November 3!
Don’t Miss this opportunity – this is for the whole family!
You are being invited to attend our Parish Mission on Sunday, November 3, Monday, November 4, and Tuesday, November 5 at 7:00 PM in the church.
Father Tom McCarthy’s message will focus on the Saints, Prayer, and the Family of Faith. It will be worth your while and it is an excellent way to give yourself an awesome gift before the rush of the holiday season. So, come join us!
Heartbeat Bill Would Provide Pennsylvania Better Protections for Human Life
Archbishop Chaput’s Speech at the University of Notre Dame: Things Worth Dying For–The Nature of a Life Worth Living
On Friday, October 11th, Archbishop Chaput delivered an address to the Constitutional Studies Program at the University of Notre Dame. The full text of his talk, “Things Worth Dying For—The Nature of a Life Worth Living,” is attached. Click here for the full text.
Archbishop Chaput’s Column: Domestic Violence and Our Respect for Life
Archbishop Chaput’s Column: Domestic Violence and Our Respect for Life
In his most recent column, Archbishop Chaput writes, “Men and women have equal capacities for holiness. They also have equal capacities for harm. Virtue and cruelty are alien to neither sex. But precisely because men and women differ in their strengths and weaknesses, violence between the sexes overwhelmingly consists in males physically abusing females. Women bear the brunt of domestic violence. And when that happens, women’s lives are brutally damaged or lost, families collapse, children suffer, and the memory and habit of intimate violence are transmitted across generations. Men who abuse women are cowards. They bitterly wound others, and they humiliate and poison themselves. There’s no excuse for it – ever.”
You can read the complete column by opening the attached document or visiting A Spanish translation will be provided to you as soon as possible.
Sincerely in Christ,
Rev. Msgr. Daniel J. Sullivan
Vicar for Clergy
A Special Celebration: Our Healing Mass September 28, 2019
View Photos from the Healing Mass Here
During His ministry on earth, Jesus had a particular concern for sick people; He healed them not just with a word of power, but also with a human and compassionate touch.
The Sacrament of the Sick, like all sacraments, is one way that the Church continues the ministry of Jesus. Through it, Christ continues to touch, heal, and comfort. The Letter of James attests that this practice has always been part of ministry: “Is anyone among you sick? He should summon the presbyters of the Church, and they should pray over him and anoint [him] with oil in the name of the Church” (5:14).
On Saturday, September 28, 2019 at our annual Healing Mass, Monsignor Michael McCormac administered the Sacrament of the Sick as he laid hands and anointed 38 people. The communal celebration reminds us that suffering is part of our human condition and has the power to move us to look on each other with the compassion of Christ, the Healer. Celebrating this sacrament during Mass also helps us unite our sufferings with Christ’s as we recall His body broken and His blood poured out for us. Those who received the sacrament and those, who escorted them, felt the powerful presence of Jesus in a very sacred way.
Following the Mass, there was a reception in the Monsignor Woods Hall where our youth and other adult volunteers welcomed and served those who had participated at the Mass. It truly was a day filled with many blessings.
Join the Saint Frances Cabrini Youth Choir!
The Saint Frances Youth Choir is Welcoming New Members! Join us Thursday, September 26th from 6-7:00pm in the Multi-Purpose Room.