Parish Religious Education Program

PREP 2024-2025

Click here to register.

2024-2025 PREP Year Calendars

  • 2024-2025 PREP Monday Calendar (K-6)
  • 2024-2025 PREP Sunday Calendar (7 & 8)

Student Absence Notification Form

Resources for Home-Based Instruction



Saint Frances Cabrini Parish Religious Education Program invites parents and their children to grow in the development of their faith. Through this process of growth and nurturing of faith, we hope to promote a life long love of Jesus Christ.

The Parish Religious Education Program at Saint Frances Cabrini is a vibrant way for children to come to know God, the doctrines and teachings of the Catholic Church, and the family of faith here at Cabrini. Our Catechists and Aides are committed to the Catholic way of life and they model what they teach.

The Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) provides a way for our Catechists to partner with parents and help them effectively share faith with their children. The Program presents lessons on the teachings of the Catholic Church and provides meaningful opportunities for making faith come alive at home. It is the hope that through this partnership between the Parish Program and parents that the lessons learned will help children recognize that faith is not meant to be isolated or compartmentalized, faith is meant to be lived. Without a connection to real life, the content remains only head knowledge. We always strive to help our children understand how they can put their faith into action.

PREP  is available for children in Kindergarten through Level 8.   Saint Frances Cabrini also offers our SPRED (Special Religious Education) Program.  SPRED  fosters and nourishes spiritual and personal growth by helping those with disabilities discover God’s action and presence in their lives. SPRED gives children an opportunity to learn in a small and intimate setting while preparing them for their sacraments.

Confirmation Preparation Sessions for students in Levels 7 & 8 take place on Sunday evenings from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM. Level 7 sessions meet in the Parish Center and Level 8 sessions meet in the Youth Ministry Room. Sessions for students in Kindergarten through Level 6 are held on Monday evenings from 6:30 PM to 7:45 PM in our Father Laut Building.

For answers to your questions about PREP, please contact Mrs. Jeanine Davis, our Director of Religious Education, at 215-946-1115.


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