Archdiocesan Rosary at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul/Friday, October 7th

A New Catholic Morning Radio Show For Philadelphia!

Get Ready, Philly…

Your Mornings Are About To Get A Little Brighter!

Catholic Speaker Gary Zimak to host Spirit In The Morning On Holy Spirit Radio in Phialdelphia

I am very excited! As you probably know, I was born and raised in Philadelphia and have been eating soft pretzels, Tastykakes and cheesesteaks for as long as I can remember. I have experienced many ups and downs with the Phillies, Eagles, Flyers and Sixers. I know and love the City of Brotherly Love!

Despite being ranked as the ninth largest radio market (according to the July 2016 Neilsen Audio Ratings), Philadelphia has never had a local Catholic morning radio show. That will change on October 10, 2016 when Spirit In The Morning comes to Holy Spirit Radio in Philadelphia!

Every Monday thru Friday at 7 AM Eastern, I’ll help you to start your day with a mix of music, Scripture and inspiration. And you better believe that I’ll offer hope to my fellow “worriers”! This is a show that I have wanted to do for a long time and soon it will become a reality. If you’re outside of the Philadelphia area, the show will stream live on Holy Spirit Radio and TuneIn Radio.

Finally, if you’re wondering about how this will affect my work as a full time Catholic evangelist, the answer is that nothing will change. I will still be traveling around the country giving talks and leading parish missions. I will still host The Gary Zimak Show on BlogTalkRadio and continue to do my various Catholic TV and Radio interviews. And my next book, Stop Worrying And Start Living! will be released in the Fall. Spirit In The Morning is just another way for me to spread the Good News.

Please keep me in your prayers as I get ready to begin this new project. I have a feeling that the Holy Spirit is up to something exciting!

Spirit In The Morning with Gary Zimak on Holy Spirit Radio

Start your day with a FRIEND!

Healing Mass 2016

Pictures from the Healing Mass  and the reception that took place on September 24th have been added to the Photo Gallery.   Thank you  Monsignor McCormac, Eucharistic ministers who assisted the home bound parishioners,  the Youth Group, and all who were in attendance and helped with the beautiful Mass and following reception.



Incident at St. Frances Cabrini PREP

Out of concern for others, especially children, we bring to your attention that on Monday evening, September 26th, one of our PREP students was approached by a man who was sitting in a mini-van on a street outside the school.  The student is fine. The fifth grade male student handled the situation very well, not complying with the man’s request to get into his vehicle. The police were called. They responded immediately, coming to our school within minutes.


For your information, we are sending along an attachment which describes the events of last evening. This attachment has been provided to our local pastors and they have been asked to communicate this information to their Principal and Director of Religious Education.


Again, out of concern for the safely of our children, all parents are to enter the school parking lot to pick up the children. The students will not be allowed to meet their parents on Goble Court.  Parents of children in Kindergarten, First, Second levels and SPRED are reminded to pick up their children in their classroom.


Although we have adult volunteers assisting with our arrival and dismissal in the parking lot, if anyone would like to assist us, please contact Alixandra Holden.


If you have any questions, please contact Monsignor Michael McCormac (215-946-4040) or our Director of Religious Education, Miss Alixandra Holden (215-946-1116).


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Help Make PA 20th State to End Late-Term Abortion

PA’s Top Pro-Life Bill Needs Your Help 

Contact your State Senator – “Vote YES on HB1948 and end late-term & dismemberment abortion in Pennsylvania.”


Legislative Update: Soon, your State Senator may be voting on an important pro-life bill – HB1948 – that would put an end to abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy as well as ending the horrific abortion practice of dismemberment.


State Representatives passed HB1948 by a two-thirds majority in June. In July, a Senate committee passed the legislation so it now awaits a vote by all State Senators.


TAKE ACTION: Contact your State Senator to encourage their support for HB1948. By our records, your State Senator is Charles ‘Chuck’ T. McIlhinney Jr. (215) 489-5000. You may also send an email


Consider this:

  • Babies born premature are surviving at record rates. Kids likeWill, Lydia and Jackson (all pictured here) were born premature around 24 weeks and are now thriving thanks to advancements in medical technology.
  • 19 others states have already put into state law limits on abortion at 20 weeks of pregnancy.
  • The United States is only one of seven nations to allow elective abortion past five-months (only North Korea, China, Canada, Vietnam, Singapore and the Netherlands allow elective late-term abortion along with the USA).
  • There is a significant risk increase in complications and mortality of women who have abortion at higher gestations; especially past 20 weeks.
  • Poll after poll – from Gallup, ABC News, Quinnipiac, Huffington Post – has shown the majority of people agree – late-term abortion should be limited to 20 weeks of pregnancy.


Our lawmakers have an opportunity to show compassion and update our quarter-century-old abortion law. Please encourage them to pass HB 1948. And please encourage friends and family to do the same.


Let’s end late-term and dismemberment abortion in Pennsylvania:



Pennsylvania Family Council

23 N Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101

717-545-0600 |

Final Session Days Remain to Stop Governor Wolf’s Bathroom Bills

Defend My Privacy
If there’s one thing you do this week to help our coalition, please call your State Senator and ask them to OPPOSE the Bathroom Bills – SB974 & SB1307. Your State Senator: your state senator.

If you need help with contacting your State Senator, call PA Family Council for assistance at 717.545.0600.


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Final Session Days Remain to Stop Governor Wolf’s Bathroom Bills


Barring any schedule changes, there are five weeks left for State Senators in Harrisburg to actively debate and vote on current legislation – including Governor Wolf’s Bathroom Bills. Your Senator will be back in Harrisburg starting Monday, September 26.


Now, there was a hearing scheduled for September 26th on two of the Senate Bathroom Bills – SB974 and SB1316 – but that has been postponed until further notice. While this can be a good sign for stopping these bills, let us make clear – these Bathroom Bills are still being pushed for passage this session.


For privacy rights and safety concerns of so many in Pennsylvania, it is imperative that we stop these proposals. That starts with you – picking up a phone, sending an email and/or visiting with your State Senator. They need to hear from those they represent about the negative implications this proposal would create.


If you need their phone number or their district office location, call the PA Family Council at 717-545-0600 for assistance. For email, you can send a message on two action alerts – one on the full Governor Wolf Bathroom proposals (SB974 & HB1510) and the other on the individual bathroom bills in the Senate (SB1306, SB1307 & SB1316).


The threat in the Senate is concerning since SB1307 passed committee earlier this year. Over in the State House of Representatives, HB1510 is still a threat as well (same legislation as SB974).


Whether you have contacted their office before or you never have at all, please contact your State Senator – “NO on SB974 & SB1307.” – and State Representative – “NO on HB1510.”


1. Visit their District Office (and make use of this one-page handout).

2. Make a brief phone call to your State Senator: your state senator

3. Send an email – both on the full proposals (SB974 & HB1510) andSenate individual proposals (SB1306, SB1307, SB1316).


Any help needed with contacting your elected officials, contact PA Family Council at 717-545-0600.


What is SB974, SB1307, or HB1510? Click here for a brief summary.


THANK YOU for helping to defend our privacy rights! Stay tuned for the latest activity in Harrisburg.


– Defend My Privacy Coalition






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