PA’s Top Pro-Life Bill Needs Your Help
Contact your State Senator – “Vote YES on HB1948 and end late-term & dismemberment abortion in Pennsylvania.”
Legislative Update: Soon, your State Senator may be voting on an important pro-life bill – HB1948 – that would put an end to abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy as well as ending the horrific abortion practice of dismemberment.
State Representatives passed HB1948 by a two-thirds majority in June. In July, a Senate committee passed the legislation so it now awaits a vote by all State Senators.
TAKE ACTION: Contact your State Senator to encourage their support for HB1948. By our records, your State Senator is Charles ‘Chuck’ T. McIlhinney Jr. (215) 489-5000. You may also send an email
Consider this:
- Babies born premature are surviving at record rates. Kids likeWill, Lydia and Jackson (all pictured here) were born premature around 24 weeks and are now thriving thanks to advancements in medical technology.
- 19 others states have already put into state law limits on abortion at 20 weeks of pregnancy.
- The United States is only one of seven nations to allow elective abortion past five-months (only North Korea, China, Canada, Vietnam, Singapore and the Netherlands allow elective late-term abortion along with the USA).
- There is a significant risk increase in complications and mortality of women who have abortion at higher gestations; especially past 20 weeks.
- Poll after poll – from Gallup, ABC News, Quinnipiac, Huffington Post – has shown the majority of people agree – late-term abortion should be limited to 20 weeks of pregnancy.
Our lawmakers have an opportunity to show compassion and update our quarter-century-old abortion law. Please encourage them to pass HB 1948. And please encourage friends and family to do the same.
Let’s end late-term and dismemberment abortion in Pennsylvania:
Pennsylvania Family Council
23 N Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101