Born-Alive Legislation Deserves a Vote in the People’s House

Defenders of abortion will not bring the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act to a vote in the US House of Representatives. This is deeply unfair.

There is one way to break the blockade.

We need your help to urge your Representative to sign a petition, beginning on April 2nd, that would allow this vote to occur.

We are saddened and shocked by state legislatures proposing and even passing laws to expand abortion AND to repeal laws providing specific protections for babies who live through an attempted abortion.

The Born-Alive Act would provide specific protections nationwide to help prevent newborns from being killed or left alone to die.

The Senate failed to pass the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, but that is not the end of the story. This bill, rooted in our most fundamental human values, is worth fighting for.

Babies who survive abortion must no longer be killed or left to die. Help us push Congress to take a vote on and pass the Born-Alive Act.

More Information


Holy Family Regional CYO is hosting a fundraiser to benefit the Liberatore family on Saturday April 6, 2019, at 8:30 PM, at the Comedy Cabaret in the Northeast, doors open at 7:45 PM. Our parishioner, Bob Liberatore, has coached in the CYO organization for many years. Bob helped coach for both of his daughters and has dedicated a lot to the Holy Family Regional CYO. Bob has been ill and the CYO would like to help ease some of the financial burdens for his family. Your support would be greatly appreciated.
Tickets can ONLY be purchased directly from link:
Deadline to purchase tickets is March 30, 2019.

Comedy Cabaret Comedy Club
Northeast at Neighbors Bar
11580 Roosevelt Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA 19116

Archbishop Chaput’s Column: See This Movie. It Matters

In his most recent column Archbishop Chaput writes, “As director of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Texas, and committed to the ideals of reproductive choice and a woman’s “right to choose,” [Abby] Johnson oversaw a site that conducted thousands of abortions during her tenure.  It was only when she took part personally in one of the procedures that the reality of killing a living, developing, unborn human child imprinted itself on her conscience full force.  She left Planned Parenthood and joined the Coalition for Life.

Johnson’s journey from one side of the abortion struggle to the other is told powerfully in her compelling book Unplanned, available from Ignatius Press ( and other booksellers.  It’s well worth reading and sharing.  And her story is now an equally powerful motion picture, Unplanned, opening in theaters around the metro Philadelphia area on March 29.  Don’t expect to see positive reviews in mainstream media outlets; miracles do happen, but this one would be a stretch.  Ignore that.  See this movie, and bring as many friends and acquaintances with you as you can (it’s rated R for the nature of its content).  It’s that important.”

You can read the complete column by  visiting A Spanish translation of this column will be provided to you as soon as possible.


6ABC to Premiere New Documentary on the Life and Legacy of Saint Katharine Drexel (March 30th and March 31st)

“Saint Katharine Drexel: The Holy Heiress,” a 30-minute documentary on the life and work of Saint Katharine Drexel, will air at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 30th, on 6ABC.  The program is a special presentation of 6ABC’s FYI Philly.  Encore presentations of the documentary will air at 1:00 p.m. and midnight on Sunday, March 31st.

“The Holy Heiress” Saint Katharine Drexel, from her early years growing up in Philadelphia, to her religious life dedicated to serving the needs of African Americans and Native Americans, and how she became a saint.  It also tells of the translation and installation last year of her sacred remains to a newly constructed tomb at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul.

Designated an Archdiocesan shrine last month, the tomb,located near the Drexel Family altar inside the Cathedral’s main entrance, is open for visitation and prayer. More information about the tomb and shrine is available at





Rite of Election Celebrated for Three Catechumens from SFC

St. Frances Cabrini sent three catechumens to meet Archbishop Chaput in the Rite of Election at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul, Philadelphia on Saturday, March 9. Lindsey Godin, Richard Bolter and Mark Daugherty will be baptized, confirmed and receive First Holy Communion at our Easter Vigil Mass on Saturday evening, April 20, at 7:30 PM. In total, 196 catchumens and 267 candidates will be received into the church at Easter from 102 parishes of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

St. Patrick’s Day Irish Parade and Mass March 16th, 2019

This morning, before assuming his duties as Grand Marshal, Monsignor McCormac celebrated Mass with the parade committee in the Chapel at CEC.


Photos of Grand Marshal Msgr. McCormac in the St. Patty’s Day Parade.

St. Patrick’s Day Parade Countdown

Only 2 days to go!

In today’s celebration, with only 2 days to the parade, the rectory staff sang a little ditty for our Grand Marshal set to the tune of McNamara’s Band. View the celebration!

St. Patrick’s Day Parade Countdown

Having fun waiting for Saturday!

Throughout the week, the rectory staff have been counting down the days to the parade. Yesterday, with only 3 days to go, there was YET ANOTHER proclamation. View the presentation.


2019 Irish Ball

The 31st Annual Bucks County St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee hosted the Irish Ball in honor of the 2019 Grand Marshal, Monsignor Michael McCormac. The celebration was held at Falls Manor in Levittown on Saturday, March 2nd. A grand time was had by all!


Taize Prayer Around the Cross: Sunday March 10th 7:30pm









Come and lay your burdens at the Cross of Christ.

Prayer around the Cross is comprised of meditative chants, silence, and readings. Come experience the peace and serenity that flow from the chants, Sacred Scripture, prayers and meditation based on the ecumenical prayer experience of the community of brothers in Taize, France. Take a few moments from your otherwise busy life to focus on the love of God revealed in Christ’s Cross. The prayer service begins at 7:30pm in the church. Bring your family and friends and continue your Lenten Journey, gathered around the Cross. Come and lay your burdens at the Cross of Christ.


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