Please ask your State Representative to Co-Sponsor the “Heart-Beat Bill” proposed by Stephanie Borowicz

Please ask your state representative to co-sponsor the “Heart-Beat Bill” –HCO1117– sponsored by PA Rep. Stephanie Borowicz.
It requires all physicians **before proceeding with an abortion** to determine whether the baby has a heartbeat.

Please support your local legislators as they try to ensure that what happened in New York State does NOT happen in Pennsylvania!!

Click the link below to sign the petition:


Due to the inclement weather, the Tuesday, February 12th, PREP session and Women’s Prayer Group has been cancelled.

Welcome to the Newest Member of our Parish Community, Luke Patrick Clancy

On Saturday February 2/9/19, Saint Frances Cabrini welcomed the newest member of our Parish Community through the baptism of Luke Patrick Clancy. Luke is the son of our parishioners, Mr. and Mrs. Colin Clancy. Colin and Jenna (Rankin) were joined by the Godparents, Ryan Clancy and Casey Rankin, and many family members from the area and New England.


Urge the Senate to Stop Infanticide

Your voice is needed to protect babies who are born alive after an abortion.  The U.S. Senate could vote as soon as this week on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (S. 311).

Please contact your Senators immediately and urge them to co-sponsor and vote for S. 311 and to ask Senate leadership to schedule a floor vote on the bill this week.

Today, states are not just expanding abortion but allowing infanticide as well. New York passed a drastic law that eliminated protections for babies who survive an abortion attempt. And the Governor of Virginia has openly talked about denying care to babies born during a late-term abortion.

The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (S. 311) would require any health care practitioner present when a child is born alive following an abortion to give the same degree of care to preserve the life and health of the child as would be given to any other newborn. And after giving such care, it requires the practitioner to ensure that the child is immediately transported and admitted to a hospital. The Senate needs to be pushed to vote on and pass this bill this week. To see the text of S. 311 and the current list of co-sponsors click here.

Archbishop Joseph Naumann, Chairman of the Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, has called on Congress to enact this law. His letter to Senators urging passage of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act can be read here.

What you can do:

  • Send a message today urging your Senators to co-sponsor and vote for the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act and push for a vote on the bill this week. Click here to send your message by email or Twitter, or if you prefer to call, you will find your member’s phone number and a suggested phone script.
  • Share this alert with your friends and family. Copy this link and paste it in an email encouraging everyone you know to contact Congress.

Remain Strong in Fighting for the Unborn

Remain Strong in Fighting for the Unborn

Democratic politicians in all branches of government in New York decided to remove restrictions on late term abortions. The Empire State now celebrates its debauchery by allowing abortions up to live birth. Even Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY), who signed the extreme measure into law, has said pro-life people “have no place in the state of New York.” The New York law also allows girls of all ages to have an abortion without parental consent.

Democrats in the state of Virginia also attempted a similar measure to expand abortion rights this week, but their efforts failed in committee. State Delegate Kathy Tran (D-VA) sought to eliminate existing abortion restrictions to allow abortion up to 40 weeks gestation or up until live birth.

Joining the ranks of New York and Virginia politicians, Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo (D-RI) is pushing for a bill to allow abortions until live birth. Gov. Raimondo recently said, “Let’s make this the year we codify women’s access to reproductive health care here in Rhode Island.” The bill also follows the New York bill in that it eliminates the mandatory requirement of parental consent for a minor to obtain an abortion.

What can you do?

1. Order AFA’s Sanctity of Life prayer cards. Distribute the cards to others and encourage them to pray for God to change people’s attitude on abortion.

2. Watch and share this video: online plea “Don’t Kill the Babies.” Hear how the power of choosing life has impacted one of AFA’s own.

3. Support AFA financially as we fight back against godless laws and policies on abortion.

Much of the moral outrage against abortion in the media is over these states allowing and pushing for the legalization of abortion for all 40 weeks of a baby’s gestation. This outrage should be the same regardless of the baby’s stage of development. If an unborn baby is 40 weeks, 1 week, or even moments old at conception, there is no distinction in the inherent, God-given value of the unborn child.

A culture of death denies the sanctity, dignity, and personal humanity of the unborn. All human beings are persons, but a godless mindset draws an arbitrary distinction between what it means to be human and a person. Pro-abortion fanatics wrongfully claim the unborn is not a person, and therefore, conclude abortion is moral. In their pride, they elevate their personal worth above the unborn. They deny the very essence of humanity they also held when they were yet to be born.

Because the Bible tells us so, let us remain firm in our resolve to stand for the unborn. Don’t allow the godless acts of others to keep you from fighting for righteousness.

Instead, as AFA’s Anne Reed recently said, “Let it be a motivator. By the power of the Holy Spirit within believers, let us rise up and defend the defenseless children being put to death.”

How to Grasp the Monstrosity of the New York Abortion Law

How to Grasp the Monstrosity of the New York Abortion Law

By John Horvat II

If there are gongs that sound in history, one of them would have struck on January 22, 2019. This strike would be a tragic shattering sound marking a day of infamy.

On that dreadful date, something was irremediably broken. A process reached a point of no return. An era ended, replaced by something dark and foreboding.

The event was the passage in the New York State legislature of a law allowing unrestricted, late-term procured abortions. The law’s approval was met with the wild applause of the nation’s most radical abortionists. All laws approving abortion are wrong and infamous. However, this particular law is especially egregious. It stands out by its deliberate intentions and the hysterical enthusiasm of those who celebrate it.

The law allows abortion all the way to the point of birth. Not content to destroy innocent life in its early stages, the pro-abortion forces now seek to kill that same life when obviously fully formed. One senses the passion of a movement that decrees that the child must be killed and the full force of the law must sanction it. To add insult to injury, the law was approved to coincide with the anniversary of the infamous Roe v. Wade decision. It was meant to reaffirm the decision and make sure it would always apply in New York State.

The Act of Abortion Unmasked

The law’s passage is horrific by its savage barbarity and the totality of the terms by which it allows the murder of the innocent. The law contains liberal provisions that extend abortion well beyond the present twenty weeks and now permit it until birth. It lets non-doctors perform abortions. Infants who survive abortion will no longer enjoy the protection of the law; they can be left to die. The unborn child will no longer be recognized as a second victim in cases of a homicide of an expectant mother.

The law goes yet further by enshrining abortion in the state constitution as a guarantee against any eventual repeal of Roe v. Wade. Thus, every step is methodically and meticulously taken to ensure that abortion will never be banned in New York.

All pretense of compassion or safety is now discarded. No one can claim that the unborn child is a mere collection of cells. There can be no doubt that the unborn child now cleared to be murdered can survive outside the mother’s womb. Pro-abortion advocates no longer apologetically declare that abortion should be safe, legal and rare. The law is a celebration of abortion at all stages, times and places.

Abortion becomes for its advocates an almost religious act. The child must be sacrificed upon the bloody altar of reproductive “freedom.” The pro-abortion forces no longer hide the hideousness of the act, but proudly proclaim it. They no longer seem to fear being exposed for their savagery but revel in it.

Savage Enthusiasm

The enactment is horrific for the savage enthusiasm of those who approved it. The abortion law was accepted by a 32-24 majority of New York’s now Democrat-controlled Senate. The Assembly then passed it 92-47. It was signed by the state’s nominally Catholic governor, Andrew Cuomo.

This was not a reluctant vote but an enthusiastic one. The elected officials were aware of what they were doing and embraced it.

Indeed, there are certain dark acts of treachery that mark history like the betrayal of Judas and to a much lesser extent the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Once committed, darkness envelops these acts. They stain the honor of the nation and shock everyone by their wickedness.

What is so disconcerting about this act is that their perpetrators appear to take a macabre pleasure in it. They wildly applaud and congratulate themselves for their victory. They show no remorse for their decision, and in fact claim, it protects women’s lives and health.

What makes this even more incomprehensible is that the characters involved are not all militant atheists, convinced socialists or radical liberals. Some claim to be religiously-inclined or even call themselves Catholic. They vote defying the Church, almost daring Church officials to take disciplinary action—which they know will not be taken.

Challenge to God

In this act, there is a challenge to God, the Creator of life. The legislators arrogate to themselves the power of life and death reserved only to God. They interrupt God’s plans for countless infants. The unborn are never allowed to participate in that great pageant of history where souls, created in the Divine image, are invited to work out their salvation, contribute to Christ’s kingdom on Earth and give glory to God in Heaven.

By approving this law, the legislators join in a savage act of rebellion that rejects the blessings of God upon the nation. They embrace a culture which celebrates sin and leads to the savage barbarity that long-held peoples captive in history. Such deeds cut off the saving action of Grace that, through the Church, brings true liberty to nations.

A Gong Sounds

Indeed, a loud, dissonant gong has sounded in history.

It brings dark and foreboding tidings. For if even tiny fully formed infants about to be born are no longer safe from the butcher’s hand, no life is safe. If all pretense of compassion or ignorance is now discarded, there is no cruelty that cannot be openly conceived.

Those souls who protest abortion will be the next targets of those who defy God. For as souls are unmasked in vice, they cannot endure the opposition of those who represent the rebuke of conscience. They will rage against those who call them to their duty, and demand brutal measures to silence them.

The fight for the unborn has not changed but only intensified. Those who defend God’s rights and grieve for the nation must redouble their efforts. They must confide yet more in His eventual victory.

Annual Catholic Charities Appeal: Giving Hope to All


The annual Catholic Charities Appeal begins this weekend. All registered parishioners should have received Archbishop Chaput’s Letter, Appeal Booklet and Donation Request. The theme of this year’s Catholic Charities Appeal is “Giving Hope to All.” The gift of hope is a precious treasure, especially to someone on the verge of despair.

The following Prayer for the 2019 Catholic Charities Appeal captures the essence of our reason for supporting the charitable works of our Catholic Church.

God, our Father, 

we thank you for all the gifts and blessings that you give out of your love for us all.

You call us to open our hearts to share what we have been given.

Grant that through giving to the Catholic Charities Appeal,

we may bring joy, hope and strength to those most in need.

Our charity toward those in need is a real way in which

we show our gratitude and love for you.

Through this year’s Catholic Charities Appeal,

may we help as many people as we can, including

a young person striving to learn and grow in Faith;

a deaf child receiving a quality Catholic Education;

a veteran struggling with homelessness;

a parish carrying out vital local missionary work;

a retired priest who has dedicated his life to the needs of the faithful.

Help us to do all we can to make sure

the “poor have their fill” of your blessings.

We ask this through our Lord, Jesus Christ, your Son,

who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,

one God for ever and ever. Amen

In addition to the materials mailed to our parishioners’ home, we are pleased to provide Catholic Charities Appeal brochures at the doors of the church.

All donations can be sent directly to the following address:

Archdiocese of Philadelphia

Catholic Charities Appeal

CL #4710

P.O. Box 95000

Philadelphia, PA 19195-4710

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia and the Catholic Charities Appeal Board have assured that all donated funds will be spent according to the purpose for which parishioners donate to the Appeal.

On behalf of all who will be benefiting from your generosity, we thank you very much.

Get Out of the Cold and Into the Sun! Join us for the 5th Annual SFC Winter LUAU!

Shake those wintery blues and come out and socialize with the St. Frances Cabrini Parish Community. We will bring the warmth of a SUMMER LUAU  to a fun winter dance with plenty of food, drinks and desserts! GET YOUR TICKETS NOW ONLY $25/PP.

Luau Flyer 2019 new with menu



Please join us for the Connect Coffee Talk on Tuesday, January 29, 2019 at 10:30 AM in the Parish Center or on Wednesday, January 30, 2019 at 7:00 PM in the Monsignor Woods Hall. All are welcome, no need to sign-up just come and experience what other women have experienced. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the rectory at 215-946- 4040.

Walking with Purpose is a Catholic Bible Study Program that aims to bring women to a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This personal study and small group discussion links our everyday challenges and struggles with the solutions given to us through the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church.

Walking with Purpose endeavors to meet women where they are, giving them practical Biblical teaching that is consistent with Church doctrine and uses the Catechism of the Catholic Church as an additional resource.

We invite all women to join us for this month’s Connect Coffee Talk on Tuesday, January 29, 2019 at 10:30 AM in the Parish Center or on Wednesday, January 30, 2019 at 7:00 PM in the Monsignor Woods Hall. Please feel welcome to come even if you have not previously attended Walking with Purpose. You may come to this session only, no registration, book or fee is required, please just come and enjoy. The session will consist of social time, a DVD presentation and small group sharing related to the presentation.

The presentation for this session will focus on pursuing simplicity through a countercultural definition of success. This is not an easy path to pursue but the presenter Lisa Brenninkmeyer will use scripture and life stories to help us recognize the world’s definition of success and how that definition stands in sharp contrast to God’s definition of success.

In the presentation, we will explore what influenced our definition of success. Can you relate to the following questions: Are you feeling the stress that results from trying to achieve success the way the world defines it? Do you want to help your children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews discover the answer to this question? If you can relate to these questions, then please mark your calendar and come join us – you will not be disappointed.

Discover the Difference! Exciting New Video!

Spread the word! Holy Family Regional Catholic School has a new way to promote our Parish elementary school. So watch the film! Discover the Holy Family Difference! And then share the link with friends and family.

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