Prayer for a Pandemic

Pot of Gold

Pot of Gold tickets can be dropped off in the mail slot at the rectory.  Please keep checking the Parish website and follow us on Facebook for the latest updates and information. 

Confessions on Saturday

Confessions will be heard on Saturday, March 21st, at 4:15 in the church.

Pastoral and Spiritual Resources during the Coronavirus Restrictions

During these difficult days, the Lord always remains close to us and provides us ways to receive His grace even when we cannot attend Mass in person. Please find below many excellent resources to nourish you spiritually and help you remain as close as possible to Jesus in the Eucharist during this time.    

Pastoral Messages from Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez in the Wake of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic

News Releases from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia

Spiritual Resources during the Coronavirus Restrictions

The Power of Faith and Hope in a Time of Uncertainty:  Virtual Lenten Retreat

Televised and Live Streamed Masses

Daily Mass

Sunday Mass

Prayers and Daily Bible Readings

Pastoral Messages from Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez in the Wake of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic

Pastoral Messages from Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez in the Wake of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic

Spiritual Message to the Faithful of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia (March 18, 2020)

Mensaje espiritual para los fieles de la Arquidiócesis de Filadelfia (18 de marzo de 2020)

Spiritual Message to the School Students of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia (March 18, 2020)


The Pot of Gold Lottery will continue as scheduled.  The Jackpot Prize is $63,000 and the next drawing will take place on Monday, March 23.  Tickets can be brought to the rectory office and dropped in the mail slot.  Thank you for your continued participation!


Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez Announces The Suspension Of All Public Masses In The Archdiocese Of Philadelphia Effective At Noon Tomorrow

The following announcements and directives have been issued by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.  Please click on the links below to access the full text:

Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez Announces The Suspension Of All Public Masses In The Archdiocese Of Philadelphia Effective At Noon Tomorrow

Directives to all Priests and Deacons


Today, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia in union with dioceses throughout the country, have announced that the Catholic Bishop Abuse Reporting Service (CBAR) has been established as a result of the bishops of the United States ongoing commitment to carrying Vos Estis Lux Mundi.    CLICK HERE  for the full text of the news release.  

Coronavirus and Parish Financial Support

Dear Parishioners,

Financial support for our Parish is vital, and indeed, crucial. Over the years, we have noted that with inclement weather when parishioners were not able to attend Mass, our Sunday collections declined significantly. Unfortunately, for the most part, the Parish lost this source of income.  In more recent times, we have been asking our parishioners to participate in electronic giving in order to provide a steady stream of income to the Parish.

With the Coronavirus COVID 19 affecting almost every aspect of our daily lives, including the weekly financial support of our St. Frances Cabrini Parish, it is all the more imperative that we strongly encourage our parishioners to utilize our electronic giving program.

With Archbishop Nelson Perez suspending the obligation of attending Mass on Sunday for the foreseeable future, we respectfully ask our parishioners to continue their financial support to the Parish by mailing your weekly envelope or sending your contribution electronically.  Electronic contributions can be set up on an ongoing basis, or as a one-time contribution.

There are two ways to send your weekly, monthly or other contributions electronically:

The On-Line Banking Option

  • The simplest method for electronic giving is directly through your banking institution. For those who utilize on line banking for paying bills or sending contributions, simply add our Parish to your list of companies, and set up a recurring or one-time contribution payment.  If you are not currently utilizing Automatic Bill Pay, you can easily sign up for the service through your bank.  The bank then issues a check and mails it directly to the Parish on the schedule set by the individual.  There are no fees to the parishioners or to the Parish to utilize this service.  And, the service is available to anyone who has a bank account.  It is safe, simple and secure.

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) through Parish Giving

  • EFT is the mechanism that allows you to make a transaction directly from your bank account to the parish every month. You may also use credit cards to make these transactions.  Your financial information is safeguarded using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technologies, the same encryption technology employed by banks and other financial institutions. The program is available at no cost to parishioners.  All fees are paid by the Parish.

To enroll in the Parish Giving Program, logon to the St. Frances Cabrini Parish website and click on the link for Parish Giving.  This will bring you to our Parish’s registration page.  As you enroll, you can pick which day of the month to make your donations as well as your preferred payment method.  The choices for payment method are the bank transfer option or credit card option, although, due to the recurring credit card fees, we do ask you to consider the bank transfer option if it is within your means.

Of course, no matter which method you choose to provide your financial support, the Parish records all contributions received and we will issue an annual statement of contributions upon your request.

We thank you for your continued financial support to our Parish Community.


Karen M. David, Parish Business Manager

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