Free Concert at Cathedral on July 1st/Boys’ Choir from Saint Joseph’s Oratory in Quebec

Les Petits Chanteurs du Mont-Royal is celebrating the choir’s 60th anniversary by performing in several cities along the East Coast, including Philadelphia. Led by director Gilbert Patenaude, the group will perform at our Cathedral on Friday, July 1st at 12:35 p.m. All are welcome to attend. The attached flyer contains additional details.

Invitation to Public Open Houses at the New Mormon Temple in Philadelphia

Leadership from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has reached out to the Archdiocese of Philadelphia to share information about open houses for the general public at their newly constructed Philadelphia Temple, which is located at 17th and Vine Streets.

They have graciously invited the faithful of the broader Catholic community to visit the temple before it is dedicated on September 18th. Public open houses have been scheduled between Wednesday, August 10th and Friday, September 9th. Tours will be held on Mondays from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.and Tuesdays through Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. No tours will be offered on Sundays. Comfortable shoes and modest attire are recommended for those who wish to attend. The facility is wheelchair accessible, but service animals are not permitted in the temple.

Space is limited on each tour so visitors are asked to reserve their place by visiting or by calling call 855-537-2000.

Click HERE to view the invitiation

Temporary Victory on PA Bathroom Bills in HOUSE & SENATE

Temporary Victory on PA Bathroom Bills in HOUSE &SENATE.


Thank you to everyone who contacted their State Senator regarding SB 1306, SB 1307 and SB 974. Because of the amount of phone calls received and the important concerns you shared with your senators, the committee vote that was scheduled for Wednesday morning was canceled!

This is only a temporary victory because the vote could still come up as early as Monday next week. We will continue to keep you informed and alert you if and when another vote is scheduled. Please keep praying!


Another temporary victory came this week in the House on what is called a “discharge resolution” to advance HB 1510, “The Bathroom Bill” which would open women’s bathrooms, showers, dressing rooms & dorms to men and boys that self-identify otherwise. There was no vote this week, but it could come up again as early as Wednesday next week.

Thank you for all of your calls and emails! Please keep praying! We will continue to keep you informed and alert you if another vote is scheduled.


Plan to join us in Harrisburg Monday, June 27 for the Defend My Privacy Rally. Invite your friends and family! Click on the “Yes, I’ll be there” button to RSVP. You can also sign up to ride a bus, we have buses leaving from Lancaster, Reading, Millersburg, Gibsonia, Monroeville and Washington, Pa.

Pennsylvania Family Council

23 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101

717-545-0600 |

Help bring people to Harrisburg for the rally.



This newly formed prayer group is a community of women who desire to come together to share faith and prayer so we can deepen our relationship with God and grow as His disciples.  Through these gatherings we hope to help and support each other as we strive to bring our faith and trust in God to our life situations and experiences.

The group will meet every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PMin the Parish Center.  We will begin the sessions praying the Church’s Evening Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours which will be provided.  Following this time of prayer we will then use the book Rediscover Jesus by Matthew Kelly as a source of our sharing and discussion.  Our session will conclude in the Saint Joseph Chapel with a prayer to the Blessed Mother and a reflective song.





A handful of State Senate Republicans are looking to advance Gov. Tom Wolf’s top policy agenda (SB 974), which would have serious implications for personal privacy and safety, and religious freedom.

We’ve been warning you about SB 974, “The Bathroom Bill” which would open women’s bathrooms, showers, dressing rooms & dorms to men and boys that self-identify otherwise. Calls and emails from folks like you have stalled that bill.

However, well-funded out of state special interest groups and powerful lobbyists continue to push, and the latest move is to split SB 974 into parts to force it through in a piecemeal basis.

The first two parts (SB 1306 and SB 1307) could have committee votes as early as Wednesday.  SB 1306 endangers personal privacy in workplaces, and serious religious freedom and conscience threats to religious schools, Christian camps and church employers. SB 1307 deals with housing, which would implicate bathrooms, showers, and even dorm rooms themselves… in college dorms and other such housing situations.

It is critical that you call your state senator and email today (or by Tuesday morning) and tell them to vote no on SB 1306, SB 1307 and SB 974.  Let us know what they tell you.


In the House, there could be a vote as early as Wednesday on what is called a “discharge resolution” to advance HB 1510, “The Bathroom Bill” which would open women’s bathrooms, showers, dressing rooms & dorms to men and boys that self-identify otherwise.

It is critical that you call your State Representative your state representative and email to oppose both the discharge resolution, and HB 1510.

Your family’s personal privacy and liberty depends on you taking action!

Thank you, and please pray!



1. Call your State Senator to oppose SB 1306, SB 1307 and SB 974 (and to email – click here).

2. Call your State Representative to oppose both the discharge resolution, and HB 1510 (and to email – click here).

Why does HB1510 and SB974 impact bathrooms and showers? Click here for a brief explanation

3. Help recruit as many as possible to do the same. Click here to forward this email.

4. Plan to join us in Harrisburg Monday, June 27 for the Defend My Privacy Rally.

Pennsylvania Family Council

23 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101

717-545-0600 |

Help bring people to Harrisburg for the rally.





A handful of State Senate Republicans are looking to advance Gov. Tom Wolf’s top policy agenda (SB 974), which would have serious implications for personal privacy and safety, and religious freedom.

We’ve been warning you about SB 974, “The Bathroom Bill” which would open women’s bathrooms, showers, dressing rooms & dorms to men and boys that self-identify otherwise. Calls and emails from folks like you have stalled that bill.

However, well-funded out of state special interest groups and powerful lobbyists continue to push, and the latest move is to split SB 974 into parts to force it through in a piecemeal basis.

The first two parts (SB 1306 and SB 1307) could have committee votes as early as Wednesday.  SB 1306 deals with housing, which would implicate bathrooms, showers, and even dorm rooms themselves… in college dorms and other such housing situations.  SB 1307 also endangers personal privacy in workplaces, and serious religious freedom and conscience threats to religious schools, Christian camps and church employers.

It is critical that you call your state senator and email today (or by Tuesday morning) and tell them to vote no on SB 1306, SB 1307 and SB 974.  Let us know what they tell you.


In the House, there could be a vote as early as Wednesday on what is called a “discharge resolution” to advance HB 1510, “The Bathroom Bill” which would open women’s bathrooms, showers, dressing rooms & dorms to men and boys that self-identify otherwise.

It is critical that you call your State Representative your state representative and email to oppose both the discharge resolution, and HB 1510.

Your family’s personal privacy and liberty depends on you taking action!

Thank you, and please pray!



1. Call your State Senator to oppose SB 1306, SB 1307 and SB 974 (and to email – click here).

2. Call your State Representative to oppose both the discharge resolution, and HB 1510 (and to email – click here).

Why does HB1510 and SB974 impact bathrooms and showers? Click here for a brief explanation

3. Help recruit as many as possible to do the same. Click here to forward this email.

4. Plan to join us in Harrisburg Monday, June 27 for the Defend My Privacy Rally.

Pennsylvania Family Council

23 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101

Statement from Archbishop Chaput Regarding Shootings in Orlando

Click HERE to view the statement released by Archbishop Chaput regarding the recent shootings in Orlando, Florida.

House Bill 1947


The following was read by Monsignor McCormac at every Mass during the weekend of June 5th, 2016:


Dear Parishioners,


A Bill is currently pending in our State Senate, House Bill 1947, that poses serious dangers for our own Parish Community and for all the parishes, ministries, charities and schools of our Archdiocesan Church.  Through this letter, I urge you to write or telephone your local State Senator and also members of the State Senate Judiciary Committee to vote against HB 1947, and especially to oppose any retroactivity provision in the civil statute of limitation covering sexual abuse.

All of us are rightly angered by the crime of sexual abuse.  Over the past decade, the Catholic Church has worked very hard to support survivors in their healing, to protect our children, and to root this crime out of Church life.  But HB 1947 and bills like it are destructive legislation being advanced as a good solution.  The problem with HB 1947 is its prejudicial content.  It covers both public and religious institutions, but in drastically different and unjust ways.  The Bill fails to support all survivors of abuse equally, and it is a clear attack on the Catholic Church, our parishes and our people.

HB 1947 is retroactive for private and religious entities, but notretroactive for public institutions, that is, it holds private institutions accountable but exempts public institutions regarding civil litigation for sexual abuse of children.  Also, the Bill places very low caps on damages for sexual abuse in public schools in the future.  The Bill also makes it hard for abuse victims to sue public institutions going forward.  Meanwhile, private and religious entities face unlimited liability for exactly the same evil actions, and not just going forward, but also in the past.  This is not justice.  In fact, HB 1947 actually excludes most victims.  HB 1947 does not apply to private and public institutions equally. I believe that the Bill also targets innocent Catholic parishes like ours, and families like your own, that will bear the financial burden of crimes committed by bad individuals in the past, along with the heavy penalties that always result from these bad bills.  This is not just an Archdiocesan problem.  It is very much our Parish Community’s problem.  In other states where similar legislation passed, local parishes exactly like ours have been sued, resulting in parish and school closures and charity work being severely crippled. The effect of bills like HB 1947 is to erase the sacrifices of generations of faithful Catholics who have done nothing wrong.

The Catholic Church in Pennsylvania accepts its responsibility for the survivors of clergy sex abuse.  The Church is committed to helping them heal for however long that takes.   But HB 1947 and bills like it are not an answer.  This kind of legislation is unjust and deeply misleading.  It benefits too few victims, and the Bill ends up punishing Catholic parishes and families who are innocent of any wrongdoing.

This is a serious and time-sensitive matter.  Please take a few minutes to review the important information materials in today’s Parish Bulletin.  Senate hearings begin on or around June 13.  Please act now to contact your State Senator, and members of the State Senate Judiciary Committee, and urge them to oppose HB 1947 and any effort to impose civil statute retroactivity.  You can do this quickly and easily by visiting the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference at  Here you will see a prominent link on the homepage about this vital matter.  Thank you and God bless you.


Sincerely yours in Jesus Christ,


Monsignor Michael P. McCormac



Please watch the following video regarding the sanctity of ALL human life

Our Catholic Faith is already under attack because of our belief in the sanctity of all human life from the moment of conception until NATURAL death.

Please watch this video illustrating actions already being taken against medical professionals who will not participate in abortions.

Oppose Unfair Retroactive Statutes of Limitation

There is an urgent matter in Harrisburg that could impact every Catholic parish, school and ministry in our state. Click here to take immediate action.  

The Catholic Church has learned hard lessons regarding child sexual abuse and has taken responsibility for the abuse that has occurred within its ranks.  The dioceses across Pennsylvania have implemented changes that offer assistance to abuse survivors and affirm that they are not at fault for the crime committed against them.

The Church has also taken great strides to protect children and provide financial assistance for services for survivors and their families, no matter how long ago the crime was committed, and for as long as necessary. Children and adults are trained to recognize and report signs of abuse to ensure that the children in our care are safe and secure. To date, Pennsylvania’s dioceses have spent over $16.6 million to provide compassionate and supportive victim assistance to individuals and families. Learn more about the Catholic Church’s assistance for survivors here.

Despite that, state lawmakers are considering legislation that would retroactively nullify the statute of limitations for filing a civil lawsuit alleging childhood sexual abuse. It would force parishes, dioceses, schools, and charities to defend cases that are 20, 30, or 40 years old, long after the perpetrator and possible witnesses have died or clear evidence is gone. It could lead to the closure of parishes, schools, and ministries of today’s Catholics, who are in no way responsible for abuse that occurred decades ago.

Pennsylvania’s 3 million Catholics cannot afford to defend their parishes and Catholic schools from expensive and unfair lawsuits.

As proposed, a retroactive nullification of the civil statute of limitations for sexual abuse cases would open a floodgate for lawsuits against private and nonprofit organizations, but it would not apply to public schools or government agencies. Public entities would still be able to claim sovereign immunity from lawsuits, even though the vast majority of Pennsylvania students — 83 percent — attend public school. Survivors abused in public schools, juvenile detention facilities, or county foster care programs could not bring suits under the legislation.

Measures that nullified the civil statute of limitations in other states drained billions of dollars from current ministries, parishes, schools and dioceses. Bankruptcy and severe debt was the only option for most dioceses in the states with retroactive windows. One parish in Delaware was hit with a verdict of over $3 million. Very few parishes could afford to go to court; none were able to defend themselves on their own. Financially, they had no choice but to join a group settlement without establishing the facts of individual cases.

Sexual abuse is a serious crime that affects every institution and community in Pennsylvania, public and private. Because of its gravity, it needs to be dealt with comprehensively and fairly.

Any discussion of a legislative remedy must protect all children, not simply penalize some institutions.

Everyone who values our parishes, schools and charitable organizations is urged to ask their state lawmakers to oppose unfair changes to the civil statute of limitations. Click here to contact your elected officials today.

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