RIGHT NOW – House preparing to vote today on ending late-term abortion

BREAKING NEWS: A vote is expected today on HB1948, which would end late-term and dismemberment abortions in Pennsylvania.

Here’s how you can help:

1. Pray.

The Representatives are on the floor right now with final debates on the bill and a vote will take place very soon. We will let you know how the vote takes place.

2. Call/Email your State Representative: “Vote YES on HB1948.”

Your State Representative: your state representative. Even though the vote is about to take place, the debate may take some time and your call can still make a difference (and if you call after the vote takes place, you can ask how they voted and please thank them if they voted YES).

After calling, you can follow-up with an email here: http://www.tinyurl.com/endlateterm

Thank you for your prayers and taking time to call/email. If you would like more about HB1948:

1. A two-page handout on the legislation can be used to inform family and friends on the importance of the legislation. It is for children like Will that we need to update our quarter-century-old abortion law and pass HB1948.

Lydia and Will

2. Video of Representative Kathy Rapp, one of the prime sponsors of HB1948, explaining the importance of updating our over quarter-century-old abortion law.

3. Specifically about dismemberment abortions, understand what exactly takes place with this prodecure by watching Live Action’s video that uses animation to explain a Dilation & Evacuation (D&E) – or dismemberment abortion.

Again, PA Family Council will follow-up with you on the results on the vote – stay tuned to our Facebook page and for future email updates.

Pennsylvania Family Council

23 N Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101 | 717-545-0600 | pafamily.org

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