Days Away From Stopping Bathroom Bills

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Days Away From Protecting Privacy Rights For 2016

This year’s threat of Governor Wolf’s Proposed Bathroom Bills ends on October 26th


If we can make it to Wednesday October 26th without passage of Governor Wolf’s Bathroom Bills, special interest groups will have run out of time this year and we will have a HUGE VICTORY for Pennsylvanians and privacy rights.


Several special interest groups and out-of-state funders thought these Bathroom Bills were a slam dunk to pass this year. They didn’t count on the people of Pennsylvania filling up the State Capitol. They didn’t count on thousands of Pennsylvania residents taking action.


I hope we can count on you to remind your elected officials once more to oppose Governor Wolf’s Bathroom Bills. Please make a quick phone call or click here to send your elected officials an email before next week.


Personal privacy matters. Safety matters. You know this. Our elected officials have heard this. And, if we make it to October 26th without passing Governor Wolf’s Bathroom Bills, Pennsylvania will have protected this for 2016.


Thank you for being a part of this monumental effort to protect personal privacy for our children and families.


Standing with you,


Defend My Privacy Coalition



Defend My Privacy Coalition

Defend My Privacy Coalition

Youth Group Gathering on October 16th



Thank you to all those who attended Sunday night’s Youth Group Meeting! It is going to be a great year!

This fall, the Youth Group will host Trunk or Treat at 3PM on October 30th, then meet again on Wednesday, November 23rd for a service project!


The SFC Youth Group is for all parishioners in grades 3 to 8.  The mission is to inspire the young people of the Parish Community to a life-long relationship with Jesus Christ.  They learn this through the friendships made during service projects and social events throughout the year. All are welcome and volunteers are always needed to help at these Youth Group-sponsored events.  Safe Environment clearances are required in order to volunteer with Youth Ministry.  The rectory staff is available to assist volunteers in obtaining these clearances.


Statement from USCCB President, Archbishop Kurtz: The Gospel Serves the Common Good, Not Political Agendas

The following is a statement  from Archbishop Joseph Kurtz, President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in regards to Archbishop Chaput’s most recent column, “About Those Unthinking, Backward Catholics.”.,


His statement, “The Gospel Serves the Common Good, Not Political Agendas,” which was released this morning, can be found below.


A statement from Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky

President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops


WASHINGTON—At this important time in our nation’s history, I encourage all of us to take a moment to reflect on one of the founding principles of our republic – the freedom of religion. It ensures the right of faith communities to preserve the integrity of their beliefs and proper self-governance. There have been recent reports that some may have sought to interfere in the internal life of the Church for short-term political gain. If true, this is troubling both for the well-being of faith communities and the good of our country. 


In our faith and our Church, Christ has given us a precious gift. As Catholics, we hold onto our beliefs because they come to us from Jesus, not a consensus forged by contemporary norms. The Gospel is offered for all people for all times. It invites us to love our neighbor and live in peace with one another. For this reason, the truth of Christ is never outdated or inaccessible. The Gospel serves the common good, not political agendas.


I encourage my fellow Catholic brothers and sisters, and all people of good will, to be good stewards of the precious rights we have inherited as citizens of this country. We also expect public officials to respect the rights of people to live their faith without interference from the state. When faith communities lose this right, the very idea of what it means to be an American is lost.

Politicians, their staffs and volunteers should reflect our best aspirations as citizens. Too much of our current political discourse has demeaned women and marginalized people of faith. This must change. True to the best hopes of our founding fathers, we are confident that we can and will do better as a nation.

President isn’t the only race on the ballot on Nov. 8

Don’t Stay Home – Congress is the legislative check on the President

Dont Stay Home Green.jpgThis November, people across the nation will be voting in the 2016 General Election for the next President of the United States. Americans are concerned for the well-being of the nation and have an important decision to make when choosing who will next take on the Oval Office. Pennsylvanians too have offices up for election that will have an equally important impact at the state level.

The General Election offers the opportunity for Pennsylvanians to vote for their next U.S. Senator, U.S. Congressman, Attorney General, Auditor General, State Treasurer, State Senator (for half the state), and State Representative.

What role do these offices play in the well-being of Pennsylvania? We have created a list of the offices up for election, the responsibilities they hold and what impact they can have. Look for more information in the coming weeks on the role these public offices play and how, depending on who fills those offices, they can positively or negatively affect Pennsylvania.

We’ll start with Congress.

Congress is the legislative branch of the federal government and it is comprised of both the Senate and the House of Representatives. Each state elects two senators to represent them in the Senate and a number of representatives, proportional to their state’s population, to represent them in the House. As the legislative branch, U.S. Senators and Representatives are in charge of making and passing federal laws that touch upon all aspects of U.S. domestic and foreign policy. These legislators introduce the laws signed or vetoed by the President, and can also support or oppose the President’s agenda for the country.

U.S. Senators provide advice and consent on executive nominations and treaties, as well as conduct oversight of all branches of the federal government. Their advice and consent extends to Presidential nominations of Supreme Court Justices. Currently there is a vacancy for a Supreme Court Justice. The Senate will be responsible for holding a hearing for any Justice nominations made by the President. Senators will vote for or against nominations, and once confirmed by the Senate are appointed to the Supreme Court. Because Supreme Court Justices have life tenure in the highest court in the U.S., the appointing of a constitutional justice is crucial to the future of the United States. Supreme Court Justices have the last say on what is and what isn’t constitutional.

U.S. Representatives introduce bills and resolutions, pass federal laws, offer amendments and serve on committees. Each state has a number of representatives proportional to their state’s population. Pennsylvania currently holds 18 representative seats in the U.S. House. These representatives have the power to support or oppose bills that will eventually head to the President’s desk, and to introduce the Federal budget, but constituents have the power to select which representatives they’ll put into that position of power.

Take Action!

  1. Visit to get your free personalized ballot so you know where the U.S. Senate and U.S. House candidates stand on the issues important to you.
  2. Order printed Voter’s Guides for your church.
  3. Vote on Tuesday, November 8th!

In the next email we’ll discuss the state row offices (Attorney General, Auditor General and State Treasurer)…

Pennsylvania Family Institute

23 N Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101

717-545-0600 |

2016 General Election Voter’s Guide:

Promotional Resources Regarding Domestic Church Media

Domestic Church Media, an affiliate of EWTN – The Global Catholic Network, currently operates three full time Catholic radio stations in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. While 80% of their programming comes from EWTN, 20% is produced locally, featuring hosts, guests, stories and special programming from within the Archdiocese. Two programs airing on DCM are The Vocation Hour with Father Stephen DeLacy, which promotes vocations and the work of the Archdiocese, and La Voz de Dios en Las Voces de Nuestros Pueblos, a Spanish language program seeking to bring Hispanic Catholics closer to their faith.
DCM can be heard on WFJS 1260 AM. Although there are many areas of the Archdiocese that do not receive the DCM radio signal at this time, anyone can listen via streaming audio and via their free mobile app. Pertinent links are below.

REMINDER: First Youth Group Meeting Sunday!



Youth Group Meet and Greet!

On Sunday, October 16th from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM our Youth Group will host our Annual Welcome Back Night! All current and new members in 3rd-8th grade are invited to join us in the Youth Group Room in the Father Laut Building for some games, crafts and refreshments! Please RSVP to Alixandra Holden at We can’t wait to see you there!

Pizza will be served!


Due to the lack of teams available for this Saturday’s Trivia Night, the event has been postponed until the Spring.   We will keep you updated with a future date.  Thank you to all who were interested and offered to volunteer.

Should Doctors Be Neutral on Suicide?

Most of us have spent time with a loved one at the end of his or her life.  Depending on circumstances, this could have been a peaceful and loving experience or one filled with anxiety and uncertainty.
Some see doctor prescribed suicide as the solution to this uncertainty.  However, doctor prescribed suicide is anything but an easy answer.  Simply put, doctor prescribed suicide normalizes suicide as the solution to suffering, encourages decisions to be made based on cost containment instead of human dignity, and relies on inaccurate predictions of quality of life to determine a person’s worth.

The American Medical Association (AMA) is considering a resolution to change its decades-long opposition to doctor prescribed suicide. There are many risks in legalizing assisted suicide, particularly to socially marginalized groups of people like the disabled and the elderly. At the end of life, supportive care for both the patient and his or her family is what is needed. Physical pain and depression can be alleviated through medicine and therapy. Responsible healthcare demands putting the symptoms and needs of the patient first.


If the AMA weakens its opposition, the move will send a message to the legislature that legalizing suicide is acceptable.


Additional resources from the PCC can be found at


Please read this material and consider sending a message to the AMA via the link below asking them to support the dignity of every person and the need for supportive and comprehensive end of life care.

Full Video of News Conference Announcing Launch of Project Rachel

Yesterday morning Archbishop Chaput hosted a news conference to announce the launch of Project Rachel in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.


This ministry is a collaborative effort of Catholic Social Services and the Office for Life and Family. Its goal is to provide a comprehensive and integrated approach to healing for men and women whose lives have been impacted by the decision to abort a child. It does so through reconciliation, professional counseling, prayer, liturgies, retreats, and support groups. The work is performed confidentially and services are tailored to the unique circumstances of each individual.


There is a video from the news conference here:  Please consider sharing this material broadly with others and join me in praying for the success of this new ministry that it may provide reconciliation, comfort, and most of all peace to those in need of God’s healing mercy. Thank you.

HFRCS Introduces STREAM!


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