Days Away From Stopping Bathroom Bills

Defend My Privacy
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Days Away From Protecting Privacy Rights For 2016

This year’s threat of Governor Wolf’s Proposed Bathroom Bills ends on October 26th


If we can make it to Wednesday October 26th without passage of Governor Wolf’s Bathroom Bills, special interest groups will have run out of time this year and we will have a HUGE VICTORY for Pennsylvanians and privacy rights.


Several special interest groups and out-of-state funders thought these Bathroom Bills were a slam dunk to pass this year. They didn’t count on the people of Pennsylvania filling up the State Capitol. They didn’t count on thousands of Pennsylvania residents taking action.


I hope we can count on you to remind your elected officials once more to oppose Governor Wolf’s Bathroom Bills. Please make a quick phone call or click here to send your elected officials an email before next week.


Personal privacy matters. Safety matters. You know this. Our elected officials have heard this. And, if we make it to October 26th without passing Governor Wolf’s Bathroom Bills, Pennsylvania will have protected this for 2016.


Thank you for being a part of this monumental effort to protect personal privacy for our children and families.


Standing with you,


Defend My Privacy Coalition



Defend My Privacy Coalition

Defend My Privacy Coalition

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