Full Video of News Conference Announcing Launch of Project Rachel

Yesterday morning Archbishop Chaput hosted a news conference to announce the launch of Project Rachel in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.


This ministry is a collaborative effort of Catholic Social Services and the Office for Life and Family. Its goal is to provide a comprehensive and integrated approach to healing for men and women whose lives have been impacted by the decision to abort a child. It does so through reconciliation, professional counseling, prayer, liturgies, retreats, and support groups. The work is performed confidentially and services are tailored to the unique circumstances of each individual.


There is a video from the news conference here:   https://vimeo.com/catholicphilly/projectrachel  Please consider sharing this material broadly with others and join me in praying for the success of this new ministry that it may provide reconciliation, comfort, and most of all peace to those in need of God’s healing mercy. Thank you.

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