Action Needed for “School Choice Now Act”

A message from the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference:

Thank you for all your continued support of Catholic education! We need one more big push from all our Catholic education stakeholders to be successful.

Contact your members of Congress and ask them to support the new “School Choice Now Act” and include all Catholic school students and teachers in the emergency relief package currently being negotiated.

Here is more from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:

COVID-19 has contributed to the permanent closure of 138 Catholic schools across 23 states.  Additionally, internal surveys show ten percent of Catholic schools are now uncertain if they can open their doors this fall. That means as many as 500 or more Catholic schools could be in jeopardy.

As the Senate prepares its next aid bill, we ask that the next COVID relief package include immediate assistance to families through federally-funded scholarships.

The Alexander-Scott “School Choice Now Act” provides one-time, emergency funding for scholarship-granting organizations in each state; and provides permanent dollar-for-dollar
federal tax credits for contributions to scholarship granting organizations.

Please contact your U.S. Representative and Senators today to request support of the Alexander-Scott “School Choice Now Act” in the base bill.

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The 9:00 Mass is returning on Sunday, August 2!

Beginning this weekend, August 1-2, we will be returning to the regular Sunday Mass schedule with Masses being celebrated on Saturday evening at 5:30 PM, and Sunday morning at 7:00, 9:00 and 11:00 AM.


POG Resumes

Correction to Phone Number for Mail in Ballot Information

The correct phone number to reach the PA Department of State is 1-877-868-3772.

As the June 2 primary approaches, we are all reminded of the importance of performing our civic duty by voting.  This year, the State of Pennsylvania is encouraging people to vote safely by mail.  To start the process of signing up for “Vote by Mail” go to and follow the directions.  If you do not have access to the Internet, you can also get a paper application for “Vote by Mail” by calling the PA Department of State at 1-877-868-3772

YOUR VOTE COUNTS! Sign up to VOTE BY MAIL for the June 2 Primary

As the June 2 primary approaches, we are all reminded of the importance of performing our civic duty by voting.  This year, the State of Pennsylvania is encouraging people to vote safely by mail.  To start the process of signing up for “Vote by Mail” go to and follow the directions.  If you do not have access to the Internet, you can also get a paper application for “Vote by Mail” by calling the PA Department of State at 1-877-868-3722.

Ask the Governor to sign the Telemedicine Bill

The PA House and Senate have passed a Telemedicine Bill that will facilitate improved healthcare across the state. After intense debate in both chambers, the measure passed in a form that would prohibit its use for abortions. For this reason, Governor Wolf has promised to veto the bill.


The Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference, Eric Failing, pointed out that a third of all abortions being done now are done so chemically. “If our pro-life prohibitions would be stripped out of the Telemedicine bill, the number of abortions in Pennsylvania would increase dramatically. Using Telemedicine for abortions is a stated goal for Planned Parenthood because they can do more chemical abortions, with fewer doctors and less overhead costs.”
Failing called on Governor Wolf to sign the bill.
“The Governor tells us every day how much he cares about human lives,” Failing said. “Now is the time to set aside politics and sign a bill into law that will save lives.”

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Thank Your Senators Who Voted for Senate Bill 857


Pa. Telemedicine Senate Bill 857

Yesterday the State Senate passed SB 857, a crucial bill that would increase access to telemedicine for people throughout Pennsylvania. The bill passed 29-21, mostly along party lines, with one Independent joining Republicans to vote in support of the bill. (The bill passed the PA House late last year with a bipartisan majority.)

The bill contains safeguard language that ensures it cannot be used to allow risky telemedication abortions by requiring a doctor to administer in-person and at a health facility any of the drugs flagged by the FDA with serious safety concerns, which includes the abortion drug Mifeprex.

However, Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry – desiring another way of increasing their profits – are now attacking the 29 senators who voted YES on SB 857.

Please, join me in thanking the 29 common sense senators who passed a safe telemedicine bill to ensure that families all across PA are kept safe and healthy. Your voice matters and this is a great way to celebrate a life-protecting victory. Click here to send a message now.

Responding to a global healthcare crisis should not include expanding abortion access.

A safe telemedicine bill is what every Senator should have been able to agree upon yet all 21 Democrat senators voted against SB 857 because it did not allow the use of telemedicine to include remote abortions. It is important now to thank your senator for a good vote, and it is equally important to hold those who voted against it accountable.

If your senator voted against SB 857, let them know that now is not the time to allow politics to get in the way of crucial care in the midst of a pandemic.

A Message from the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference

We’ve come to you before asking for your support on this critical pro-life issue and we are doing it again as the process of lawmaking continues. The PA Senate is taking up the issue of Telemedicine today with the issue of its containing provisions for abortion likely to be discussed. This is an extremely vital pro-life issue–the most critical pro-life vote of the session. We must prohibit the the use of Telemedicine for abortions. 

Please ask your senator to support the pro-life version of Telemedicine and to vote the bill on concurrence without an amendment.

Thank you!!!

Click the link below to log in and send your message:

Pennsylvania Catholic Conference

National Moment of Prayer on Good Friday

In response to the dynamic and ever-evolving health crisis caused by the Coronavirus (COVID-19), Most Reverend José H. Gomez, President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and Archbishop of Los Angeles, has invited Catholics across the nation to participate in a moment of prayer on Good Friday that will be streamed live via….

Locally, Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez is strongly encouraging the faithful throughout the five-county Archdiocese of Philadelphia to join Archbishop Gomez in this prayerful initiative for the intentions of the sick, suffering, and their caregivers as well as government and health officials who are working tirelessly to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic.

As a united human family, Catholics will pray the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and seek our Savior’s healing and protection.

In his Message for Holy Week, Archbishop Gomez said, “The Holy Father has granted a special plenary indulgence to those who pray for an end to this pandemic. To receive this indulgence, you need to pray the Litany of the Sacred Heart on Good Friday, be truly sorry for your sins and desire to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation as soon as it is possible, and you need to pray for the intentions of the Pope.”

For more information, please click here.

Thank you.

Sincerely in Christ,

Rev. Msgr. Daniel J. Sullivan

Vicar for Clergy

Live Broadcast of Palm Sunday Mass at 9:00 AM

On Sunday morning, April 5, we will have a live broadcast of our 9:00 AM Palm Sunday Mass. While we cannot be together in person, we can still pray as a Parish Community. Please visit our Parish website to access the live stream broadcast. The Mass will also be available for later viewing in our Broadcast Video Library.

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