2017 Memorial Mass

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On Thursday evening, November 2nd, Saint Frances Cabrini Parish Community celebrated their Annual Memorial Mass.  Over 350 people gathered to pray for their loved ones who entered into eternal life during this past year.  Monsignor McCormac and the Parish Staff are grateful to all those who accepted their invitation to come and participate in this special liturgy wherein their loved ones where especially honored and remembered. They also thank the many members of the Parish Community who assisted in any way during the Eucharistic celebration and/or in the preparations for the reception following the Mass.

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The candles represent the 128 loved ones who were remembered at last night’s Annual Memorial Mass

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Pressure Building to Continue Funding “Sex-Change” Surgery on Children

We have just received word that State House Republican leadership is being pressured to remove key language that prevents taxpayer funding of “sex change” operations on children. This important language to Pennsylvania’s Children’s Health Program, or CHIP, was added in the Senate last week by a 37-13 vote.

Now, that key provision eliminating taxpayer funding of “sex-change” surgery on children is being threatened in the House. We need you to take action today to protect children and taxpayers. Here’s what we’re asking you to do now:

1) Contact those in leadership and your own State Representative, and

2) Encourage others to do the same.

Here are the details:

House Bill 1388 as amended from the State Senate would renew the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) while also ending taxpayer funding for “gender reassignment” surgery on children, which Governor Wolf unilaterally authorized last year. A bipartisan 37-13 vote in the State Senate included the amendment added to HB 1388 to end taxpayer funding for “sex change” surgery on children.

Description: Image removed by sender. Pass HB1388 as amendedIt is harmful to continue a policy that forces taxpayers to pay for irreversible surgery of a child’s physical sex, something many private insurance companies won’t even pay for here in Pennsylvania. Removing the Senate-passed amendment would continue forcing you and me to pay for “sex change” surgeries on children.

Here’s the two actions we need you to do:

1) Tell your State House Republican leadership, along with your own State Representative, to pass HB 1388 as amendment and to end the taxpayer funding of “sex change” surgery on children. You may use our Citizen Action Center to enter a form that will automatically send an email to both House Republican leadership and your State Representative.

2) Once you’ve sent this message, please encourage others to do the same – to forward this email, simply click here.

Your contacts with these elected officials is critical especially before the House comes back in session Monday, November 13th

Thanks for your involvement on this and stay tuned for more on this legislation.


Michael Geer, President

Pennsylvania Family Council

Tell Gov. Wolf to Sign Bill Increasing Education Tax Credits!

As part of Pennsylvania 2017-18 state budget, lawmakers approved a $10 million increase for the expansion of the Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program. That is great news; however, Governor Wolf has yet to sign the bill into law. In fact, he has threatened to veto the legislation that would provide for the increase.

The Pennsylvania Catholic Conference has sent a letter to the governor urging him to sign the education funding bill into law, noting that this bill would allow for more scholarships for students to attend the school that is best for them.

Your hard work in supporting this effort has helped this important legislation reach the governor’s desk. You too can send a letter to Governor Wolf urging him to sign the education funding bill into law today!

Click the link below to log in and send your message:

2017 St. Charles Borromeo Seminary Appeal



– Archbishop Chaput

Click HERE to view a video on the Seminary

We hope you prayerfully consider donating to help the Seminarians, Diaconate candidates and students in the graduate program.

To learn more visit : https://www.stcharlesseminaryappeal.org


Due to Inclement Weather, The Trunk or Treat is Cancelled

Due to Inclement Weather, The Trunk or Treat is Cancelled

Closer to Ending Your Taxdollars for Child “Sex Change” Surgery

I know it’s quite alarming to realize your taxdollars are currently being used to fund “sex change” surgery on children, but the State Senate just voted to change this.


By a 37-13 bipartisan vote, the Senate passed HB1388, which renews the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) without the unilateral change made by Governor Wolf last year to continue taxpayer funding of “gender reassignment” surgery on children. (For a roll call on the vote, click here.)


As I said in our press release, you should not have to pay for life changing, irreversible “sex change” surgeries on children. And an executive order by Governor Wolf last year to include coverage for these surgeries in our state’s popular CHIP program in the first place is unacceptable.


This bill now moves to the PA House of Representatives and I certainly encourage you to contact your State Representative now in support of HB1388 as amended. You may use our Citizen Action Center to enter a form that will automatically send an email to your State Representative.


Thanks for reading this, for partnering with us and I will keep you posted on any new developments with this legislation, as well as the ongoing budget talks. Stay tuned!



Michael Geer, President

Pennsylvania Family Council


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Pennsylvania Family Council

23 N Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101


717-545-0600 | pafamily.org


heed the call

Click HERE for more info!


trunk or treat 2017

Update Regarding Development Plans for the Cathedral Block


The Archdiocese is announcing that it has formally put forward a “Request for Qualifications” (RFQ) from developers interested in pursuing this redevelopment opportunity, which envisions a ground lease of no more than 60 years. Any project would need to respect the integrity of the Cathedral and its rectory. If necessary, the Archdiocese would consider moving staff from the current property to another location in Center City within a 1-2 block radius of the Cathedral. It is anticipated that several developers will participate in the RFQ process and that the project will be put out to bid in early 2018.   The full news release is attached HERE.



hawk walk

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