Closer to Ending Your Taxdollars for Child “Sex Change” Surgery

I know it’s quite alarming to realize your taxdollars are currently being used to fund “sex change” surgery on children, but the State Senate just voted to change this.


By a 37-13 bipartisan vote, the Senate passed HB1388, which renews the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) without the unilateral change made by Governor Wolf last year to continue taxpayer funding of “gender reassignment” surgery on children. (For a roll call on the vote, click here.)


As I said in our press release, you should not have to pay for life changing, irreversible “sex change” surgeries on children. And an executive order by Governor Wolf last year to include coverage for these surgeries in our state’s popular CHIP program in the first place is unacceptable.


This bill now moves to the PA House of Representatives and I certainly encourage you to contact your State Representative now in support of HB1388 as amended. You may use our Citizen Action Center to enter a form that will automatically send an email to your State Representative.


Thanks for reading this, for partnering with us and I will keep you posted on any new developments with this legislation, as well as the ongoing budget talks. Stay tuned!



Michael Geer, President

Pennsylvania Family Council


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