Cancelled: SFC Designer Bag Bingo Saturday, October 5th

**Due to low ticket sales and various other events on this same date, our Bag Bingo will now be held in February. We look forward to seeing everyone then. 

Prizes will be 100% Authentic Designer Purses! Doors open at 6:00 PM, Bingo begins at 7:00 PM. Ticket price includes 3 chances to win on 10 games of Bingo. Purchase 10 or more tickets to reserve a table.

For ticket information or reservations, contact JoAnn Holden at 215-946-4040.

Join us for a fun night out to support Saint Frances Cabrini Parish!!

Archbishop Chaput’s Statement Regarding Standoff and Shooting of Philadelphia Police Officers in Tioga-Nicetown


“In reflecting on violent acts in our country a short time ago, I remarked that we’d soon be on to the next crisis—and it unfolded right here in our city. Like many Philadelphians I watched the news with growing anxiety and sadness yesterday afternoon and evening as the number of police officers shot and injured continued to rise. It was a prolonged period of chaotic tension for the Philadelphia Police Department, first responders, and the residents of Tioga-Nicetown.

We should all be grateful for the daily self-sacrifice of our law enforcement community as well as the perseverance and professionalism of those who worked to bring yesterday’s standoff to an end without loss of life or further violence.

In the aftermath, let’s pray that God will aid the swift recovery of the injured officers, that He will guide the hand of the medical professionals treating them, and that He will pour His comforting grace upon all those suffering burdens of fear and grief.

The terror that filled yesterday serves as a stark reminder not only of the fragility of life but also of the clear and present danger that illegal drugs and illegally obtained firearms pose to our community. In addition to our prayers, let’s work together toward sensible solutions that address the root causes of continued violence and seek to lift up those struggling with addictions.

Let us resolve each day to treat our brothers and sisters with dignity, charity, and respect. May we all embrace that which is good so that the light of Christ will prevail in a world where evil often rears its head.”

+Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.

Archbishop of Philadelphia



Tell Universal to drop plans to release movie of ‘humans hunting humans’

Tell Universal to drop plans to release movie of ‘humans hunting humans

Universal Studios is taking a page out of Satan’s evil and demonic playbook as it gets ready to release “The Hunt” in theaters in September.

The movie is a graphic and extremely violent film that portrays humans hunting other humans for sport. In “the Hunt,” rich elitists jet to a resort where a dozen conservatives have been stranded after being kidnapped. The victims, clearly resembling “Make America Great Again” Trump supporters, are loosed in a game preserve to be hunted like wild animals. You can watch the movie trailer here, but be warned, it is extremely graphic.

According to the Hollywood Reporter (THR), characters in the film refer to the victims as “deplorables,” which is what Hillary Clinton famously dubbed Trump supporters during the 2016 election. THR noted that a character asks, “Did anyone see what our ratf–ker-in-chief just did?” A character responds, “At least the hunt’s coming up. Nothing better than going out to the Manor and slaughtering a dozen deplorables.”

Originally, the movie was titled, “Red State vs. Blue State.”

Tell Universal to drop movie based on ‘humans hunting humans’

In the days following the mass murders in Texas and Ohio, Universal paused promotion of the film. Obviously, it recognized how deeply disturbing and dangerous it is to promote humans slaughtering other humans.

Political satirist Tim Young told FoxNews “The Hunt” goes over the line. “Why would anyone think it’s a great idea to have a movie about hunting down someone who doesn’t agree with them politically? It’s remarkable to me that the left blames Donald Trump’s rhetoric for violence, then literally spends millions to normalize the killing of people based on politics,” Young said.

“We’re told over and over again by the left, especially in Hollywood, that this country is more divided than ever and we need to come together… is this what they mean by it? Come together to murder your neighbors that you don’t agree with? This film is sick and shows just how hateful the left has become,” he added.


Sign our petition to Universal Studios now, urging it to drop all plans to release this despicable and sickening promotion of murder as sport.

Biking for Vocations!!

Summer 2019 | Special Edition – August
Biking for Vocations – August 2019
Dear Vocation Supporter –


On Thursday, August 8th, several seminarians from St. Charles Borromeo Seminary will kick off the 5-day Biking for Vocations Pilgrimage. Fr. Chris Cooke, Director of the Spiritual Year, will also be joining the seminarians.

Between August 8-12th, the seminarians will cycle 150 miles and visit ten churches in the Archdiocese in order to raise awareness of vocations to the priesthood and generate support for the seminarians currently in formation.

This pilgrimage reflects the diligence and effort involved in discerning and pursuing a vocation. Visiting many churches reminds us that a priestly vocation is not an individual affair, but instead is built on a collective effort of the whole church praying with and for these men.

We hope that many will join us at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary on Thursday, August 8th at 9:00 AM to show support for the seminarians and pray for a safe and fruitful trip. Similarly, all are welcome to join us on Monday, August 12th at 4:30 PM, as we welcome the seminarians back to St. Charles Borromeo Seminary.

Many additional events are open to everyone in the Archdiocese – please see the flyer. 


Additional details, including the seminarians who are riding, a complete itinerary, and video footage are available on our website at In addition, please follow us on social media – FacebookInstagram, and Twitter – throughout the Pilgrimage!

Thank you for your support and helping to create a culture of vocations in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia!

Tell the National Education Association to drop pro-abortion stand

AFA ActionTell National Education Association to drop abortion platform

Among the most powerful entities in the United States are teachers’ unions. Just last week at the National Education Association’s (NEA) annual conference, the NEA, which is the largest teachers’ union in the U.S., with more than 3 million members, approved New Business Item 56, a resolution expressing full and unlimited support for abortion access.

The NEA resolution states: “The NEA will include an assertion of our defense of a person’s right to control their own body, especially for women, youth and sexually marginalized people. The NEA vigorously opposes all attacks on the right to choose and stands on the fundamental right to abortion under Roe v. Wade.”

As if that wasn’t bad enough, the NEA went on to suggest that pro-lifers were “misogynistic forces” who “want to abolish the gains of women’s right movement.”

Sign our petition to the NEA, urging it to rescind New Business Item 56 and remove itself from the abortion debate.

Reading these quotes, I have to ask myself how an organization charged with making school a safe haven for kids and a good workplace for teachers can be so anti-children in its beliefs? It’s because the NEA has morphed into a massive liberal special interest group, committed to pushing an extreme liberal agenda that most of its teacher members find appalling.

According to the Washington Examiner, the NEA has been supporting progressive social causes for years, including staggering donations to liberal political candidates. From 2017 to 2018, the NEA gave almost $20 million in political donations. Nearly $2.5 million of that went to Democrats, and over $16 million went to liberal groups. But only $216,280 went to Republicans.

Abortion is nothing more than a culture of death. The NEA should rethink its support of it.


Sign our petition to the NEA, urging it to rescind New Business Item 56 and remove itself from the abortion debate.

Electrical Outage Continues – Pot of Gold Drawing Held on Tuesday

The electrical outage on the Parish campus continues today.  The rectory office is running on a generator, but we do not have phone service.  The Pot of Gold drawing was held in the rectory on Tuesday evening and the winner sheet is now available on the Pot of Gold page.  Many thanks to our dedicated Pot of Gold volunteers for enduring the heat on Monday night to date stamp the Pot of Gold tickets by flashlight and candlelight, and for returning last night to validate the tickets at the rectory.   Due to their generosity of time and service, we were able to hold our Pot of Gold drawing this week despite the lack of electricity.

Pot of Luck Drawing Postponed till Tuesday 7/23

Due to a Power Outage, the Pot of Luck Drawing is postponed till Tuesday, July 23rd.

What Really Happened on July 4th, 1776

As we celebrate Independence Day, I want to share an excellent short article by historian Stephen McDowell titled “What Really Happened on July 4th.”

Please read it and share with friends and family. To me, what happened on that day, 243 years ago, is one of the most monumental days in human history outside the events of the Bible.

Have a wonderful July 4th celebration!

Thank you,

Tim Wildmon, President
American Family Association

Chloe Kondrich: the global impact of one young girl with Down Syndrome

Chloe Kondrich: the global impact of one young girl with Down Syndrome

Kurt and Chloe Kondrich, a teenager with Down syndrome, tell “an incredible story of life, death, disability, and the power of an innocent child to bring people unity, hope and peace,” to quote Maria Gallagher. This wonderful Father/Daughter team will be featured at NRLC 2019’s closing banquet, Saturday night, July 6.


Register for our PREP program today! Early Registration available.


It is now time to enroll for the 2019-2020 PREP year.  Classes will continue to be held on Monday evenings and Tuesday evenings from 6:30 PM to 7:45 PM. Kindergarten will only be offered on Monday evening and SPRED will only be offered on Tuesday evening. SPRED is a program of religious instruction specifically designed for children who require accommodations in a classroom setting. Please watch for additional information on our SPRED Program.

Please note, the tuition for 2019-2020 will be $225.00 for one child and $350.00 for two or more children. No payment is due at this time, however, all financial obligations for the current 2018-2019 year must be fulfilled before your enrollment for 2019-2020 can be processed. Invoices and payment options for the 2019-2020 year will be mailed out on August 1 and the full PREP tuition must be paid, or online payment arrangements in place, no later than September 1.

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