Register for our PREP program today! Early Registration available.


It is now time to enroll for the 2019-2020 PREP year.  Classes will continue to be held on Monday evenings and Tuesday evenings from 6:30 PM to 7:45 PM. Kindergarten will only be offered on Monday evening and SPRED will only be offered on Tuesday evening. SPRED is a program of religious instruction specifically designed for children who require accommodations in a classroom setting. Please watch for additional information on our SPRED Program.

Please note, the tuition for 2019-2020 will be $225.00 for one child and $350.00 for two or more children. No payment is due at this time, however, all financial obligations for the current 2018-2019 year must be fulfilled before your enrollment for 2019-2020 can be processed. Invoices and payment options for the 2019-2020 year will be mailed out on August 1 and the full PREP tuition must be paid, or online payment arrangements in place, no later than September 1.

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