Archives for February 2017


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URGENT CALL to ACTION: Defend Life and Religious Liberty!

Your help is urgently needed to contact the White House today. Please let the Trump Administration know that we expect them to do what President Trump promised yesterday in his remarks to the National Prayer Breakfast when he said, “that my administration will do everything in its power to defend and protect religious liberty in our land.”
Whose voice do you want the President to hear? Public outcry by forces hostile to our religious freedom has already begun. They are attempting to pressure the Administration into not issuing the order. If we do not raise our voices today, friends, President Trump may hear only the demands of those with an agenda disrespectful of our rights to live according to our deeply held beliefs. It is up to us to let him know what we expect. Please act today!



Our religious freedoms have been disrespected and greatly eroded in recent years. Just ask the Little Sisters of the Poor, those California churches forced to provide abortion coverage in healthcare, or those who have been punished for running their family businesses according to their deeply held beliefs. The President can and should issue an Executive Order that protects the religious liberty of all people, of all faiths, at all times.
It is in the Trump Administration’s power to immediately issue an Executive Order to restore the federal government’s respect for the religious freedom of individuals and organizations by establishing a government-wide initiative to respect religious freedom. Please urge the White House to defend our first freedom by sending the message we have prepared for you. Please share this alert on social media.
Thank you for acting now to defend life and religious liberty!
Together we will be heard!

NEW VIDEO: We’re calling out Planned Parenthood

There’s something Planned Parenthood and PA Family Institute can agree on:


PP PA Advocates Tweet

Planned Parenthood needs to be called out. See this video to know why:

USCCB Chairmen Respond with Concern to Decision to Retain Deeply Flawed Executive Order

The bishop-chairmen of two USCCB committees expressed concern and disappointment with President Donald Trump’s decision to retain President Barack Obama’s Executive Order 13672 of July 21, 2014, which prohibits federal government contractors from undefined “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” discrimination, and forbids “gender identity” discrimination in the employment of federal employees.

You can read the full response HERE.

Archbishop Chaput’s Column–Persons First: Refugees, Immigrants and Executive Orders

In his latest column Archbishop Chaput writes, “…individuals have obligations to the common good, and governments have a particular duty to provide for public security; otherwise they lose their legitimacy. But we can’t serve the common good by exploiting or callously mistreating individuals, especially the weak. Being ‘prolife’ involves a great deal more than a defense of unborn life, though it should naturally start there. We also have grave responsibilities to the poor, the infirm, the elderly and the immigrant – responsibilities that will shape our encounter with the God of justice when we meet him face to face.

There are few embodiments of the weak more needy or compelling than refugees. This is why the Church in the United States has reacted so strongly, so negatively — and so properly – to President Trump’s executive orders of January 28. ”

You can read the complete column by visiting or opening the attached document.

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