Pot of Luck Drawing Postponed till Tuesday 7/23

Due to a Power Outage, the Pot of Luck Drawing is postponed till Tuesday, July 23rd.

What Really Happened on July 4th, 1776

As we celebrate Independence Day, I want to share an excellent short article by historian Stephen McDowell titled “What Really Happened on July 4th.”

Please read it and share with friends and family. To me, what happened on that day, 243 years ago, is one of the most monumental days in human history outside the events of the Bible.

Have a wonderful July 4th celebration!

Thank you,

Tim Wildmon, President
American Family Association

Chloe Kondrich: the global impact of one young girl with Down Syndrome

Chloe Kondrich: the global impact of one young girl with Down Syndrome

Kurt and Chloe Kondrich, a teenager with Down syndrome, tell “an incredible story of life, death, disability, and the power of an innocent child to bring people unity, hope and peace,” to quote Maria Gallagher. This wonderful Father/Daughter team will be featured at NRLC 2019’s closing banquet, Saturday night, July 6.



Register for our PREP program today! Early Registration available.


It is now time to enroll for the 2019-2020 PREP year.  Classes will continue to be held on Monday evenings and Tuesday evenings from 6:30 PM to 7:45 PM. Kindergarten will only be offered on Monday evening and SPRED will only be offered on Tuesday evening. SPRED is a program of religious instruction specifically designed for children who require accommodations in a classroom setting. Please watch for additional information on our SPRED Program.

Please note, the tuition for 2019-2020 will be $225.00 for one child and $350.00 for two or more children. No payment is due at this time, however, all financial obligations for the current 2018-2019 year must be fulfilled before your enrollment for 2019-2020 can be processed. Invoices and payment options for the 2019-2020 year will be mailed out on August 1 and the full PREP tuition must be paid, or online payment arrangements in place, no later than September 1.

Call for Funding Increase for Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC)

As you may know, Governor Wolf vetoed a proposed $100-million increase in theEducational Improvement Tax Credit, which is a huge help for Catholic schools. However, budget negotiations continue and we expect to get at least part of that in the final spending plan. That final agreement could come in the next few days. Please urge your Representative, Senator and the Governor to include as much funding as possible for the Educational Improvement Tax Credit.

Click the link below to sign the petition:

Please contact your Rep, Senator, and the Governor to ask for a religious exemption for Catholic ado

We come to you with yet another important favor to ask: please urge your Representative, Senator and Governor Wolf to grant a religious exemption on the same-sex parent requirement for Catholic adoption services—commonly known as SWAN (State-Wide Adoption Network).

Gov. Wolf is preventing SWAN providers from denying placement to households with same-sex parents. That goes against what we think is best for the children—placing them in a home with a man and a woman as parents. Many of these agencies have either shut down or severely curtailed their operations as a result of the Governor’s move.

Several legislators are working on our behalf to have this religious exemption placed in the Human Services Code of the budget but it has proven to be a challenge.

Click the link below to sign the petition:

Thank You to Everyone Who Made Camp Cabrini 2019 a Success!

We want to thank all of our parishioners for their support of Camp Cabrini and, in particular, we want to thank the adult and youth volunteers who served as crew leaders, group aides, stations leaders, snack team, decoration team and office aides. Everyone involved experienced a wonderful week of faith, fun and friendship. Thank you!









Call to Action: Archbishop Chaput Urges Continued Support for House Bill 800

From Archbishop Chaput:

The Pennsylvania House of Representatives and Senate recently passed House Bill 800, which calls for a $100 million increase (from $110 million to $210 million per year) in the Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC). EITC allows businesses to take a write-off on their state taxes in exchange for donations to scholarship organizations. Needy students have used EITC funding to attend schools of their choice.

In his April 19th column, “Why House Bill 800 Matters,” Archbishop Chaput  wrote, “If passed into law, HB 800 will dramatically increase EITC funding, establish an automatic annual escalator for such funding, and greatly expand the number of families and students eligible for the program. HB 800 is not simply a ‘good idea;’ it’s a huge service to the young people and families of our state. It deserves the support of the Catholic community here in Philadelphia and across the Commonwealth.”

House Bill 800 has moved on to Governor Tom Wolf for consideration. Archbishop Chaput is urging people to contact the governor this week to express support for the bill and to let him know the EITC program benefits the children and families of Pennsylvania.  Contact information for Governor Wolf can be found at https://www.governor.pa.gov/contact/#OnlineForm.

Please consider sharing this material broadly with others. Thank you.

Sincerely in Christ,
Rev. Msgr. Daniel J. Sullivan
Vicar for Clergy

Please ask Governor Wolf to SIGN House Bill 800 on the Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC)

Please urge Governor Wolf to sign House Bill 800, which deals with the Educational Improvement Tax Credit. The EITC is a huge help for Catholic schools. The measure passed the House several weeks ago and passed the Senate today.

Click the link below to sign the petition:

Camp Cabrini 2019 Planning Meetings

Camp Cabrini 2019 Planning Meetings

Mondays, June 3 and 10

6:30 PM to 8:30 PM

Youth Ministry Room

All are welcome.

Volunteers are asked to attend at least one of the two planning meetings.

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