Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer (In Local Theaters Starting This Weekend)

Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer

(In Local Theaters Starting This Weekend)

I am writing to share information about the release of the movie Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer. The film, starring actor Dean Cain, is based on the true story of the investigation and trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell, an abortion doctor who killed hundreds of infants born alive during abortion procedures at his Philadelphia clinic, and was convicted on murder charges.

The movie is being shown at the following theaters:

AMC Philadelphia Mills 14 with IMAX

1149 Franklin Mills Cir
Philadelphia, PA 19154


AMC CLASSIC Granite Run 8

1067 W Baltimore Pike
Media, PA 19063 (Delaware County)


Warrington Crossing Stadium 22 + IMAX

140 Easton Rd
Warrington, PA 18976 (Bucks County)


AMC Plymouth Meeting 12

500 W Germantown Pike
Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 (Montgomery County)


Marketplace @ Oaks Stadium 24

180 Mill Rd
Oaks, PA 19456 (Montgomery County)


AMC Neshaminy 24 with IMAX, Dolby

3900 Rockhill Drive
Bensalem, PA 19020 (Bucks County)


More information and a trailer for the film can be found at the following website: http://gosnellmovie.com/.

Please consider sharing this material broadly in your parish communities in the manner you deem most appropriate. Thank you.

Sincerely in Christ,

Rev. Msgr. Daniel J. Sullivan

Vicar for Clergy


An Open Letter to Bishops on the Topic of Homosexuality at the 2018 Synod on Youth

Dear Brother Priests and Deacons,

Cardinal Wilfrid Fox Napier, O.F.M., is the Archbishop of Durban, South Africa., served with Archbishop Chaput  as a delegate to the 2015 Synod of Bishops on the Family and as a member of the Synod of Bishops’ permanent council that helped to plan the 2018 synod.

At the current Synod on Youth, Cardinal Napier serves on the synod’s communications commission.  He received the attached letter and shared it with Archbishop Chaput after the latter’s October 4 synod interventions.  The text is being provided to you with Cardinal Napier’s and Archbishop Chaput’s permission. Kindly consider sharing this material broadly in your parish communities in the manner you deem most appropriate. Thank you.

Sincerely in Christ,

Rev. Msgr. Daniel J. Sullivan

Vicar for Clergy

Editor’s note: Cardinal Wilfrid Fox Napier, O.F.M., is the Archbishop of Durban, South Africa. Along with Archbishop Chaput, he served as a delegate to the 2015 synod of bishops on the
family and as a member of the Synod of Bishops’ permanent council that helped to plan the 2018 synod. At the current synod on youth, Napier serves on the synod’s communications commission. He received the following letter and shared it with Archbishop Chaput after the latter’s October 4 synod interventions. We use it here with Cardinal Napier’s and Archbishop Chaput’s permission.

An Open Letter to Bishops on the Topic of Homosexuality at the Youth Synod

Dear Bishops of the Holy Catholic Church,

When I was made aware of the efforts being made by pro-LGBT groups trying to persuade Catholic Bishops to change Church teaching on homosexuality, specifically at this year’s Youth
Synod, it devastated me.

As someone who has not only grown up in the Church, but has also come to love her and her teachings for myself, I would hate to see her teachings altered in any way, especially in a way
that could cause such a grave amount of damage.

I wish then to lay my heart bare, and to share some of my story and my convictions with you, dear Bishops of the Holy Catholic Church, and plead with you to keep the Church’s teachings on homosexuality good, true, and beautiful.

I am a 22-year-old young Catholic woman that experiences same-sex attractions. While I was growing up, I heard very little, if anything at all, on homosexuality, even though I attended Catholic school from Pre-K – 12th grade.

When I finally came to terms with the fact that I was romantically interested in other women, it terrified me. I didn’t know where turn, whom to speak to, or if I could speak about it at all. The fear paralyzed me into silence for quite a while.

As time went on, I began to learn more and more about the teachings of the Catholic Church on homosexuality, and for some time, I didn’t understand them. I wasn’t sure what the words
“objectively” and “intrinsically disordered” meant, and truth be told, I had the feeling that I didn’t want to know. It wasn’t until I was around the age of 20 that I finally began to understand.

I’ll admit, I didn’t like what I heard, but I knew it was what I needed to hear.

Recently, I came across a quote from Abbot Jean-Charles Nault, O.S.B., that spoke a great deal of truth to me. It read:

“For the philosophers of Antiquity, and for the whole Christian tradition, freedom is the ability that man has–an ability belonging jointly to his intellect and will–to perform virtuous actions,
good actions, excellent actions, when he wants and as he wants. Man’s freedom is therefore his capacity to accomplish good acts easily, joyously, and lastingly. This freedom is defined by the
attraction of the good.”

Time and time again, we will hear phrases such as “I just want the freedom to love whomever I want,” from those within the LGBTQ community. This desire is an inherently good one, when it
is rightly ordered.

Man is only truly free when he can choose to do as he ought, not simply as he wants, for the things that we may want aren’t always good for us.

I use to want to be in a same-sex relationship. The desire was overwhelming at times, to the point where I could see no other way to get through the day. But I know now, from the good and
gracious teachings of God through His Church, that such a relationship hinders not only my freedom to love authentically, but also my ability to achieve holiness. Taking it a step further,
being in such a relationship could ultimately block me from spending my eternity with my one true love, Jesus.

My dear Bishops, there is no one on this earth that isn’t called to a life of chastity, that includes my brothers and sisters who experience same-sex attractions. This is not because the Church is
oppressive and wants us to be miserable and passively submissive to her, but because each and every one of us is invited to enter into the Divine Life of our Creator, a life where no sin can remain.

The Catechism states in paragraph 2331 that “God is love and in himself he lives a mystery of personal loving communion. Creating the human race in his own image… God inscribed in the
humanity of man and woman the vocation, and thus the capacity and responsibility, of love and communion.”

Not only should I be reminded that, as a Christian, I am called to love as Christ loved us, but I also have the capacity to do so. I am capable of authentic love.

Telling me that my cross of same-sex attraction is too heavy for me to love as Christ calls me to, is not just degrading, it is also a lie. God did not abandon me when man first sinned in the beginning, and He will not abandon me now.

He has called me, and each and every one of us to Himself, and I intend to return back to Him, no matter how burdensome my cross may be.

Like Christ remembered me from the cross, I pray that you would remember me, and my brothers and sisters like me, dear Bishops, as you pray about and discuss how to help young people in matters of faith and vocation, especially in regards to the topic of homosexuality.

Please remember that, as St. Therese the Little Flower, a dear patron of mine, so greatly put it, “My vocation is to love.”

Yours in Christ,

Avera Maria Santo

Join Us Sunday, October 14th 12:30pm: Disciple Maker Index Survey Results!

Disciple Maker Index Survey Results!

As you know, the results of the DMI survey are in! It would be impossible to properly and adequately convey the results of the Survey through the Parish Bulletin or through  a post communion talk; however, suffice to say as a Parish Community, our results were very encouraging overall. The next steps will be to gather our parishioners in October to learn the results and to begin the discussion on how we, as a Parish Community, might move forward in deepening our understanding of our role in the Church as disciples, with the overall view of becoming disciple makers.

Parishioners are asked to attend Sunday afternoon, October 14th at 12:30 PM in order to come together in the Monsignor Woods Hall to learn the survey results and also to learn the next steps which will be undertaken so that we, as individuals and as a Catholic Community, can intentionally proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ wherever we are.


Bishops Applaud Cancellation of FDA Fetal Tissue Contract

Dear Friends,

Last Monday, Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that an FDA contract to purchase aborted baby body parts for research has been terminated. In addition, HHS has initiated a comprehensive review of all research involving fetal tissue and whether alternatives exist to the use of human fetal tissue in research. 

In response to this announcement, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Chairman of the USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities, issued a statement applauding “Secretary Azar and the Administration for cutting off ties to a company whose business is to procure aborted baby parts for research.” But since taxpayer-funded research on aborted fetal tissue continues, Cardinal Dolan also urged the Administration to “act quickly to cease all funding for research involving body parts from aborted babies.” He explained that “For the federal government to create a demand for abortion and use these children’s body parts for research is wrong,” and said that “Under a pro-life Administration, there is simply no room for callously using aborted children to further a research goal.”

Undoubtedly, your pro-life action played a part in prompting Secretary Azar’s initial actions. Please join us in thanking Secretary Azar for these initial actions but urging him to act quickly to cease all funding for research involving body parts from aborted babies and only use our taxpayer dollars for ethical research.

Your voices are important and impactful. Thank you for all you do to make pro-life voices heard on these important matters of life!

Brian Duggan
Executive Director
Human Life Action

Greg Schleppenbach
Associate Director
USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities

Join Emily & Make these Two Phone Calls for the Down Syndrome Protection Act

One person is making her voice heard today to protect children with Down syndrome in Pennsylvania. Will you join her?

I just left Senator Jake Corman’s office making a special delivery of a painting and letter on behalf of Emily H. and her family in support of the Down Syndrome Protection Act.

Emily is an artist, a photographer and a volunteer at many organizations. She also has Down syndrome and is a strong advocate for the Down Syndrome Protection Act – House Bill 2050.

Join Emily in advocating for this legislation: Today or tomorrow, please call both Senator Corman and Senator Joe Scarnati with the message to pass the Down Syndrome Protection Act (see phone numbers below). And then please help recruit others to do the same.

Both Senator Corman and Senator Scarnati are supporters of the Down Syndrome Protection Act and should be thanked for their support. They both are also in leadership positions and unless they use their influence to bring this legislation up for a vote, time will run out this session.

TAKE ACTION: Please make the following two phone calls:

Majority Leader Senator Jake Corman

President Pro Tempore Senator Joseph Scarnati

Please be gracious in your conversation with their offices. Here’s a sample phone message:

“Hi, my name is ____. I would like to thank the Senator for supporting the Down Syndrome Protection Act and ask that the Senator, in his leadership position, bring the Down Syndrome Protection Act up for a vote – now – before time runs out this session.”

Contact Your State Senator TODAY!
Thank you for making these calls and recruiting others to do the same. For more about the Down Syndrome Protection Act, go to pafamily.org/downsyndrome. You can also learn and share Emily’s story from our website at pafamily.org/2018/10/emily.


Tom Shaheen
Vice President for Policy
Pennsylvania Family Council


Organ Dedication Concert September 23, 2018

Organ Dedication Concert

In Praise and Thanksgiving to God 

Thank you to all those who attended our wonderful Organ Dedication Concert. It was a wonderful celebration of our new Rodgers Infinity 361 Organ. The organ was moved from its usual corner out to the front of the sanctuary, where the audience had a better view as Hank Wajda’s fingers and feet danced across the keyboards and pedals. The organ was truly the star of the show whether it was featured in the organ solos performed by Hank or as an accompaniment to the vocal performances. Group Vocal Performances conducted by the St. Frances Cabrini Adult Choir and the Men of Harmony as well as solo performances by Regina Leidy Foglia, Julianna Rifkin, and Marybeth Haberstick.

The concert was offered in praise and thanksgiving to God for blessing our parish with the beautiful gift of music, made manifest in our new organ and the many talents of our music ministry. Monsignor McCormac opened the concert with a prayer of praise and offered a prayer of thanksgiving before the final number.

Organ Dedication Concert Program


The concert ended with a rousing rendition of the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel’s Messiah, which brought everyone to their feet:


Archbishop Chaput Joins All Pennsylvania Catholic Bishops to Pledge Support for Independent Sex Abuse Survivors’s Compensation Program


USCCB Administrative Committee Statement on Sex Abuse Scandals; Committee Releases Actions to be Taken Within its Authority

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Administrative Committee Statement on Sex Abuse Scandals; Committee Releases Actions to be Taken Within Its Authority

September 19, 2018

WASHINGTON–The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Administrative Committee has issued the following statement today in response to the recent sex abuse scandals. In the statement, the bishops say they pledge to “heal and protect with every bit of the strength God provides us.”Turning to the Lord

“When each of us was ordained as a bishop, we were told:

‘Keep watch over the whole flock in which the Holy Spirit has appointed you to shepherd the Church of God.’

We, the Administrative Committee of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, assembled last week in Washington at this time of shame and sorrow. Some bishops, by their actions or their failures to act, have caused great harm to both individuals and the Church as a whole. They have used their authority and power to manipulate and sexually abuse others. They have allowed the fear of scandal to replace genuine concern and care for those who have been victimized by abusers. For this, we again ask forgiveness from both the Lord and those who have been harmed. Turning to the Lord for strength, we must and will do better.

The Administrative Committee took the following actions within its authority:

1. Approved the establishment of a third-party reporting system that will receive confidentially, by phone and online, complaints of sexual abuse of minors by a bishop and sexual harassment of or sexual misconduct with adults by a bishop and will direct those complaints to the appropriate ecclesiastical authority and, as required by applicable law, to civil authorities.

2. Instructed the USCCB Committee on Canonical Affairs and Church Governance to develop proposals for policies addressing restrictions on bishops who were removed or resigned because of allegations of sexual abuse of minors or sexual harassment of or misconduct with adults, including seminarians and priests.

3. Initiated the process of developing a Code of Conduct for bishops regarding the sexual abuse of a minor; sexual harassment of or sexual misconduct with an adult; or negligence in the exercise of his office related to such cases.

4. Supported a full investigation into the situation surrounding Archbishop McCarrick, including his alleged assaults on minors, priests, and seminarians, as well any responses made to those allegations. Such an investigation should rely upon lay experts in relevant fields, such as law enforcement and social services.

This is only a beginning. Consultation with a broad range of concerned parents, experts, and other laity along with clergy and religious will yield additional, specific measures to be taken to repair the scandal and restore justice. We humbly welcome and are grateful for the assistance of the whole people of God in holding us accountable.

As these initiatives get underway, the Administrative Committee invites each of our brother bishops to join us in acts of prayer and penance. This is a time of deep examination of conscience for each bishop. We cannot content ourselves that our response to sexual assault within the Church has been sufficient. Scripture must be our guide forward, “be doers of the word and not hearers only” (James 1:22).

In all of this, we do not want anyone – ourselves included – to lose sight of those who have suffered from those who have acted or failed to act as the Gospel demanded. For survivors of sexual abuse, these days may re-open deep wounds. Support is available from the Church and within the community. Victims Assistance Coordinators are available in every diocese to help you find resources. We are grateful to hundreds of dedicated people who, since the adoption of the 2002 Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, have been working with the Church to support survivors and prevent future abuse.

To anyone who has been abused, never hesitate to also contact local law enforcement. If you don’t feel comfortable for any reason with the Church providing help, your diocese can connect you with appropriate community services. With compassion and without judgement, the bishops of the United States pledge to heal and protect with every bit of the strength God provides us.

Acting in communion with the Holy Father, with whom we once again renew our love, obedience, and loyalty, we make our own the prayer of Pope Francis in his August 20 letter to the people of God, “May the Holy Spirit grant us the grace of conversion and the interior anointing needed to express before these crimes of abuse our compunction and our resolve courageously to combat them.”

Keywords: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, USCCB, Administrative Committee, Catholic Bishops, sexual abuse, abuse of minor, sexual harassment, civil authorities, third-party reporting, Canonical Affairs, Church Governance, Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, Code of Conduct, Victim Assistance Coordinators, Holy Father, Pope Francis, Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People


Media Contact:

Judy Keane




Hold Netflix Accountable: Help the American Family Association

Help AFA reach 100,000 petition signatures to Netflix CEO Reed Hastings

My heart continues to break for the family of 14-year-old Anna Bright from Alabama, who killed herself last year after binge-watching the first season of original Netflix series 13 Reasons Why. Tragically, Anna is not the only one. Bella Herndon and Priscilla Chiu, both 15-year-olds from California, also took their own lives just days after watching Hannah Baker kill herself on this series.

The hugely popular Netflix series, 13 Reasons Why, has become a lightning rod for critics who say it glorifies suicide and might even make it an attractive option for teenagers who are enduring difficult times in their lives.


Season 1 focused on the graphic suicide of teenager Hannah Baker who slits her wrists in a bathtub full of water. Her decision to end her life is explained through a collection of cassette tapes that she leaves behind blaming the people responsible for her death.

Season 2 picks up months after Hannah’s suicide, and characters are seen dealing with the aftermath of her death. Sadly, the filth and gratuitous content from Season 1 is only exacerbated all the more with story lines that include sodomy, homosexuality, drug use, extreme profanity and an attempt at mass school violence. You can see our full description of Season 2 here.

And despite pleas from pro-family groups to cancel the second season of 13 Reasons Why, Netflix released it May 18. All 13 hours of it. At one time. For the whole world to devour … or be devoured by.

I have written an open letter to Netflix CEO Reed Hastings, pleading with him to simply meet with me personally to discuss AFA’s concerns about the dangers of 13 Reasons Why. So far, he has chosen not to respond. You can read the letter here.


  1. Sign the petition to Netflix now and add your name to help reach our goal of 100,000 signatures now!
  2. Forward this email to family and friends, especially those who have teens and pre-teens who might be influenced by their peers to watch 13 Reasons Why.


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