7th Grade Visitation Day for Archdiocesan High Schools

Archdiocese of Philadelphia high schools will host their annual 7th Grade Visitation Day on Wednesday, March 11, 2020.
The event gives 7th graders from any school throughout Philadelphia’s five county area the opportunity to spend a day touring one of our schools, meeting students and faculty, and participating in activities at any AOPS high school.
For more information about 7th Grade Visitation Day, please visit http://bit.ly/UniversalVisitationDay2020.
Registration is recommended by March 9, 2020.

 Urge your senators to vote for ‘Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act’

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Dear Friend,

Your action is needed to help save children!

Your U.S. senators are expected to vote next week on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (S. 3275). While we support the effort to abolish all abortion and fight to undo Roe v. Wade, we also fight to pass legislation that will save as many unborn babies as we possibly can.

Send an email now urging your senators to vote to ban abortions once an unborn child can feel pain.

Although research indicates unborn babies can feel pain in the womb at 20 weeks, as many as 22 states allow abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. In his 2020 State of the Union address, President Trump spoke out against this moral atrocity and issued a call to ban late-term abortions.

The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act is a step in that direction, and it has bi-partisan support in Congress.

Contact your senators now! Email your senators and urge them to vote FOR the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.

If our mission resonates with you, please consider supporting our work financially with a tax-deductible donation. The easiest way to do that is through online giving. It is easy to use, and most of all, it is secure.


Tim Wildmon, President
American Family Association

Gov. Wolf wants to force you to add to Planned Parenthood’s profits. Join us in taking action

If it wasn’t bad enough for Governor Tom Wolf to veto several good pieces of pro-life legislation, he’s once again going after pro-life Pennsylvanians. This time it’s trying to put your tax dollars into the pockets of Planned Parenthood. But not if we can stop him.
Take ActionUse our Citizen Action Center today to tell your State Senator and State Representative that taxpayers should fund healthcare, not abortion. To email, click here or go to pafamily.org/fundcare.
It’s sadly not a shock to see Governor Wolf add new funding for abortion businesses like Planned Parenthood into this year’s budget proposal. He is, after all, a former volunteer escort for the state’s largest abortion business. He’s also been on the receiving end of Planned Parenthood’s record spending on pro-abortion candidates in recent Pennsylvania elections.

Here it is: Line Item 326, adding $3 million for “Access to Reproductive Health Care.”

This new line item was added to circumvent the Trump administration’s Protect Life Rule, which ensures that 100% of Title X funding goes to clinics who actually provide health care to low-income women, and prohibits this taxpayer funding from being funneled to clinics that perform or refer for abortions.

But no matter how pro-abortion our Governor is, he cannot expect Pennsylvania taxpayers to add to Planned Parenthood’s profits.

Not only does Planned Parenthood commit half of all abortions in Pennsylvania, but half of its abortion facilities failed a state health inspection in 2019. And their state operations made over $2.6 million in profits in their last reporting year alone. It’s adding insult to injury, trying to force taxpayers to fund the state’s largest abortion business that’s failing health inspections and already making millions every year.

The good news is the budget must be approved by our state senators and state representatives. That’s why we encourage you to take part in our ‘Fund Care, Not Abortion’ campaign to let your elected leaders know we should not be sending more of our taxdollars to anyone performing or referring for abortions.

To send an email to both your State Senator and State Representative, click here or go to pafamily.org/fundcare. Thank you for contacting these elected officials and for sharing this with others to do the same.

I end with this, from the words of former Pennsylvania Governor Bob Casey, Sr. nearly thirty years ago:

What kind of a people are we? What kind of a people will we be? If we abandon the principle of respect for human life by making the value of a life depend on whether someone else thinks that life is worthy or wanted, we will become one sort of people.

But there is a better way. We can choose to reaffirm our respect for human life. We can choose to extend once again the mantle of protection to all members of the human family, including the unborn. We can choose to provide effective care of mothers and children.

And if we make those choices, America will experience a new birth of freedom, bringing with it a renewed spirit of community, compassion, and caring.

May we do all we can to be the kind of people that respect human life and help us return to a new birth of freedom here in Pennsylvania.


Michael Geer
Pennsylvania Family Institute

A Fun Night for All! – 2020 Luau Dance Photos!

Tell Congress the ERA Hurts Women and the Unborn

The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was passed by Congress in 1972, with the stated purpose of enshrining equality between the sexes in our Constitution. However, it failed to be ratified by three-fourths of the states (38) within the 7-year time limit established by Congress. Now, abortion activists in Congress, among others, are trying to revive it by passing a resolution (H.J. Res. 79) to eliminate the deadline for ratification by the states. The House plans to vote this Thursday and needs to hear from you now!

Catholic social teaching, and recent popes, speak very clearly and strongly about the equality of men and women based upon their equal dignity as children of God. And the Church recognizes the need to do more to address unjust inequities between women and men. However, the ERA in its current form poses very serious consequences, including likely requiring federal funding for abortions, and overturning pro-life and conscience protection laws. More information about the ERA and its consequences is presented in this fact sheet.

Because of these serious consequences, the Bishops are urging members to oppose the ERA in its current form, and to vote “no” on H.J. Res. 79. Please join the bishops and contact your member today!



ALOHA! On Saturday, February 8th from 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM we will host our 6th Annual Luau dinner dance and it is always a lot of fun!
Dinner, dancing, beer, wine, beverages and desserts, all for only $25 per person. For more information, please contact JoAnn Holden at the Rectory, 215-946-4040.


We are pleased to announce that the new Lay Ministry Schedule for the period February through May 2020 is now available.  Please access your Ministry Scheduler Pro account to see your scheduled assignments:


If you have any questions, please contact Audrey Wilson at the rectory.  Thank you for your ministry to our Parish Community.

National Sanctity of Human Life Day, 2020

Today, on this 47th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we mourn the many children’s lives ended by abortion and remember in prayer those who suffer the aftermath. The Church comes together today to pray for the protection of all unborn children and to make reparation for abortion, trusting that the Lord hears our prayers.

In the Catholic Church in the United States, January 22nd is designated as a particular day of prayer and penance, called the “Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children.” As Catholics, we are called to observe this day through the penitential practices of prayer, fasting, and/or giving alms.

President Donald Trump has also proclaimed this day to be National Sanctity of Human Life Day, 2020: https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/proclamation-national-sanctity-human-life-day-2020/

Philadelphia Announces the Appointment of a New Archbishop!

Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, announced today that he has appointed Most Reverend Nelson J. Perez as the 10th Archbishop (14th Bishop) of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

Archbishop Chaput formally introduced Archbishop-elect Perez at a news conference held at the Archdiocesan Pastoral Center this morning. Video of the full press event is available for viewing here https://vimeo.com/catholicphilly/review/386626429/0d8a5f8a2e.

Archbishop Chaput also released a column today, which is an adaptation of his news conference remarks. In the column, Archbishop Chaput said, “This is a moment of great satisfaction and joy for the clergy and people of the Archdiocese, and for me personally. When I first spoke with the nuncio about my retirement and this transition last May, I asked for a successor who would care for and guide our people, speak the truth with conviction, and live a faithful witness to Jesus Christ.  Archbishop Perez is a man who already knows and loves the Church in Philadelphia, and is already known and loved by our priests and people.”

You can read the full text of the column by opening the attached version or visiting www.CatholicPhilly.com.

Please join in prayerfully welcoming Archbishop-elect Perez home as he prepares to assume his new role in service to our local Church.

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