St. Joseph the Worker – Church Pews

St. Joseph the Worker – Church Pews

There are two remaining dates for the removal of pews from St. Joseph the Worker Church. The dates are Wednesday, July 27 from 8:00 AM until 2:00 PM and, if necessary, Saturday, July 30 from 8:00 AM until 12 Noon.  Some of the large pews have been cut down to make smaller ones.  There are 9 large pews available and 13 small pews available.  There is a limit of 2 pews per family.  It will be expected that those interested will come prepared to remove the pews and take them home upon their removal.  If you have any questions, please call Karen David at 215-9436-4040.


Monsignor Magee’s 25th Anniversary Celebration

Monsignor Magee’s 25th Anniversary Celebration


       On Sunday, June 19th, Monsignor Michael Magee celebrated the 11:00 AM Mass and after the Mass, many parishioners joined Monsignor Magee for a gathering on the Church lawn to congratulate him on his 25th anniversary as a priest and to express our gratitude for his ministry to Church at the Vatican, our Seminary,  and also his ministry among us here at the Parish.


      Father Magee was ordained to the priesthood on May 18, 1991. Following his ordination, Father Magee was assigned to Holy Innocents Parish in Philadelphia as a parochial vicar from 1991 to 1994. Father Magee was then sent to Rome for Graduate Studies at the Pontifical Biblical Institute from 1994 to 1997. Following these studies, he moved on to the Pontifical Gregorian University for full-time studies from 1997 to 1998, then on to doctoral work part-time until 2006 with the publication of his dissertation. Following his full-time studies, Father Magee was assigned to the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments from 1998 to 2007.  In 2007, Monsignor Magee was appointed to the faculty at St. Charles Seminary and at the same time assigned to our St. Frances Cabrini Parish Community for weekend ministry.

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      Thank you to all who joined us on Sunday, June 19th to praise and thank God for Monsignor Magee and his priesthood.


“Many thanks to those who helped to plan and who attended my parish celebration on June 19th and after the 11:00 Am Mass for the 25th anniversary of my priestly ordination.  The planning of it and your presence was moving to me.  The Priesthood is a great gift of God and I thank you for joining me in thanking God for it in that way.” – Monsignor Michael Magee

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Click HERE for more pictures from this celebration.

Recent Op-Ed Pieces on Amoris Laetitia Guidelines in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia

The recent guidelines issued by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia on the implementation of Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia have been the topic of a great deal of media coverage. Today, I am sharing links to two Op-Eds that were published over the weekend that you may find of interest. One is by Christine Flowers and appeared in The Philadelphia Daily News. The other is by Joe DiStefano and appeared in The Philadelphia Inquirer.

The full text of the Archdiocesan guidelines is available at

Incredible story shows why PA should update its quarter-century-old abortion law

The Today Show recently highlighted the story of Francis William Azize, a baby born in January 2015 at just 23 weeks – and now thriving.


In Pennsylvania, babies like 23-week Francis are able to be aborted. State law permits abortion as far as six months into a pregnancy, up to 24-weeks, 6 days. At the time this PA law was passed (1989), babies born at 24-weeks or earlier were unlikely to survive.


Today, thanks to medical advancements, premature babies are surviving at record rates with the vast majority of babies born at 24 weeks being saved. That’s exactly why Pennsylvania must update its out-of-date abortion law.


Watch the video from the Today Show and learn more about Francis and why ‘Finding Dory’ director sent him a letter of encouragement:


Please encourage your State Senator to update our quarter-century

Archbishop Chaput’s Statement Regarding Violence in Louisiana, Minnesota and Texas

Archbishop Chaput has released a statement regarding the recent violence in Louisiana, Minnesota and Texas. The full text is below and attached.


“The death of two black men at the hands of police in Baton Rouge and Minnesota this week is a grave source of concern and a tragedy compounding a long and bitter pattern of similar racially-related tragedies. These incomprehensible incidents aggravate racial resentments and make a tense national situation worse. To the credit of the Philadelphia community, protests here have been peaceful and marked by cooperation between police and crowds expressing their frustration. We should all pray that this kind of mature common sense continues.


At the same time, attacks on police under any circumstances are an outrage and an act of violence against the entire multiracial community. The police officers killed in Dallas had no connection to the situations in Baton Rouge and Minnesota. They were on duty to secure the safety of the innocent public – the whole public — and their murder can only discredit the legitimate anger of many of the protesters. Violence is not an answer, and the killings in Baton Rouge, Minnesota and Dallas have proven that by deepening the divides in our national life. Black lives matter because all lives matter – beginning with the poor and marginalized, but including the men and women of all races who put their lives on the line to protect the whole community.”
+Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.
Archbishop of Philadelphia

BREAKING NEWS on the Conscience Protection Act

Dear Friend,

We are being heard! Today, we learned that the Conscience Protection Act has been scheduled for a vote in the House next Wednesday, July 13.  We need to continue to raise our voices to urge our Representatives to vote in favor of this common-sense legislation to protect pro-life health care providers. Click this link  to send your message.

Friday morning, July 8, at 9:00, the House Committee on Energy and Commerce will host a forum on Conscience Protection featuring policy and healthcare professionals who will speak with authority and experience on the attacks on conscience they and others have experienced in the course of their duties in providing healthcare.  Please follow this link to observe the proceedings live during the forum:

You can also stay up to date by following us on Twitter @HumanLifeAction and on Facebook @Human Life Action. If you are on social media join in the #NoAbortionCoercion media blitz from 8-11 am EDT Friday.

Together, we will be heard.


Amy McInerny
Executive Director

Pastoral Guidelines for Implementing Amoris Laetitia in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia

Amoris Laetitia



The Court, The House, and the Elections Ahead – Archbishop Charles Chaput

In his latest column, Archbishop Chaput covers important recent developments in the United States Supreme Court as well as the Pennsylvania House of Representatives and shares some thoughts on the upcoming presidential election.  Click HERE to view Archbishop Chaput’s column.


pogDue to the July 4th holiday, next week’s Pot of Gold Lottery drawing will be held on Tuesday, July 5.  Please note that the rectory will be closed on Monday, July 4.  Tickets can be dropped through the mail slot at the rectory.  When dropping tickets on Tuesday, July 5, please specify the drawing date for which you would like the tickets processed.  Are they for Tuesday, July 5, or Monday, July 11?  Thank and enjoy your holiday weekend!

RIGHT NOW – House preparing to vote today on ending late-term abortion

BREAKING NEWS: A vote is expected today on HB1948, which would end late-term and dismemberment abortions in Pennsylvania.

Here’s how you can help:

1. Pray.

The Representatives are on the floor right now with final debates on the bill and a vote will take place very soon. We will let you know how the vote takes place.

2. Call/Email your State Representative: “Vote YES on HB1948.”

Your State Representative: your state representative. Even though the vote is about to take place, the debate may take some time and your call can still make a difference (and if you call after the vote takes place, you can ask how they voted and please thank them if they voted YES).

After calling, you can follow-up with an email here:

Thank you for your prayers and taking time to call/email. If you would like more about HB1948:

1. A two-page handout on the legislation can be used to inform family and friends on the importance of the legislation. It is for children like Will that we need to update our quarter-century-old abortion law and pass HB1948.

Lydia and Will

2. Video of Representative Kathy Rapp, one of the prime sponsors of HB1948, explaining the importance of updating our over quarter-century-old abortion law.

3. Specifically about dismemberment abortions, understand what exactly takes place with this prodecure by watching Live Action’s video that uses animation to explain a Dilation & Evacuation (D&E) – or dismemberment abortion.

Again, PA Family Council will follow-up with you on the results on the vote – stay tuned to our Facebook page and for future email updates.

Pennsylvania Family Council

23 N Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101 | 717-545-0600 |

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