You are funding Planned Parenthood’s political activity

Did you know you are helping to fund Planned Parenthood’s political activity?


Governor Wolf just headlined a roundtable discussion at a Planned Parenthood facility in Warminster – which does more than 900 abortions each year. The event was held by Planned Parenthood Keystone – one of their three regions in Pennsylvania – and national Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards was right by our Governor’s side. The discussion centered on fighting against proposals to defund Planned Parenthood “both on the federal and state levels.”


Planned Parenthood Keystone made a net profit of over $621k in their last reporting yearover 25% of their revenue coming from government grants – i.e. your tax dollars.


So let’s put this equation together:


Governor Wolf & Cecile Richards pushing politics at Planned Parenthood facility


Event organized by Planned Parenthood Keystone, which is funded in part by taxpayers


Taxpayers are funding Planned Parenthood’s political activities.


Governor Wolf advocating for pro-abortion politics in Planned Parenthood’s own clinics that continue to receive taxpayer funding is yet another example of you and every Pennsylvania taxpayer being forced into helping their pro-abortion political activity.



The leading abortion business in Pennsylvania and nationally does not deserve our taxpayer dollars. Here are two ways to encourage your elected officials to take action:


1) State level: SB300, introduced by Senator John Eichelberger, would prioritize current taxpayer dollars to first be directed to the many community health centers that offer better comprehensive women’s health care than Planned Parenthood. (Remember, women can’t even get prenatal care at a Planned Parenthood in Pennsylvania.) Tell your State Senator and State Representative to support SB300 today – click here to use our action alert to send your elected officials an email.


***SB300 is on the agenda for the Senate Finance Committee on Wednesday, April 26. Please contact your State Senator before Wednesday to voice your support for SB300.


2) Federal level: Encourage your Congressman to do all they can to stop funding Planned Parenthood, especially in any health care reform measure. Here’s a one-page fact sheet summarizing the need for defunding Planned Parenthood at the federal level. For contact information, use our Citizen Action Center to enter your zip code (at the bottom of the page).


For more on Planned Parenthood, click here to download a statewide analysis of the largest abortion business, their partisan politics and why it’s time to end their taxpayer funding.


Podcast: Michael Geer talks Planned Parenthood, privacy lawsuit and private school education on WDAC program


PFI President Michael Geer provides the latest on what’s happening in Pennsylvania impacting families. Click here to listen now. The program will also air live on WDAC-FM 94.5 Lancaster on Saturday, April 22 at 12:30 p.m. and on WBYN-FM 107.5 Boyertown at 2 p.m.


“We need to open more doors for families and children to get a good education.” – Michael Geer


Additional Headlines 


1) Iowa becomes 21st state to improve abortion limits to 20 weeks. Pennsylvania continues an abortion limit set up in the 1980s that permits abortion as far as six months into pregnancy (24 weeks). SB3/HB77 would update this limit to the first five months of pregnancy (20 weeks) as well as end the barbaric practice of dismemberment abortions.


For more information and to take action here in PA, go to


2) Resources for Privacy Lawsuit against Boyertown Area School District:



HOLY WEEK – Easter Schedule


  • The Rectory office will be closed on Holy Thursday, April 13th and Good Friday, April 14th.  The Rectory will also be closed on Easter Monday April 17th; however the Pot of Gold drawing will still take place that evening as scheduled.  Pot of Gold Tickets can be dropped off at the Rectory by using the drop-off slot in the Front door.


  • All are invited to decorate the church for Easter on Holy Saturday morning, April 15th  at 9:00 AM.  No experience is necessary.  


easter triduum


Sacrament of Reconciliation – Last Opportunity This Evening

Monsignor McCormac will be available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation this evening, April 12th at 7:00 PM .  Since there will be no Confessions on Holy Saturday afternoon, this will be the last opportunity to receive the Sacrament at Saint Frances Cabrini before Easter.

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito to Receive Honorary Degree from Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary and Deliver Concursus Address


On behalf of Bishop Timothy C. Senior, Rector of Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary, I am pleased to share the following.


Today, the Seminary announced that that it will award a Doctor of Humane Letters degree, honoris causa, to United States Supreme Court Associate Justice Samuel A. Alito at its Concursus ceremony on Wednesday, May 17, 2017. Justice Alito will also give the Concursus address.


The attached news release contains additional information. Please consider sharing this material broadly in your parish communities in the manner you deem most appropriate. May you have a Blessed Holy Week.


Sincerely in Christ,

Rev. Msgr. Daniel J. Sullivan

Vicar for Clergy


easter egg 2017

Title X Alert Update and Follow-Up Message

Last week, the Senate passed the resolution of disapproval to override a rule change made late in the Obama Administration that prevented states from redirecting Title X family planning funding away from abortion providers like Planned Parenthood to community health centers that provide comprehensive primary and preventive health care. The House passed it in mid-February. That means the next stop is the President’s desk for signature!

Thanks for standing with us and taking action on the alerts when we were urging both chambers to reverse that bad public policy. Even if you didn’t respond earlier, your help is needed now to send a follow-up message to your members.

Please take a moment to follow up with your legislators and encourage others to do so as well. We know it is important to say, “thank you” when a member votes for life as they often only hear criticism after a courageous vote. It is equally important that those who did not vote with us be aware that we are paying attention and that we expect better in the future. We have prepared a follow-up message that you can send by clicking here. The correct message which corresponds to your members’ votes will automatically appear once your address is processed.

Again, our thanks for all you do to build the culture of life in law. We will continue to keep you posted on important developments and future calls to action.

Together we will be heard!

Amy McInerny
Executive Director

Office for Youth and Young Adults Announces Name Change to ANTHEM

Today, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia is pleased to announce that the Office of Youth and Young Adults has been officially renamed ANTHEM.

The new name was chosen as a result of careful prayer, consideration, and market research to gauge what would appeal to contemporary youth and young adults. ANTHEM has its basis in the biblical story of David as well as a musical connotation. As the warrior who slew Goliath against all odds, the figure of David gives young people inspiration to face the challenges unique to their generation. In addition to being a warrior, David was also a poet who wrote the Psalms with an authentic heart of praise, speaking deeply to the connection music has for the faith life of young people. Music invites, unites, and speaks a universal language attractive to all.

The attached news release contains additional information.

Stained Glass Window of the Crucifixion And New Main Entrance to the Church  




After much planning and after six weeks of renovations, Monsignor McCormac formally presented the newly installed stained glass window of the Crucifixion. As our parishioners know, especially the former members of St. Joseph the Worker Parish, this beautiful stained glass window stood over the entrance to the St. Joseph the Worker Church.

As our parishioners arrived for Mass this past weekend, and seeing the stained glass window for the first time, their comments included “breathtaking,” “beautiful,” “what a treasure,” “magnificent,” “such beauty,” “what a transforming addition.” Some parishioners were taken by how much more light there is in the rear of the church due to the large doors with the clear glass. Some were taken by how much larger the entrance way is and how welcoming the church environment is with this new grand entrance way. As the sun shines through the stained glass, it provides a most beautiful view of the Crucifixion from inside the church.

Many former St. Joseph the Worker parishioners expressed their heartfelt thanks for bringing such a beautiful part of their former church to their new church. With tears, some parishioners were so grateful for the efforts made over the past almost three years to welcome and assimilate the two parishes, especially familiar sights from their former church, in particular this beautiful stained glass window which they saw every time they entered the church for the past decades.

Former St. Frances Cabrini parishioners expressed their gratitude on seeing this magnificent gift from the St. Joseph the Worker Parish Community. They were grateful for the vision in seeing how the stained glass window would fit in so beautifully and accentuate the beauty of the church overall.

Although only a few days since its installation, and in light of some of the comments made by former St. Frances Cabrini parishioners, Monsignor McCormac said that it almost seems as though the stained glass window, along with the new entrance way and magnificent doors, have been there since the construction of the church in 1975.

You can view more pictures of the stain glass window and it’s installation, HERE.




taize prayer april 2

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