Join us this Tuesday Dec 11th 10:15am or Wednesday December 12th 7:00pm for Walking with Purpose, Connect Coffee Talk

Connect Coffee Talk:


Come and experience a taste of Walking with Purpose as we prepare to celebrate the season of our Lord’s birth. When we are tired and weary, when life isn’t what we thought it would be and when our lives seem crazy busy, it is time to stop and pause and know that God is where we are.

The Connect Coffee Talk will be offered this Tuesday, December 11th 2018 at 10:15 AM in the Parish Center or Wednesday, December 12th 2018 at 7:00 PM in the Monsignor Woods Hall. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Audrey Wilson, at the rectory, 215-946-4040.

Saturday, December 8th: Holy Day of Obligation

Saint Frances Cabrini Parish will celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception with one Mass on Saturday, December 8, at 9:30 AM. Please note: We are not following the regular Holy Day Mass Schedule. The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is the patronal feast of the United States of America, and as such, is always a Holy Day of Obligation, even if it falls on a Saturday or Monday. The 5:30 PM Mass on Saturday evening is part of the Sunday Mass Schedule and will celebrate the Second Sunday of Advent.

Join us for the Presentation of our Sacrament Candidates, Sunday December 9th during the 11:00am Mass

The parents of children preparing for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion will present them to our Parish Community during the 11:00 AM Mass this Sunday, December 9th. The families of these young parishioners appreciate the prayerful support of our faith community throughout the months leading up to their reception of the Sacraments.

Breakfast with Santa, Saturday December 15th 9:00am-12:00pm

BREAKFAST WITH SANTA 2018 for school

Join us to Celebrate Parishioner Joe Merrick and His Faithful Devotion to our Parish.


Celebrate with us on Thursday, December 6th at our 9:30 AM Mass. Reception immediately following

It is with much gratitude and heartfelt thanks to Joe Merrick, our parishioner, who has been our daily sacristan and sexton for the past 42 years.

Over these years, the priests, deacons, daily lay liturgical ministers, our daily congregation and our Parish Staff have been the recipients of Joe’s ministry. With faith-filled love and with deep and abiding respect for the sacredness of our church, Joe opened and closed the church each day throughout the week, and he made sure that everything at the altar was well prepared. Joe was always very knowledgeable about all the required changes in the church as we moved into new liturgical seasons.

Although his general health was failing in more recent years, nothing stopped Joe from fulfilling his responsibilities to our worshiping community. Even with his hearing becoming more and more impaired and with his sight also failing with the passing of years, Joe continued long after most people would have retired and in so doing, he has been a tremendous inspiration to those who saw him each day.

Joe and his wife, Terry, will continue to be seen periodically at our 9:30 AM daily Mass and always at our 9:00 AM Sunday Mass. On behalf of the Parish Community, and in particular all those who served along with him, we offer him our best wishes and we thank God and we thank Joe for his faithful service to the Church.

All our parishioners are invited to join us for a celebration in honor of Joe’s faithful service to the Church on Thursday, December 6th, beginning with our 9:30 AM Mass and continuing with a reception immediately following in the Parish Center. All are welcome to attend to thank Joe for all he has done for our Parish.



An Advent Taize Prayer Service will be offered by the Saint Frances Cabrini Catholic Community on Sunday, December 2, at 7:00 PM in our Church. All are welcome. This season’s theme is Prayers for
Unity and Peace. Taize Prayer is a candlelight service which will include music, scripture, time for personal reflection and silence.

Saint Frances Welcomed Seminarian Daniel Rice

Saint Frances Welcomed Seminarian Daniel Rice

Last weekend we welcomed Seminarian Daniel Rice, a first-year theologian from the Diocese of Arlington.  Seminarian Daniel spoke at all our Masses, sharing a word of gratitude for our past support and encouraged our continued support for the Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary.

Vocation Awareness: Heed the Call

Independent Reconciliation and Reparations Program Launches to Support Survivors of Clergy Sexual Abuse in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia

Dear Friends,

Last Thursday, I shared a major announcement from Archbishop Chaput that the Archdiocese of Philadelphia would participate in an Independent Reconciliation and Reparations Program (IRRP) to provide financial support for those sexually abused as minors by Archdiocesan clergy. The Archbishop also addressed this topic in his column last week.

That announcement followed a pledge made by Archbishop Chaput and his brother bishops throughout the Commonwealth In late September to create new modes of support for survivors of sexual abuse by clergy.

Today at a news conference, the Oversight Committee, Claims Administrators, and Victim Support Facilitator of the IRRP joined to share details about the program, how it will assist survivors of clergy sexual abuse, and how those survivors can file claims.

The attached protocol and FAQ documents were prepared by those monitoring and administering the IRRP. They contain important information about this initiative, which operates free from the direction and influence of Archdiocesan administration and staff.

You can also view video of the full news conference by visiting The video is housed in the “Where We’re Going” and “Video/Audio Library” sections of the site.


Kenneth A. Gavin

Chief Communications Officer




IRRP_Protocol Document_11-13-2018.pdf

Archbishop Chaput’s Column: Facts for the Record

Dear Friends,

In his most recent column Archbishop Chaput writes, “Every once in a while a story circulates in the press that requires a response.  That is my purpose here.

Many of you may have seen the article in the November 12Philadelphia Inquirer focusing on Stephen Szutenbach, a former Denver seminarian, and his adult sexual encounters with Kent Drotar.  Father Drotar was vice rector of Denver’s St. John Vianney Seminary for a time during my tenure as Archbishop of Denver.  If you haven’t read the Inquirer story, I encourage you to do so:

I mention this because Denver archdiocesan conduct and safety policies were followed at all times in this painful matter, and the Inquirer article is seriously flawed in at least two of its key elements.”

You can read the complete column by opening the attached document or visiting A Spanish translation of this column will be provided to you as soon as possible. Please consider sharing this material broadly in your parish communities in the manner you deem most appropriate. Thank you.

Sincerely in Christ,

Rev. Msgr. Daniel J. Sullivan

Vicar for Clergy

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