Independent Reconciliation and Reparations Program Launches to Support Survivors of Clergy Sexual Abuse in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia

Dear Friends,

Last Thursday, I shared a major announcement from Archbishop Chaput that the Archdiocese of Philadelphia would participate in an Independent Reconciliation and Reparations Program (IRRP) to provide financial support for those sexually abused as minors by Archdiocesan clergy. The Archbishop also addressed this topic in his column last week.

That announcement followed a pledge made by Archbishop Chaput and his brother bishops throughout the Commonwealth In late September to create new modes of support for survivors of sexual abuse by clergy.

Today at a news conference, the Oversight Committee, Claims Administrators, and Victim Support Facilitator of the IRRP joined to share details about the program, how it will assist survivors of clergy sexual abuse, and how those survivors can file claims.

The attached protocol and FAQ documents were prepared by those monitoring and administering the IRRP. They contain important information about this initiative, which operates free from the direction and influence of Archdiocesan administration and staff.

You can also view video of the full news conference by visiting The video is housed in the “Where We’re Going” and “Video/Audio Library” sections of the site.


Kenneth A. Gavin

Chief Communications Officer




IRRP_Protocol Document_11-13-2018.pdf
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