Thank Pharmaceutical Company, Sanofi Pasteur, for Making Ethical Vaccines

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved Sanofi Pasteur’s request to switch from using an aborted fetal cell line (MRC-5) to using an ethical animal cell line to produce its polio combination vaccines Pentacel and Quadracel. The drug company has also chosen to discontinue production of its stand-alone polio vaccine, Poliovax, which also used MRC-5 for its production, and to retain another stand-alone polio vaccine, IPOL, that is ethically produced. Furthermore, Sanofi Pasteur’s ongoing effort to develop a vaccine for COVID-19 also does not rely on cell lines linked to elective abortion.

As you may already know, the only vaccines readily available in the United States for some contagious diseases (e.g., rubella, chickenpox, and Hepatitis A) have been manufactured using fetal tissue from induced abortions. This creates a problem of conscience for some parents.

As recommended by the Pontifical Academy for Life in 2005 and reiterated in its 2017 Note on Italian Vaccine Issue, a long-term solution lies in working to ensure that future vaccines and other medicines are not based on cooperation with practices that demean human life. The 2005 statement noted that physicians and parents “have a duty to take recourse to alternative vaccines (if they exist), putting pressure on the political authorities and health systems so that other vaccines without moral problems become available.” This applies to products with a connection to abortion, such as vaccines, as well as to projected therapies from destruction of human embryos for their stem cells.

This move from Sanofi Pasteur is an encouraging indicator that for-profit companies creating vaccines are beginning to recognize there is no need to use cell lines derived from aborted children.

One important step we can take to ensure the production of ethical vaccines is to recognize and thank drug companies, like Sanofi Pasteur, when they move away from unethical vaccine production. We can hope that, with some encouragement, other vaccine manufacturers may consider creating other morally acceptable vaccines.

Any motivation to create additional, morally acceptable products will certainly be strengthened if we can show a market demand for ethical sources.

Please TAKE ACTION NOW to thank Sanofi Pasteur and to encourage others to do so as well.

Thank you in advance for spreading this good news and for sharing your own gratitude with the manufacturer. We welcome these opportunities where we can illustrate the Church’s eager embrace of scientific advancement when it upholds the dignity of the human person and the precious gift of human life.

Support HB 1827, a bill to help prevent suicide

We are asking you to help us support HB 1827, a bill that we feel is becoming increasingly important in helping to save lives. You will be asking your state senator to support voting the bill out of the PA Senate Judiciary Committee and out of the Chamber during this session.

The bill is sponsored by Rep. Dawn Keefer and is in response to something that actually occurred in her district. A young lady took her own life after receiving encouragement to do so on social media.

HB 1827 increases penalties for individuals who encourage or aide minors–or people with intellectual disabilities–to commit suicide. The importance of this measure has increased in recent months. Reports of suicidal threats and self-harm tendencies among Pennsylvania school children shot up after schools were closed in March, new data from the state Attorney General shows. Our Catholic Charities have also witnessed a spike in the need for mental health counseling.

Please help us support the passage of HB 1827 into law to send a clear message that encouraging troubled minors and the intellectually disabled to commit suicide will not be tolerated in our Commonwealth.

Click the link below to log in and send your message:

Catholic High School Teachers Contract Ratified

Earlier today, the Secondary School System of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and the Association of Catholic School Teachers, Local 1776 (ACT) reached a two-year agreement on a new contract for full-time, lay high school teachers in the seventeen Archdiocesan secondary schools serving the five-county region.


Exciting New Initiative for Our Parish!

We have some very exciting news to share with our Parish Community. Following our Parish’s participation in the Disciple Maker Index, I was informed that our Parish had been selected as a possible participant in an initiative, the Next Generation Catholic Parish, to assist me as pastor, as well as our Parish Staff, our Parish leadership and indeed our entire Parish Community, in building the faith and leadership potential of our Parish Community in the ever-increasing challenging mission of the Church. The Catholic Leadership Institute, which is based in Chester County, is assisting parishes around the Country, and is currently working with several philanthropists to invest in 12 parishes within the Archdiocese of Philadelphia over the next four years to help and increase the people in those communities. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE ABOUT THIS EXCITING OPPORTUNITY!


Weekly Message from Monsignor McCormac

Check out this week’s message from Monsignor McCormac

Weekly Message from Monsignor McCormac

Check out this week’s message from Monsignor McCormac

Msgr. McCormac’s Message for 9/03/20 from St. Frances Cabrini on Vimeo.

American Family Association Post Removed

We have removed a previous post from the American Family Association, which we believed was intended to inform and educate on a topic that has caused division.  Unfortunately, our post did not achieve the intended purpose.   We apologize for any misunderstanding that arose from sharing the post.

Statement from Archbishop Pérez on Hurricane Laura

I am stunned by the heartbreaking images of the devastation left by Hurricane Laura. The storm, now a tropical depression, caused severe damage to homes and businesses, and claimed the lives of several innocent people.

In the name of the people of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, I extend my prayers and condolences to those who have been affected by this natural disaster and to those experiencing the effects of the hurricane. Click here to read the complete statement.

Message from Ms. Audrey Wilson

A Message from Audrey Wilson on behalf of Monsignor McCormac.

Audrey Wilson’s Message for 8/27/20 from St. Frances Cabrini on Vimeo.

Attention Bristol Borough Residents

The Bristol  Borough School District has refused to commit to providing busing services to our  Holy Family Regional Catholic School students, despite reminders that our families pay taxes and should receive this service. If you live in Bristol Borough, please help us by reaching out to the Bristol Borough School District Superintendent, Dr. Rose Minniti – (215) 781-1000 Ext 1010,, School Board President, John D’Angelo –, and Secretary to the Business Manager – Transportation, Angela Reilly (215) 781-1000 Ext 1014.

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