Weekly Message from Monsignor McCormac

Check out this week’s message from Monsignor McCormac!

Catholics in the Public Square – THIS Saturday!

Join Bishop Olmsted for Mass THIS Saturday, October 3, at 11:30 AM Eastern time,  followed by a blockbuster program featuring, among others, renowned law professor Helen Alvaré and religious freedom expert Alan Sears. For a video with more information about Catholics in the Public Square, please click here. On Saturday morning, at 11:30 AM, view this event live on the Diocese of Phoenix YouTube and Facebook pages.

Catholic Voter Resources for the 2020 General Election

On November 3, 2020, general elections will take place with various local, state, and federal offices on the ballot. Certainly, there is an increased focus on faithful citizenship given that this year features a presidential election.

In order to assist Catholics as they prepare to vote with formed consciences, the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and the Archdiocese of Philadelphia have produced documents and online resources intended to educate the faithful about the candidates and their positions on issues of importance to Catholic voters.

Click here to access the voter resources.

Charismatic Conference 2020

Weekly Message from Monsignor McCormac

Check out this week’s message from Monsignor McCormac

Catholics in the Public Square Sat. Oct. 3

Join Bishop Olmsted for Mass on Saturday, October 3, at 11:30 AM Eastern time,  followed by a blockbuster program featuring, among others, renowned law professor Helen Alvaré and religious freedom expert Alan Sears. For a video with more information about Catholics in the Public Square, please click here. On October 3rd, at 11:30 AM, view this event live on the Diocese of Phoenix YouTube and Facebook pages.

ACT NOW to help stop mail-order abortion

A rising threat to the lives of unborn babies is the chemical abortion pill. The number of chemical abortions in the US has gone up dramatically, while the overall number of abortions has decreased. COVID -19 is expected to only make the problem worse, with more women (and teen girls) seeking chemical abortions at home – even illegally, by mail and without a doctor’s prescription. This is especially scary because chemical abortion can be more painful, traumatic, and risky for women than surgical abortion. But there is hope: a new bill has been introduced that could help protect mothers and babies from chemical abortion. READ MORE HERE.

TAKE ACTION NOW to help protect moms and babies from chemical abortion.

Archbishop Pérez’s Letter to the Jewish Community on the Occasion of Rosh Hashanah

Dear Friends,

Greetings my sisters and brothers of the Jewish faith tradition as you celebrate the solemn observance of Rosh Hashanah!

I join my voice with those of the clergy and faithful of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia to wish all of you a fruitful year filled with good health and peace. May these high holy days be a time of blessing for each of you.

As Pope Francis once said, “In His eternal mercy, may He grant hope and serenity in our times and strengthen the cordial bonds of friendship between us.”

“Shanah Tovah,” a good year to all!

Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez

Archbishop of Philadelphia

Weekly Message from Monsignor McCormac

Check out this week’s message from Monsignor McCormac

Ask Your PA Senator to Provide Nurses for Non-public School

Please contact your state Senator to ask them to sign on as a cosponsor to Sen. Andy Dinnaman’s proposed bill that calls for a nurse to be put in every non-public school this year. Such a move would have no fiscal impact on districts, because the bill calls for CARES Act funding to pay for the nursing services.

Here’s some of Sen. Dinnaman’s sponsorship memo…

“The pandemic and the question of providing safe and healthy school environments for those in school is dependent on the presence of a Certified School Nurse (CSN).  Pennsylvania law provides the services of a school nurse in public, religious and private schools.  However, the current ratio of 1 nurse:1500 students simply does not provide the level of nursing services needed during the current COVID crisis. Many public and non-public school buildings are without nursing services in the building on a daily basis.  
The Pennsylvania Department of Health, in its August 15th  COVID “School Health Resources for School Nurses” makes clear the importance of the school nurse in the reopening of schools on an in-person or hybrid basis.   In order to allow our schools to open and preserve the health of students, teachers and staff,  this bill calls for $38 million in COVID funds to be used to pay for nurses in every building with over 100 students, public or non-public, through the 2020-2021 school year.” 

Please help us get the necessary care for our students. Thank you!

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