REMINDER: Martha’s Cupboard Food Drive THIS WEEKEND!

Help Martha’s Cupboard help others!

Donations of non-perishable food items, hygiene products, and cleaning supplies can be brought to the vestibule of the church or to the back porch of the rectory. Monetary donations and gift cards are also most welcome and can be put in the collection basket during Mass or dropped off at the rectory at any time.

This weekend, we are particularly interested in preparing for the distribution of supplies for the Thanksgiving holiday.


If you are interested in learning more about the Martha’s Cupboard Ministry or want to become more directly involved in this ministry, please call 215-946-4040 and a member of our Parish staff will put you in contact with a member of the Martha’s Cupboard Core Team.


Blessing and Dedication Ceremony for Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary

Please enjoy this video of the blessing and dedication ceremony for Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary’s new campus in Lower Gwynedd, which Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez led on Saturday, October 12. Joining the Archbishop was Cardinal Christophe Pierre, Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, and the Seminary’s rector, Auxiliary Bishop Keith J. Chylinski.

Virtual Tour of Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary

Bishop Keith J. Chylinski narrates a virtual tour of our new seminary!

Statement of Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez Regarding Hurricane Milton

Statement of Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez Regarding Destruction Caused by Hurricane Milton

With millions of people in the American south already reeling from the effects of Hurricane Helene, central Florida bore the brunt of Hurricane Milton as it made landfall yesterday. Once again, our nation has witnessed the loss of precious lives and widespread destruction of homes and businesses with heavy hearts. We are deeply saddened by this latest round of devastation and heartbreaking loss resulting from a natural disaster.

The relief and recovery efforts from these hurricanes will continue in the coming weeks and months. Please be a beacon of hope for those in need by supporting relief efforts, especially the work of Catholic Charities USA, which is coordinating the Church’s temporal response.

All funds raised will be allocated to local Catholic Charities agencies in those areas impacted by the storms. They will provide critical relief including shelter, food, and more to those who are displaced and suffering. Learn how you can contribute to the effort here.

In the name of the people of the Church of Philadelphia, I pray that God will bring comfort to those in mourning, protect the first responders and utility crews seeking to aid those in harm’s way, and pour His mercy upon those who are struggling.

Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez, D.D.

Archbishop of Philadelphia

Weekly Message for October 10, 2024

Invitation to participate in the Parish Mission November 17 – 19.

Support Falls Township Police Department Project DASH

Saint Frances Cabrini Parishioners are encouraged to support Project DASH, an effort sponsored by the Falls Township Police Department to support individuals experiencing homelessness. As winter approaches, many individuals in our community are facing the harsh realities of living outdoors. Needed items can be placed in the DASH collection box found in the church vestibule. The donation period is October 1 through November 1.


St. Charles Seminary Campus Blessing & Dedication this Weekend

Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez will bless and dedicate Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary’s new campus in Lower Gwynedd (Montgomery County) this Saturday. Cardinal Christophe Pierre, Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, will offer remarks and be present for the blessing along with the Seminary’s rector, Most Reverend Keith J. Chylinski, Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia. The private event will include a prayer service consisting of hymns, remarks, and a formal blessing followed by a procession to the Student Life Center where a ceremonial ribbon will be cut, and the buildings will be sprinkled with holy water. To watch the event via livestream, please visit

On Sunday, October 13th the Seminary will host an open house for the public with seminarians providing guided tours of the campus 12:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. The last tour group will leave the refectory promptly at 2:15 PM. Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary is located at 1400 Evans Road, Ambler, PA 19002.

Martha’s Cupboard Food Collection Next Weekend

Food collection for Martha’s Cupboard will take place next weekend! In the meantime, enjoy a few pictures taken on Monday, September 23rd. We appreciate that we had two volunteers from Waste Management come to help -Erika Springer and Joe Schuler, seen in the second picture.  And, of course, we always appreciate our weekly volunteers as seen in all the other pictures here too.

Faith Enrichment Series on the Eucharist

Registration for Saturday Morning Sessions is now closed!

Space still available for Wednesday and Sunday Evenings!


Blessing of the Animals Tomorrow Oct 5 at 11 AM

In honor of the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi we will celebrate the Blessing of the Animals on Saturday, October 5th, at 11 AM.

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