Message of Gratitude

As we move forward into very uncertain times and recognizing that many people are worrying and struggling with regard to their finances, we offer a personal word of gratitude to our parishioners who continue to support the Parish financially during this difficult and unprecedented time.  We are truly grateful for everyone’s sacrifices to maintain our Parish Community.  We thank those who are contributing through EFT, as well as those who have mailed their envelopes or dropped them through the rectory mail slot.   Monsignor McCormac continues to offer a private Mass every day, giving thanks to the Lord for our Parish Community, and remembering all of our parishioners in his prayers.


Archbishop’s Virtual Lenten Retreat

Archbishop Pérez has initiated a Virtual Lenten Retreat for all of the faithful of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia to help us remain close to the Lord in this time. The retreat, “The Power of Faith and Hope in a Time of Uncertainty,” consists of seven 15-minute video reflections from gifted speakers from around the Archdiocese.   Click below for detailed information.  

“The Power of Faith and Hope in a Time of Uncertainty”


St. Frances Cabrini to Live Broadcast Sunday Mass and Easter Triduum


Although public Masses will not be celebrated until further notice, St. Frances Cabrini Parish will be broadcasting Masses live through the Parish website.  These celebrations will also be recorded and added to a video library available on the website for viewing at any time.

All broadcasts can be accessed through the Parish website at  You can connect with each broadcast 15 minutes before the liturgy begins.

The following liturgies will be broadcast:

Sunday, March 29th, 9:00 AM Mass – You can connect with the broadcast at 8:45 AM

Palm Sunday, April 5, 9:00 AM Mass – You can connect with the broadcast at 8:45 AM

Holy Thursday, April 9, 7:30 PM – The Mass of the Lord’s Supper – You can connect with the broadcast at 7:15 PM

Good Friday, April 10, 7:30 PM – The Celebration of the Passion of the Lord – You can connect with the broadcast at 7:15 PM

Holy Saturday, April 11, 7:30 PM – The Easter Vigil Mass – You can connect with the broadcast at 7:15 PM

Easter Sunday, April 12, 9:00 AM – Easter Sunday Mass- You can connect with the broadcast at 8:45 AM

Be sure to check the Parish website, download the Parish app, or follow us on Facebook for updated information on this and all Parish-related activities.

Faithful From The Archdiocese Of Philadelphia To Join Pope Francis’ Live Stream Prayer Service And Receive Extraordinary Urbi Et Orbi Blessing On Friday, March 27

In response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Pope Francis invites Catholics around the world to participate remotely in a prayer service that will be streamed live from Saint Peters Square to on Friday, March 27th.

Pope Francis will give the extraordinary Urbi et Orbi Blessing with the opportunity for participants to receive a plenary indulgence. The Urbi et Orbi, meaning “to the City and the World,” is a blessing usually delivered by the Holy Father at Christmas and Easter.

Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez encourages faithful throughout the Archdiocese of Philadelphia to join the Holy Father spiritually at 1:00 p.m., and to continue praying for sick, suffering, and their caregivers as well as government and health officials in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Thank you from Monsignor Sullivan – CARES Act Passed!

Yesterday, I wrote with a time-sensitive request for you to contact your United States senators urging them to make sure private schools would remain eligible for proposed Federal relief funding under the CARES Act.

I am happy to share that the CARES Act passed the United States Senate yesterday with the inclusion of eligibility for private schools to receive such funding. Please accept my sincere gratitude for making your voice heard in support of this measure, which will next be considered by the House of Representatives.

Future advocacy efforts may be needed to ensure equal access to Federal COVID-19 relief funds for the benefit of our young people. They hope to count on you when that time comes. May God continue to bless you abundantly as you care for those entrusted to your pastoral care in these trying times.


Sincerely in Christ,

Rev. Msgr. Daniel J. Sullivan

Vicar for Clergy



Monsignor McCormac celebrated Mass on Wednesday morning for the Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord and had it videotaped for the students at Holy Family Regional Catholic School.  You can watch the video by clicking on the link below:


Video Greetings from the Faculty at Holy Family Regional Catholic School

The faculty at HFRCS created a video which was sent to all the students and their families.  We would like to share the video with you.  Click on the title to see the video:


Time Sensitive Legislative Advocacy Request–Keep Equal Access to COVID-19 Federal Relief Funds for Private Schools

A Request for Assistance from Monsignor Sullivan:

I am writing with a time-sensitive request for assistance. Under the CARES Act, the United States Senate is currently considering an expansive Federal relief package to assist individuals and institutions in need, including K-12 schools, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Currently there is language in the legislation that allows non-public schools to benefit from the relief package. However, some legislators are seeking to disqualify private schools from eligibility. It’s critical for schools like ours to have equal access to Federal funds so I am asking you to take a moment to contact your United States senators and urge them to make sure private schools remain included in this important legislation.

The Council for American Private Education (CAPE) is providing a simple and efficient way to contact your elected officials online. By clicking the link below you can reach out to their offices and voice your support for Federal relief funding for private schools.

Please join with me to ensure equal access to Federal relief funds for the benefit of our young people and please consider sharing this request as broadly as possible. Thank you.

Sincerely in Christ,

Rev. Msgr. Daniel J. Sullivan

Vicar for Clergy



Council for American Private Education (CAPE)

March 25th Rosary Rally Becomes Online, Virtual Event

Think of the power of the entire Archdiocese praying the Rosary together for an increase in vocations!


***Due to the Coronavirus Restrictions, we will be TEMPORARILY SUSPENDING the Pot of Gold Lottery drawings until further notice.

 Please suspend all ticket sales until notified that the lottery has resumed operation. 

 Information and updates will be posted on the Parish website at and our Facebook page at Saint Frances Cabrini Catholic Community. 

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