Papal Visit Documentary


Statement from Archbishop Chaput Regarding Violence Over the Past Weekend

Archbishop Chaput has issued a statement to the media regarding the violent acts that took place over the past weekend. The full text is below and attached



“Combine easy access to guns with a culture that breeds resentment, self-focus, personal license and contempt for human life and the law, and what you get is what happened over the past weekend: the terrible shootings of innocent people by Nicholas Glenn and others. Taking away the guns – making them far more difficult to acquire – is the easy part, but it doesn’t begin to address the deeper moral and social dysfunctions of American urban life. Violence begins in the heart before the hand picks up a weapon. Violence is now part of the American Way from womb to tomb, and it should surprise no one when it hits home locally.


I ask Catholics across the archdiocese to pray in the coming days for the victims of the weekend shootings and their families, and for leaders who can bring genuine peace to our community.”


+Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.

Archbishop of Philadelphia

Lay Ministers: Preference Form

Lay Ministers: If you have not already done so, please fill out the preference form for the October through January 2017 time period by clicking on the link below.


Our parishioners should be receiving a Parish Census Form.  At this time, we are providing our parishioners an opportunity to share with us their current information on their family so that the Parish can best serve them.   In July 2014, we began our new St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Community and by updating our parishioners’ information, we will be able to identify our parishioners, update Sacrament and demographic information and identify parishioners with any special needs.


We are pleased to indicate that the census information is being gathered electronically.  All information is confidential.  Please take a moment and complete our 2016 Census by returning the Parish Census Form to the rectory or by completing the form online by clicking on the icon below:


Thank you!

“Philadelphia Welcomes Pope Francis” – Papal Visit Documentary

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“Philadelphia Welcomes Pope Francis”, a film by History Making Productions, will be shown at the Pennsylvania Convention Center on Thursday, October 13th at 7:00 p.m. All are welcome to attend the premiere and celebrate the one year anniversary of Pope Francis’ visit to our great city.




balloonsThe Pot of Gold Lottery Program has a new Jackpot Prize Winner!  The $126,000 was awarded tonight!

Thank you for your continued support of the Pot of Gold Lottery Program…next week’s Jackpot Prize is $5,000 and you could be the lucky winner!  Tickets are available in the rectory or after all the Masses in the vestibule of the church!  You’ve gotta be in it, to win it!

Archbishop Chaput’s Column: A New Overview of a Contested Subject

In his latest column, Archbishop Chaput writes, “The goal of my column this week is simple: pointing readers to The New Atlantis, one of the nation’s best journals about science, technology and their intersection with ethics. Earlier this week (August 22), The New Atlantis released an important new overview of nearly 200 peer-reviewed studies from the 1950s to the present on issues of sexuality and gender identity, with findings from the biological, psychological and social sciences.

The overview, entitled ‘Sexuality and Gender,’ can be found online here  While the body of the overview may be data-dense for the average reader, the report’s executive summary, conclusion and prefatory notes to each section are clear, well-written and accessible to any interested adult. And we should be interested, because sexuality and gender identity are now sharply disputed topics with big implications for the health of individuals and our wider culture.”

You can read his complete column by visiting or opening the attached.

 Please read this material with care and thought at your convenience and consider sharing it with others. Thank you.

Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul and the Archdiocese of Philadelphia Announce a New Director of Liturgical Music

Charlene Angelini has been appointed as the new Director of Liturgical Music for the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul Parish and the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. She succeeds Dr. John A. Romeri and is the first woman to serve in this position. As you may know, Charlene started her music ministry as a cantor for Saint Frances Cabrini School Masses.

Congratulations Charlene!

You can read the press release announcing her new position HERE.

St. Joseph the Worker – Church Pews

All of the remaining pews from St. Joseph the Worker have found a home.  There are no more pews available, therefore, the pickup time on Saturday, July 30 from 8:00 AM until 12 Noon is no longer necessary and has been cancelled.   If you have any questions, please call Karen David at 215-946-4040.

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