Tell Congress: No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion

Sunday, January 22, 2017, marked the 44th anniversary of the deadly Roe v. Wade decision. Yet, even while we mourn the lives lost and hearts broken by legal abortion we can recommit ourselves to building a culture of life where everyone is welcomed in love and protected in law. We must, and together we will continue to advocate for public policy that protects life and liberty.

The U.S. House of Representatives will soon consider H.R. 7, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act. This important pro-life legislation will make the protections of the consistent federal policy known as the Hyde Amendment and other current abortion funding prohibitions permanently part of the law to be enforced government-wide. It will even ensure that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) does not force taxpayers to fund abortion.

There is a long-standing consensus in our nation – even among those who identify themselves as “pro-choice”– that taxpayers should not be coerced into paying for abortions. Since 1976 this policy has enjoyed bipartisan support and has been embodied in the Hyde Amendment and other policies regarding funding. However, there are inconsistencies in its application and most of these policies including the Hyde Amendment must be renewed every year. H.R. 7 will correct these inadequacies.

Urge your Congressional Representative to support H.R. 7 to permanently protect our tax dollars from paying for or promoting elective abortions.

Click the link below to log in and send your message:


The following is information regarding “9 Days for Life,” an annual period of prayer and action preceding the March for Life in Washington, DC. 


The centerpiece of this initiative is a novena with different intercessions, brief reflections and suggested acts of reparation that can be received directly each day from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) by email, text message or through a new mobile application for smartphones.


9 Days for Life” allows for a wide variety of ways for people of all ages and circumstances to participate. The novena of prayer also spans the March for Life and can be a part of the prayers of the thousands of pilgrims from the Archdiocese who will travel to Washington, DC, on January 27, 2017.


Information on “9 Days for Life” is available on the USCCB website at On this site you will find the prayers, programmatic and promotional resources to encourage this nationwide prayer effort.



Video from the 2017 Catholic Charities Appeal Kick Off News Conference

On Wednesday morning, Archbishop Chaput hosted a news conference at Saint Katherine Day School, one of four Archdiocesan Schools of Special Education, to kick off the 2017 Catholic Charities Appeal.


You can find a video of the news conference in its entirety at


Parishioners can learn more about the Catholic Charities Appeal or to donate, at Thank you for your continued generosity and support of this annual endeavor, which is a channel of hope for tens of thousands in our region.



HFRCS Presents…. A NIGHT OF COMEDY – Tickets available at the Rectory

comedy night pic


Watch Live Tomorrow/Archbishop Chaput to Host News Conference Launching the 2017 Catholic Charities Appeal

Archbishop Chaput will launch the 2017 Catholic Charities Appeal, the single largest fundraising initiative in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia at a news conference tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m.

The announcement will take place at Saint Katherine Day School in Wynnewood. As space at the venue is limited, you are invited to watch our live streaming broadcast on the Archdiocesan website,

Archbishop Chaput will announce this year’s fundraising goal and highlight the impact this initiative has on those served by the charitable and educational ministries of the Archdiocese.

Mr. David Ripsom, President of the Catholic Charities Appeal Board, Ms. Amy Stoner, Director of Community-based and Homeless Services for CSS, and Ms. Kathleen Gould, Principal of Saint Katherine Day School will be in attendance to offer additional remarks, along with representative beneficiaries.

The Catholic Charities Appeal will be a channel of hope for well over 100,000 people through countless organizations and ministries throughout the five-county metropolitan area comprising the Archdiocese. Programs include housing for the homeless, community food cupboards, afterschool academic enrichment and recreational opportunities for young youth, and family support services.

5:00 PM Christmas Eve Mass

Thank you to all of the families who participated in the 5:00 PM Mass on Christmas Eve!

It was a beautiful celebration with many children in attendance.  Here are some photos from the Mass during Monsignor’s Homily.

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Throughout the year, every week during the 11:00 Mass, two ministries for Children take place.  This is a great opportunity for parents with young children to participate in Mass with their entire family.

Children ages 2-5 can participate in Little Church, a childcare service from 10:45 am – 12:15 pm while the rest of their family attends Mass.  Little Church is more than just a church nursery.  It introduces the children to Jesus Christ through prayer and song.  Pre-Registration information will be forthcoming soon.

A second program offered is Children’s Liturgy of the Word.  This program is for children in kindergarten through second grade.  During the 11:00 am Mass, the children are led by a catechist to the chapel in the Parish Center where they listen to and discuss an age appropriate version of that Sunday’s Gospel.

Both ministries are open to all children from the parish including those with disabilities.

Adult as well as teen volunteers are needed for both of these ministries.  For those who feel called to the ministry of children and would like to assist with either of these programs, please contact Alixandra Holden at 215-946-1115, or e-mail




Dear Lay Ministers,

A Blessed and Happy New Year to you!  As we thank God for his many blessings, especially for the gift of His Son, we are also very thankful for the wonderful Parish Community we have at St. Frances Cabrini.  We are especially grateful to you, our Lay Ministers, and your service to the Parish Community.

It is time to make preparations for the next Lay Ministry Schedule which will cover the period of February through May 2017.  This schedule will include the Easter Triduum.  We ask that you complete thePreference Form and return it to the rectory no later than Friday, January 13.

Click here to access the Preference Form.

If you have any questions, or difficulties, please contact the rectory immediately at 215-946-4040.  Schedules will be sent out in late January.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Audrey Wilson
Director of Parish Services



What goes up, must come down!

Please join us in taking the Christmas decorations down in the Church this Sunday at 1:00 PM.  Any help is needed, and with a large group the task can be completed in less than an hour.

Last year, it only took 58 minutes, so come and join us and lets see what we can do!





Celebrate Christmas with Saint Frances Cabrini!


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