St. Vincent DePaul Clothing Drive THIS SATURDAY!


Invitation to the Archdiocesan Mass Honoring Persons with Disabilities and Their Caregivers–Saturday, April 1st

All are welcome to attend the Mass Honoring Persons with Disabilities, the Deaf Community, families and friends. If you never attended this Mass in the past consider coming this year. All are welcome. Please share this information. Please also see these wonderful religious resources for Autism Awareness Month by clicking here!


The Annual Archdiocesan Mass Honoring the Gifts of Persons with Disabilities, The Deaf Community, Family, Friends and Caregivers is Saturday, April 1, 2017 at 10:30 a.m. at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul at 18th and Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia. Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. will be the principal celebrant and homilist. There will be a light reception immediately following the Mass. To RSVP click here . RSVP’s help us with planning however RSVP is not necessary. All are welcome!

Archbishop Chaput’s Column: On Our Duty to Welcome the Stranger

In his most recent column Archbishop Chaput writes, “For immigrants and refugees now in the United States, or who hope to come here in the near future, recent weeks have been a steady diet of anxiety and confusion. The legal struggle over travel bans on immigrants from various nations has disrupted the plans of thousands who seek to come here for all sorts of reasons, including escape from persecution and reunion with family members already here…


We’ve seen both mass demonstrations of support for those adversely affected, and strengthened resolve by those who want tighter immigration restrictions. Good people—a lot of them—exist on both sides, and we need to resist the temptation to demonize the motives of those with whom we disagree. The ensuing polarization among the general populace has uncovered deep divisions among Catholics who find themselves at odds with family, friends, colleagues and fellow parishioners.”


You can read more of the Archbishop’s thoughts by visiting or opening the attached document.

Call to Action: Urge State Representatives to Expand EITC & OSTC Scholarships

House Bill 250 proposes to increase tax credits available under the Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program by $50 million (raising it to $175 million) and the Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) program by $25 million (raising it to $75 million).

The EITC and the OSTC programs have always achieved bipartisan support and have been acclaimed as two of the best educational programs Pennsylvania offers to students in both public and private schools.

The tax credit scholarships have been a Godsend for students seeking a Catholic or other private education in Pennsylvania.  Every Catholic school in all corners of this great Commonwealth benefits from the EITC or OSTC programs.

Each year more than 40,000 families get a scholarship that permits the parents to send their children to a Catholic or another private school. It gives these families a true choice in the right educational path for their children.

Additionally, the program assists countless Pennsylvania students in traditional public schools. Educational Improvement Organizations direct a portion of the tax credits to support innovative educational programs that enhance the regular public school curriculum.

Urge your state Representative to invest in success and support the expansion of the Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) and Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) programs by voting YES on HB 250. Click here to send a message today.

Click the link below to log in and send your message:

Promotional Resources Regarding Pink Sisters Limited Edition Keepsake Book

On behalf of the Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters ,here is information regarding a limited edition keepsake book that takes a look into the contemplative lives of the cloistered missionary congregation better known as the Pink Sisters.

The seventy page hardback book features for the first time luminous intimate photographs, personal stories, and favorite Psalms. 100% of your donation will go to the Pink Sisters allowing them to continue their prayerful vigil on behalf of the world.

The attached document contains additional information.


Due to the extreme weather conditions predicted for Tuesday March 14, 2017:

The Rectory office will be closed.

The 9:30 AM Mass will not be celebrated.

Tuesday night PREP classes will be cancelled.

Women’s Prayer Group will be cancelled.

The CEC Drama Club Will Be Performing Man of La Mancha!

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Archbishop Chaput’s Column: Special Guest Edition by Archbishop Jose Gomez–Where do we Go From Here? Why We Cannot Wait for Immigration Reform

On March 8, speaking to a Napa Institute conference in Washington, D.C., Los Angeles Archbishop Jose Gomez delivered one of the most compelling and sensible talks in recent memory on our current immigration dilemmas.


Archbishop Chaput strongly encourages priests and people across the Greater Philadelphia region to read, share, reflect on and make their own the convictions Archbishop Gomez expresses in his thoughts. He has turned over his column space this week to help further that goal. You can read Archbishop Gomez’ full text on



Archbishop Chaput’s Remarks at the Catholic Men’s Leadership Forum

On February 28th, Archbishop Chaput delivered an address at the Catholic Men’s Leadership Forum at the University Club in New York City. A copy of his text is attached for you here.

The Observance of the Memorial of Saint Patrick and the Lenten Obligation to Abstain from Meat on Friday, March 17th

Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, the Archbishop of Philadelphia, in accord with the Code of Canon Law (canon 87), grants a dispensation to all Roman Catholics in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia from the obligation to abstain from meat on the Memorial of Saint Patrick on Friday, March 17, 2017.

The attached document from the Archdiocesan Office for Divine Worship contains additional information.

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