Archbishop Chaput Issues Greetings to the Jewish Community on the Observances of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur


Today, Archbishop Chaput issued a the letter to our brothers and sisters in the Jewish community as they celebrate the solemn of observances of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. The full text is below.



Letter of Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. to the Jewish Community


Dear Friends, 


Together with the clergy and laity of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, I want to offer my prayerful greetings as the Jewish community celebrates the solemn observances of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.


These are days of prayer, reflection, and new beginnings. May everyone in the local Jewish community experience good health, wisdom and true peace in the year ahead.


Our times demand much prayerful reelection and a renewed commitment to justice and charity. Sadly, in our nation and world today, there are so many challenges to justice and charity which we are obligated to address. Often in our endeavors to improve the lot of those in need or in distress, we find ourselves divided and our discourse even more difficult. How do we unite? How do we properly serve our neighbor? May the Most High enlighten us along the path to authentic love.


Once again, please accept my warmest holiday greetings. As Pope Francis recently said to a group of Rabbis visiting him in Rome, “Shanah Tovah”!


+Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.


Archbishop of Philadelphia

Encouraging Update on Conscience Protection

This is “appropriations season” on the Hill. That means Congressmust pass funding legislation for Fiscal Year 2018. As you know, we have been encouraging our members to include certain pro-life provisions – chief among them the Conscience Protection Act – in the “must-pass” bill. I am happy to report that we are one step closer to attaining that goal!

Last Thursday, the House of Representatives approved HR 3354,Make America Secure and Prosperous Appropriations Act, 2018. It includes the full text of the Conscience Protection Act (CPA) of 2017! It also includes other provisions which we have taken action on such as the nullification of the DC law that legalized assisted suicide and the DC Reproductive Health Non-Discrimination Act (RHNDA), a DC law that could force pro-life employers to hire people who disagree with their sincerely held beliefs about the sanctity of life. There are many other pro-life provisions (both longstanding and new) in the funding bill as well, such as a prohibition on funding elective abortions for detainees of Immigration and Customs Enforcement and against funding for research involving human fetal tissue from abortions. While we expect all long-standing pro-life provisions to be retained in the year-end appropriations legislation, not all of the new provisions are likely to be retained.  Of the new provisions, our top priority is to ensure that the CPA is included.

Our voices are being heard, but we are not across the goal line yet. The passage of HR 3354 is good news, but it is only the first step of many. For example, rather than finalizing the FY 2018 appropriations legislation by the end of the fiscal year (September 30), both the House and the Senate passed a Continuing Resolution to fund the government at its current levels with current policies untilDecember 8, 2017.  This means that negotiations between the House and the Senate are underway between now and December on what policies will be included in the final year-end appropriations legislation. That is why again urge you to continue contacting your members of Congress. It is particularly important that the Senate know that our top priority is inclusion of the Conscience Protection Act in the year-end appropriations legislation. Even if you have already sent a message, please do so again. The more of us who raise our voices, the more clearly our lawmakers will hear us calling them to protect our deeply cherished rights of life and freedom of conscience.

Thank you for continuing to stand with us. You are making a difference. Please, let’s keep the drive alive until every life is protected in law.

Together we will be heard!

This is 100 Percent Wrong

Governor Wolf’s Road Trip for Planned Parenthood Continues, While Senators Stand Up for Life

TAKE ACTION: We need you to send two emails TODAY (and we’ve made it easy with our Citizen Action Center).



Today, while members of the State Senate stand to condemn the aborting of babies diagnosed with Down syndrome, Pennsylvania’s Governor joins the state’s largest abortion business – Planned Parenthood – for another photo-op.

recent CBS report praised Iceland for virtually eliminating Down syndrome, yet this seeming “accomplishment” only happened because that country is now proudly aborting 100% of those with a prenatal Down syndrome diagnosis. That’s not eliminating a disease, it’s eliminating people.

There is no question that a person with Down syndrome has the potential to lead a joyful and fulfilling life. The notion that a child with Down syndrome is better off unborn, is disproved every day by the hundreds of thousands of individuals currently living with the diagnosis, and the joy and love their families and friends experience from their lives, regardless of how society may perceive their value or worth.

Description: Image removed by sender. Yes to SR174 - Support children with Down syndromeFreshman Senator Scott Martin, R-Lancaster, has introduced Senate Resolution 174 condemning the practice of aborting unborn babies with Down syndrome. We thank Senator Martin, Sen. John Eichelberger, Senate President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati and the other co-sponsors of this bipartisan resolution standing up for the rights of ALL people to live and thrive to their full potential.

ACTION 1 OF 2: Encourage your State Senator to support children born with Down syndrome by co-sponsoring and voting YES on SR174. Use our Citizen Action Center to send an email – go to

Meanwhile, Governor Tom Wolf is in Montgomery County at yet another event with Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion business in Pennsylvania, pledging his support for the “good work” they do of aborting unborn human lives.

This is the 3rd stop on Governor Wolf’s recent road trip for Planned Parenthood. The first stop was at Planned Parenthood Warminster, where they abort more than 900 babies every year and where Governor Wolf was joined by Planned Parenthood’s national leader, Cecile Richards. This event was organized by Planned Parenthood Keystone – which in their last reporting year made over $12 million in revenue, a fourth of which came from “government grants” – meaning over $3 million was given by you, the taxpayer.

Description: Image removed by sender. Governor Wolf with escort vestThe second stop was in Philadelphia at the Elizabeth Blackwell Center – the single largest abortion site for Planned Parenthood in Pennsylvania. Here he offered his praise, where over 20,000 babies have been aborted since 2013. He also brandished a Planned Parenthood escort vest (pictured here) – reminiscing of his past experiences as a volunteer for the abortion giant.

Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion business in Pennsylvania, performing over half of all abortions. Even though statewide abortions are down nearly 7,000 annually since 2008, Planned Parenthood abortions in Pennsylvania have increased by over 1,500 annually since 2008. They have also received over $21 million in taxpayer funding over their last four reporting years.

It’s time to remind Gov. Wolf that in Pennsylvania, our Pennsylvania Abortion Control Act states:


“…the common and statutory law of Pennsylvania shall be construed so as to extend to the unborn the equal protection of the laws and to further the public policy of this Commonwealth encouraging childbirth over abortion.”

We’re thankful that our State Senate understands and honors this. If only Governor Wolf followed their example.

ACTION 2 OF 2: Tell Governor Wolf to stop propping up the beleaguered Planned Parenthood. Use our Citizen Action Center to send an email – go to

First Youth Group Meeting


Thank you to all who attended the first Youth Group meeting of the year on Sunday, September 17th.  The children gathered to enjoy some pizza, make decorations for the upcoming healing mass, made a craft for our home-bound parishioners and played some fun games to get to know each other!  Below are some pictures from the night:








Promotional Resources Regarding Share the Journey campaign

I am sharing information on the “Share the Journey” campaign to be launched by Pope Francis in support of migrants and refugees later this month.


Sponsored by Caritas Internationalis, Share the Journey promotes the culture of encounter in communities where migrants and refugees leave and return to, where they travel through, and where they chose to make their homes. The campaign aims to dispel fear and inspire communities to build relationships with those forced to leave their native lands due to violence, oppression, famine, and other hardships. The campaign is set to run through September 2019.


In solidarity with the Holy Father, Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. will launch Share the Journey in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia on Sunday, September 24, 2017 at an 11:00 a.m. Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul.


All are welcome to attend the Mass which will include a procession of recent immigrants and refugees from local parishes and the Refugee Resettlement Program of Catholic Social Services. The Mass is being combined with the existing liturgy to celebrate religious jubilarians, as many of our men and women religious have a keen focus on matters related to immigrants and refugees.


In addition to the Mass, the Reach Out social media campaign will be launched on Archbishop Chaput’s Facebook page during the week of September 18th. One of the ways your parish can show support, is by taking a picture of you with your parishioners holding hands in a circle facing outward. The picture can be shared on social media using the hashtag #ReachOut. Reach Out symbolizes understanding and support for immigrants and refugee as well as the challenges they face.


Lastly, you can respond to the Holy Father’s call by joining in a “Week of Prayer and Action” for migrants and refugees, beginning at Masses on October 7th and 8ththough October 14th.



Full Video of the Official Archdiocesan Back-to-School Kick-Off and Pep Rally

Yesterday, over 300 Catholic school students gathered on the steps of the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul to celebrate the beginning of the 2017-2018 school year in the five-county Archdiocese of Philadelphia. This celebration signaled the opening of the 234th consecutive year for Catholic education in the region.


You can view the full video here Further details about the event are below.


The several hundred students in attendance represented young people from the 119 parish and regional Catholic elementary schools, 17 Archdiocesan high schools, and four Archdiocesan Schools of Special Education in the City of Philadelphia as well as Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery Counties.


Auxiliary Bishop Michael J. Fitzgerald, who oversees the Office of Catholic Education, and Mr. Christopher Mominey, Chief Operating Officer and Secretary for Catholic Education, addressed students, parents, faculty, administrators, and staff members in the crowd.


The event concluded with a pep rally featuring the Conwell-Egan Catholic High School Cheerleading Squad, Fairless Hills (Bucks County), and the Cardinal O’Hara High School Marching Band and Color Guard, Springfield (Delaware County). In addition, mascots from many Archdiocesan high schools competed in a race judged by the Phillie Phanatic.


Please join  in praying for our students, school families, administrators, teachers, and staff members as they open the new school year. Thank you.



Information from ANTHEM Regarding October Events for Youth and Young Adults


Information from ANTHEM Regarding October Events for Youth and Young Adults


ANTHEM will host a weekend of events to kick off the month of October in an effort to engage young people with their Catholic faith throughout the five-counties of the Archdiocese.


The weekend will open with an Oktoberfest celebration. Special guests include: Archbishop Chaput, Ike Ndolo, and Polkadelphia.


Friday, October 6, 2017

7:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.

Frankford Hall

1210 Frankford Ave

Philadelphia, PA 19125


The event is open to adults 21 and over and tickets are available for $25.00. For additional information on this event or to purchase tickets, please visit here.


Please note events listed below are geared specifically toward different age groups.


ANTHEM October Weekend Kickoff schedule:


Youth Night with Ike Ndolo 

Saturday, October 7, 2017 at 6:45 p.m.

Location: Saint Raymond of Peñafort Parish, 1350 East Vernon Road, Philadelphia, PA 19119


This event is open to all high school youth. It will feature an evening of praise, adoration, and live music by contemporary Christian artist, Ike Ndolo. Megan Mastroianni, Associate Director of ANTHEM, will be the featured speaker.


Queen Takeover: Consecration Mass to Our Lady 

Sunday, October 8, 2017 at 6:30 p.m

Location: Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, 18th Street and the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, PA 19103


Archbishop Charles J. Chaput O.F.M. Cap. will be the principal celebrant and homilist at this Mass, which will dedicate the youth and young adults of the

Archdiocese of Philadelphia to the Blessed Mother.


Ike Ndolo, along with renowned vocalist Bobby Hill, who performed on stage for Pope Francis during the Festival of Families during the Holy Father’s visit to Philadelphia in September 2015, will lead the music.


# # #


For more information on ANTHEM, please visit or follow them on social media

Walking with Purpose

walking with purpose poster pic

An Ecumenical Commemoration of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation–Sunday, October 29th at 3:00 p.m.

All are welcome to an upcoming event being held in the spirit ecumenism regarding the Commemoration of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation.

Sunday, October 29th

3:00 p.m.

The Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral

23 South 38th Street

Philadelphia, PA 19104


This gathering is sponsored by the Philadelphia Liturgical Institute. It will feature presentations by Reverend G. Dennis Gill, Rector of the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul and Director of the Archdiocesan Office for Divine Worship, as well as Reverend Dr. Gordon Lathrup, a pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.


All are welcome to gather with Christians of all traditions as we celebrate our unity in Christ while heeding God’s call to renew the church.

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