[TAKE ACTION] You’re paying for harmful surgery on children?

Family Update | October 20, 2017 | Donate | View Online | Share:  Forward // Facebook


Should taxpayers cover child “gender-reassignment” surgery?


This week, the State Senate Banking & Insurance Committee voted 10-5 on returning to the longstanding policy of the CHIP program to exclude coverage for sex change (“gender reassignment”) surgery and services.


Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) is a taxpayer funded program that was set up to help children and families with incomes too high to qualify for Medicaid, but who can’t afford private coverage. Last year, Governor Tom Wolf unilaterally changed the state’s policy for CHIP to additionally cover gender reassignment surgery and related services.


Our Senators need to understand that coverage for gender reassignment surgery is bad policy:


1) It’s harming children. Many respected medical professionals acknowledge that “reassignment surgery” (“sex change” operations) has not proven effective for treating mental health conditions. This is especially true in the case of younger children who typically identify with their own sex after they go through puberty.


At 12 years old, Patrick Mitchell was diagnosed with gender dysphoria. But two years after taking estrogen hormones and growing his hair long, Patrick, now 14, changed his mind.


Don’t mess them up,” says pediatrician John Whitehall to 60 Minutes. “We have to acknowledge there are a lot of children who are confused about their gender identity. It’s a normal phase that they would go through. It’s not uncommon. The good news is statistically, they’re going to grow out of it.”


Even the Obama administration, in June 2016, cited inconclusive clinical evidence of the supposed health benefits of gender reassignment surgery.


2) It hurts taxpayers. This life-altering surgery is also expensive for taxpayers. The cost for one gender reassignment surgery can be well over $100,000. After Governor Wolf’s executive order to change the policy, the state’s estimated cost for the 2016-2017 fiscal year was $9.1 million.



HB1388 is legislation that reauthorizes CHIP for 2018-2019 and now includes this amendmentexcluding gender reassignment surgery and services. Encourage your State Senator to support HB1388 as amended. Click here to use our Citizen Action Center now to send your State Senator an email in support of HB1388 as amended.


Additional News Highlights


Misconception of “Separation of Church & State”


  • Harrisburg City Council votes down proposal. A plan to lease a portion of Harrisburg’s City Hall to Eastern University – who would invest $600,000 into the much-needed renovations – has been rejected by City Council due to unfounded concerns about the separation of church and state. “We missed an incredible opportunity that would have been a great benefit to taxpayers of Harrisburg and the continued economic development of the city,” Mayor Eric Papenfuse said. “I see Eastern as a Christian university…As a Christian university, they have the ability to make hiring decisions based on certain criteria. I don’t think that’s the same thing as discrimination.” Read more.


  • County appeals ruling for removal of cross in seal – Wrong to run from history, faith in God. “It’s not as if religion should be treated as poison in our society, but the judge felt that current cases forced him to rule against the seal,” says Randall Wenger. “But even current cases don’t require us to eliminate our religious history.” Read more.


Abortion is not Health Care


  • Pittsburgh diocese settles suit over birth control mandate. The Pittsburgh and Erie Roman Catholic dioceses have settled lawsuits seeking to overturn an Affordable Care Act mandate that would have forced them to provide contraceptive and abortion-inducing drugs or services as part of their employee health care plans. The dioceses, along with Geneva College and more than 70 religious organizations, sued over the Department of Health and Human Services’ mandate. Read more.


  • State Representative Rapp: “Wolf Pushes Planned Parenthood Abortion Agenda While Failing to Finalize State Budget” Thank you to Pennsylvania State Representative Kathy Rapp who recently wrote about Governor Wolf’s road trip for Planned Parenthood and the glaring need to end late-term & dismemberment abortion in Pennsylvania: “With a completed state budget nearly four months overdue and after missing the vast majority of state budget negotiations, Gov. Tom Wolf has embarked on a public relations tour to flaunt his support for Planned Parenthood, the world’s leading abortion provider. One of his recent stops included a visit to a Planned Parenthood clinic in Philadelphia, where more than 20,000 babies have been aborted since 2013.” Read more.


Problems with Legalized Recreational Marijuana


  • What has it done in Colorado? One of our sister organizations – the Center for Arizona Policy – has outlined some of the problems Colorado is facing after legalizing recreational marijuana in 2013. Read more.



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Pennsylvania Family Institute

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Call to Action: Tell Congress No Late Abortion

The House of Representatives recently passed the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and the measure has been introduced in the Senate as S.1922. On October 17, Cardinal Dolan called on the Senate to support and request a vote on this life-saving legislation which will protect pre-born children and their mothers from the horrors of late abortion. Please join the effort to urge the Senate to pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (S. 1922) which reflects what a consensus of Americans believe about abortion.

If you have been following this effort to introduce common-sense abortion policy reform to our nation’s laws, then you know there are many reasons why this policy should be enacted. It is not only that there is scientific evidence that children feel pain at this age and that the mother’s risk of death or serious complications increases after the mid-point of pregnancy. It is also, as Cardinal Dolan noted in his letter to Congress, that the “stories of children born earlier in pregnancy, as early as 20 weeks post-fertilization, are becoming more common.” You can read the full text of that letter here.

We would like to introduce you to one little boy who proves the Cardinal’s claim. Born at exactly 22 weeks, baby Thomas survived against many odds and is now a happy, healthy and beloved toddler. Meet Thomas by watching the video below:

Many say the likelihood of this legislation passing the Senate is as low as the chances given for Thomas’ survival. The odds didn’t stop Thomas from fighting for life and they shouldn’t stop us either. Please contact your senators now. Share Thomas’ story. Encourage everyone you know to respond to this alert. Spread the word that Americans like Thomas and you and millions of decent and humane people reject late abortion.

Thanks for standing with us. Together we will be heard!
Amy McInerny
Executive Director

Informational Contact Broadcast: Important October Update

The HHS Mandate and Federal Subsidies of Abortion Coverage Premiums under the ACA

This is great news! On Friday, October 6, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) relieved the extreme burden imposed on Americans by the HHS Contraceptive Mandate by issuing two interim final rules providing broad religious and moral exemption from the requirement that health insurance coverage include sterilization, contraception, and drugs and devices that may cause abortion. These interim final rules took immediate effect and allow for a 60-day open public comment period. Please stand by for a call to submit comments to HHS in support of this policy which, in the words of Cardinal DiNardo, “bring the federal government back into the religious freedom mainstream.” (The Hill 10/7/17) We will alert you in the coming days when it is time to act and provide you the means to do so quickly and easily.

In this memo from our policy partners at the USCCB, you can read more about the status of the Mandate as well as about an administrative bulletin from the Trump Administration which was also issued last Friday. The bulletin addresses guidance on implementing the requirements in the Affordable Care Act, (ACA), regarding segregation of abortion coverage premiums in ACA health care plans.

The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

The effort to protect children from the horrors of late-term abortion moved forward on October 3, when the House passed H.R. 36, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, by vote of 237-189. Focus now turns to the Senate where on October 5, Sen. Linsey Graham, (R-SC) introduced the Pain-Capable bill as S. 1922. The measure has 45 co-sponsors. We are preparing educational materials and a call to action to help you contact your senators and urge them to enact this life-saving policy into law. Expect an alert early next week. 

Other Ongoing Efforts

Please also remember, mighty advocates, that our efforts to urge Congress to enact the Conscience Protection Act of 2017 continue. There is an open alert on that legislation in our Action Center. If you haven’t already reached out to your members on the need to protect pro-life health care providers, you can do so here. And, finally, we continue to raise our voices in defense of the vulnerable at the end of life as well. Please also urge Congress to say “no” to assisted suicide.

Thank you for all you do to defend life and for standing with Human Life Action. Together we will be heard!

St. Joseph the Worker Church Time Capsule


Below are pictures of the recently recovered Time Capsule from Saint Joseph the Worker Church.   Monsignor McCormac’s Pastors Column (full text included below) will be published in this weekend’s Parish Bulletin.

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On Monday morning, October 9th, John McGrath, developer and builder, graciously brought to the rectory the “time capsule” which was retrieved from the former St. Joseph the Worker Church building’s cornerstone. Upon opening the metal box, we found the Church Bulletin for October 27, 1957, which was the Sunday before November 1st, the day on which the cornerstone was placed in the new church building. The following article appeared in the Church Bulletin:


“Our All Saints Day Masses will be held in our own school building.

The Masses will be at 7, 8, 9 and 10. The cornerstone for the church will be

laid at 11 A.M. on All Saints Day. If the weather is bad, it would be well to wear suitable

clothing for such weather, and also footwear, as it most likely will be muddy around the

building. We ask those who can walk to church, please do so, and for those, who find it necessary to drive, please park on Vermilion Drive or Thornridge Drive.”


In addition to the Church Bulletin, we also found a one page paper which reflected the historical context of the time. Among other information, it noted the following:


“The reigning Pope at this time is Pius XII.

The Archbishop of Philadelphia is the Most Rev. John F. O’Hara, C.S.C.

The Auxiliary Bishops are Bishop Joseph McShea and Bishop Carroll McCormick.

The pastor of the parish is the Rev. Paul J. Cahill.

The first assistant is the Rev. Edmund J. Rafferty.

During the last year, the assisting priests on Sunday were

the Rev. Matthew Finnegan, T.O.R, and the Rev. Joseph McGee, S.M.”


Also, found in the metal box was the October 25, 1957 edition of the Catholic Standard and Times which featured the following news items on the front page:


“The Renovated Cathedral is Reopened”

“U.S. to Receive 30,000 Italians in Next 18 Mos.”

“Subscription Drive Opens this Sunday”

“Mass in Cathedral Marks 125th Year of the Seminary”

“Religious Crisis Studied by Italians”

“N.J. High Court Invalidates Ban on Sunday Sales”


Finally, in the metal box were coins and a one dollar bill. All the coins, a penny, nickel, dime, quarter and half dollar were from 1957 and the dollar bill is a “Silver Certificate, series 1935 E” with “1957” written on the bill.


Knowing how special the contents would be to the former parishioners of St. Joseph the Worker, we are pleased to include copies of the Church Bulletin and the one page paper in today’s Parish Bulletin as keepsakes. We are also posting pictures of these items along with a picture of the front page of the Catholic Standard and Times, a picture of the coins and the one dollar bill and a picture of the metal box. These items are available to be viewed at the rectory if anyone would want to see them.


Finally, on a personal note, as I was reading the Church Bulletin and the one page paper, I could not help but think of the St. Joseph the Worker parish secretary, Mrs. Rosemary Wilson, who very probably typed this information.  This past April, I had the privilege of meeting Mrs. Wilson in the final days of her life. It was a singular honor to have met her, spoke with her, listened to her stories, administered the Sacraments of the Church and to honor her last request, namely to have her funeral Mass here in her parish. Mrs. Wilson entered eternal life on April 19, 2017 and on April 24th, I had the honor of celebrating her funeral Mass, commending her to the Lord in thanksgiving for the gift of her life, her love, her faith, and most especially her enduring love of her beloved St. Joseph the Worker Parish.

Non-partisan, church-friendly 2017 Voter’s Guide

PaFamilyVoter.com – 2017 Judicial Voter’s Guide

  • Non-partisan and church-friendly. 
  • Printable guide for statewide judicial candidates.
  • Questionnaire responses for several county races.
  • Listing of Retention candidates by county.


Every election season, Pennsylvania Family Council offers resources to help you be an informed voter on Election Day. These resources are available free of charge thanks to the support we receive to our organization from families across Pennsylvania.


To contribute to Pennsylvania Family Council in support of these resources, you may make a secure online donation or contact our office at 717-545-0600.


Archbishop Chaput’s Web Exclusive in First Things: On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church


Earlier today, First Things published a web exclusive penned by Archbishop Chaput titled, “On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church.” In it, the Archbishop offers reflections on the upcoming 500th anniversary of the Reformation. You can read the complete text herehttps://www.firstthings.com/web-exclusives/2017/10/on-the-babylonian-captivity-of-the-church.



Archbishop Chaput’s Column: Respect Life 2017


In his most recent column Archbishop Chaput writes, “American Catholics mark October each year as ‘Respect Life Month.’ Reverence for the sanctity of the human person starts with a defense of the unborn child. The right to life is foundational. Without it, all other rights and all other discussions of justice and human dignity are built on sand. No other issue or collection of issues can eclipse the priority of the fundamental right to life from conception to natural death.


But being ‘prolife’ involves a great deal more than working to end obvious evils like abortion and euthanasia. The poor, the infirm, the disabled and the strangers among us also have a claim on our discipleship.”


You can read the complete column by opening the attached document or visiting www.CatholicPhilly.com.

Pictures from the September 30th Healing Mass




Pictures from the Healing Mass  and reception that took place on September 30th have been added to the Photo Gallery.   Thank you  Monsignor Michael McCormac, Eucharistic ministers who assisted the home bound parishioners,  the Youth Group, and all who were in attendance and helped with the beautiful Mass and following reception.


Priesthood: Not a Job for the Past

Earlier this week, Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary held its annual Golf Outing at the Philadelphia Country Club. This annual event supports the seminary and the young men who are answering God’s call. The article below contains some poignant and timely remarks delivered at the event by Eric Banecker, a transitional deacon from our Archdiocese studying for the Priesthood at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary.

You can read, “Priesthood: Not a Job for the Past” here http://www.semcasual.org/priesthood-not-job-past/.

Great Story About Professional Golfer Jordan Spieth

Below is a remarkable story about professional golfer, Jordan Spieth.  He is not only a talented golfer, but a humble and inspiring young man who is an amazing brother, son, and role model.  He especially cares for his little sister Ellie, who has Autism, citing her as his biggest source of inspiration.

On October 8th, Monsignor McCormac’s pastors column “Where are our children with Down Syndrome?” speaks of how children with down syndrome bring such happiness into the lives of their families and those around them.  You can read the column HERE:





Jordan Spieth believes in God.  And if you meet him, you’ll quickly realize that despite his great success — he remains very humble.  But Spieth doesn’t claim to be a perfect Christian.  In a recent interview, the second-youngest man to ever win the Masters shared that he desperately needs Christ, and thanks his family for keeping him grounded.

Last year, Americans fell in love with the 22-year-old golfer hailing from the good ole’ state of Texas.  In 2015, Spieth placed first in the Official World Golf Ranking, tied the 72-hole record set by Tiger Woods in 1997, and became the second youngest to win the Masters, behind Woods.  He then won the U.S. Open with a final score of 5 under par.
To say that Jordan Spieth’s career is something quite remarkable, would be the understatement of the century.  His winnings last year alone totaled $23 million – not bad for a 22-year-old.  But there’s no obnoxious athlete ego here, Spieth is as humble as they come.


Jordan Spieth was born on July 27, 1993, and raised in Dallas, TX, alongside his two younger siblings, Steven and Ellie.
Little Jordan Spieth got into golf when his mom bought him plastic clubs as a toddler so he could occupy himself, while his younger brother could be looked after without distraction.
Growing up, baseball was Spieth’s first love.  A left-handed pitcher, he gave it up at age 12 to focus on golf, and he quickly became one of the most impressive junior players.

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It didn’t take long for the world to recognize Spieth’s God-given talent.  Even as a young player, Spieth’s laser-like focus enabled him to cancel out all other distractions and perfect his skill.

But Spieth doesn’t pretend it came easily.  He recently joked, “There’s a reason I have a hairline like this right now, and that’s because it’s stressful what we do on a daily basis.”
At only 14-years-old, Spieth dreamed of winning the Masters. Little did he know, what an incredible ride it would be — and just how that “dream” would happen 7 years later.

According to the pro-golfer‘s website, at age 16 while a high school junior at Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas, he was invited to play in the Hewlett-Packard Byron Nelson Championship, and gained national attention when he tied for 16th place.  Among other accomplishments as a junior, Jordan was selected to the victorious 2011 Walker Cup team, where as a 17-year old, he held an undefeated record.

Upon graduating from Jesuit, Spieth enrolled at the University of Texas, where he helped the Texas Longhorns win the 2012 NCAA Team Championship in his freshman year and was named First-Team All-American.  His sophomore year, Spieth decided to pause college and go professional, and the rest is history.

But despite his world-renowned accomplishments, Spieth doesn’t worry himself with showing off or blowing his money. Instead — and unlike many other golfers of his day — Spieth makes time for Bible study, his longtime high school sweetheart, and his family.

Spieth is a humble man, and his actions reflect it.  With every sincere and gracious post-win speech, Spieth’s first thank-you’s always go to the volunteers and staff.  Spieth is so down to earth, in fact, that he still drives the same car he did in high school.

The pro golfer explained, “No, I’m driving the same car I drove when I was heading into college after senior year.  It’s just a Yukon.  Honestly, my dad’s very good at keeping me grounded with that, putting it away, growing it.  I don’t have a desire to go out and just buy stuff.”

The young golfer isn’t concerned with putting on a show or impressing anyone.  After winning the Masters, Jordan Spieth set himself apart (yet again) when he politely declined to have a celebratory reception in one of Augusta’s swanky restaurants. Instead, the young man requested a private dinner with his family and closest kin — at the local Chick-fil-A.

Spieth often shares that his 14-year-old sister, Ellie, who has autism, is one of his biggest inspirations.  Ellie’s life is what keeps him grounded and her fearless example is what keeps him going.

Spieth told CBS This Morning, “She is our motivation.  She’s my biggest fan.  It puts things in perspective when you look at the big picture and the struggles that she goes through each day just to do simple tasks that we take for granted.”
While other famous golfers pose for pictures with supermodels in skimpy swimsuits, Spieth takes photos with his little sister.

“She’s my inspiration,” Spieth told the UK’s Telegraph.  “She’s the funniest member of our family.  I really love spending time with her.  It is humbling to see her and her friends and the struggles they go through each day, which we take for granted.  They are the happiest people in the world.”
After every trip, Spieth brings home a keychain, souvenir, or small trinket for his little sister.  Spieth is so proud of Ellie, he often invites her on stage with him. To Spieth, people are far more important than golf.  Inspired by his sister, Ellie, Jordan fulfilled a lifelong dream by launching the Jordan Spieth Family Foundation.  Spieth has made it his personal endeavor to encourage and support underprivileged kids, military families, and children with special needs.


Additionally, Spieth is a loyal man.  He doesn’t waste his time clubbing or getting drunk.  And unlike most celebrity men, Spieth has remained by his lady — Annie Verret’s side since high school.


We’ve come to find out that Spieth’s girlfriend is much more than just a pretty face.  Annie Verret works at The First Tee, a youth development organization that focuses on impacting the lives of young people by providing educational programs that build character, instill life-enhancing values and promote healthy choices through the game of golf.
Perhaps the most inspiring thing about young Spieth, is his love and devotion to his Savior, Jesus Christ. Spieth’s lifestyle shows that the young man is wise beyond his years.  To guard himself against the temptations of fame and fortune, Spieth has surrounded himself with like-minded men who love God, like Bubba Watson.

Watson shared that young Spieth makes time to invest in his relationship with God and other believers, he said, “He goes to Bible study with us on the Tour here.”Jordan’s former athletic director in high school shared, “Jordan is just very genuine.  He says what he believes.
He believes in supporting others, taking care of others before he takes care of himself.”


Spieth’s actions reflect his Faith.  His very life is a testimony.  He doesn’t brag.  He loves GOD He goes to Bible study.  He honors his family.  He lives humbly.  He encourages and supports those around him.  Despite the thousands of adoring fans, Spieth knows who alone is worthy of adoration — his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. While listening to Jordan Spieth’s inspiring story, I just couldn’t help but think of James 4:10, which reads,

“Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you.”
Jordan Spieth
Thank you, Jordan Spieth, for allowing your life to be a living testimony and example!  America needs more men of Faith like you!  Please share if you agree.

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