Urge Senators to “…vote for the little guy” Monday







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Rob Chambers Vice President AFA Action MORE

Next Monday night, February 25, the U.S. Senate is expected to vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act to protect the lives of infants who survive an abortion. Every member of the Senate ought to agree that all babies who are born deserve protection.

Contact your Senators urging them to vote to ban the killing of infants who survive abortion.

Senate Republican leadership must rally the entire Senate to unify in support of this bill. Passing this bill will not only protect the lives of babies who survive an abortion, but the vote will also let voters know which Democrats and Republicans refuse to protect innocent life.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is to be commended for bringing this bill up for a vote. It is troubling to know that he, however, scheduled the vote for Monday night.

Senators typically travel to D.C. on Monday for the week, and they record their attendance that evening by what is known as a “bed check” vote. Bills considered after check-in are typically viewed as low-priority votes—renaming a post office, for example.

If the vote had been delayed till next Thursday, Senate leadership, including Majority Whip John Thune (R-SD), would have had the opportunity to whip the votes during the week to build support for the bill. A Monday night vote weakens the ability of Senate leadership to leverage their majority position.

To protect babies born alive, Christians and constitutional conservatives should expect the same or greater legislative prowess that Sen. McConnell demonstrated when he fought to pass the Middle East security bill (S.1) in January.

Sen. McConnell brought this bill up for a floor vote three times (123) even though it kept failing to break the 60 vote threshold to proceed to a vote. McConnell kept bringing it to the floor until it passed. He and other Senate leadership kept putting the full weight of their majority position behind this bill till it passed. Surely newborn lives are worth just as much effort!

This same bill, the Born-Alive Protection Act, passed the House in September 2015, but a Senate Republican majority allowed the bill to die. Senate Republican leadership, namely Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, is responsible despite the overwhelming number of Republican senators who would have voted for the bill.

Another concerning fact is that Republicans controlled the House, Senate and White House for two years following the 2016 election yet they failed to make this a top priority. Instead, some Senate Republicans hid behind the 60 vote rule and refused to switch to a simple majority (51) vote to pass this important legislation.

This brings into question how committed these lawmakers are to the pro-life movement?

Nonetheless, it is important that all Senators go on the record regarding this important issue.

Contact your Senators urging them to vote to ban the killing of infants who survive abortion.

Editor’s note:  See this story for more details


Holy Family Regional Catholic School is presenting the play production of Peter Pan Jr.! Come and support the student cast and crew this weekend.   Friday, February 22 at 7:00 PM and Saturday, February 23 at 2:00 PM

General Admission: $7 Preferred Seating: $10 Children under age 5 are free!
Tickets can be purchased at https://www.showtix4u.com/events/HFRCS_Peter_Pan_JR


Due to the inclement weather, for caution and safety we are cancelling our session this evening.  We will gather next week, February 27th and have our Connect Coffee Talk. The topic is Getting A Grip When It All Falls Apart – Lesson 18.  Please bring friends and food – this will be our Mardi Gras before Ash Wednesday, March 6th.


Oversight Committee of the Independent Reconciliation and Reparations Program Issues First Public Interim Report

To Our Parish Community:

“I am forwarding to you the following email which was sent to all priests and deacons. We have been asked to provide the Oversight Committee’s Report to our Parish Community.

During a meeting with  clergy in November, Archbishop Chaput indicated that the funding for the Compensation Fund would not be coming from the parishes. The funding would be coming from Archdiocesan assets, the proceeds from future sales of Archdiocesan real estate and from the borrowing of funds using Archdiocesan assets as collateral.

Please continue to pray for all those affected by the clergy sex abuse scandal.

Have a blessed day.

Msgr. McCormac”

Oversight Committee of the Independent Reconciliation and Reparations Program Issues First Public Interim Report

Last November, Archbishop Chaput announced the launch of an Independent Reconciliation and Reparations Program (IRRP) in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia in order to provide financial support for victims of clergy sexual abuse, especially those whose cases are time barred from civil litigation.

The program operates entirely free from the influence or supervision of Archdiocesan staff and leadership and is administered by nationally respected, independent experts with full authority to provide compensation for the good of survivors who need assistance. It is monitored by an Independent Oversight Committee chaired by former United States Senate Majority Leader, the Honorable George J. Mitchell.

Recently, the Independent Oversight Committee issued its first public report regarding the progress of the IRRP to date. You can view the news release and download a copy of the report at the following link


For further information about ongoing efforts on the part of the Archdiocese to provide assistance to survivors of clergy sexual abuse and protect the children and young people entrusted to its care, please visitwww.AOPPledgetoProtect.com. Kindly consider sharing this information broadly in your parish communities in the manner you deem most appropriate. Thank you.

Sincerely in Christ,

Rev Msgr. Daniel J. Sullivan

Vicar for Clergy

Holy Family Regional Catholic School Enrollment February 19th 1-2pm and 6-7pm PreK-6th Grade

Come Join Us! Youth Choir Practice Thursday 2/14/19 6:00pm. All Are Welcome!

Come Join Us! Youth Choir Practice tomorrow evening, Thursday 2/9/19 from 6:00 to 7:15 in the Multi-Purpose Room, all are welcome!

Ladies Night Out!! Designer Bag Bingo Saturday February 23rd 6:00pm

Please ask your State Representative to Co-Sponsor the “Heart-Beat Bill” proposed by Stephanie Borowicz

Please ask your state representative to co-sponsor the “Heart-Beat Bill” –HCO1117– sponsored by PA Rep. Stephanie Borowicz.
It requires all physicians **before proceeding with an abortion** to determine whether the baby has a heartbeat.

Please support your local legislators as they try to ensure that what happened in New York State does NOT happen in Pennsylvania!!

Click the link below to sign the petition:


Due to the inclement weather, the Tuesday, February 12th, PREP session and Women’s Prayer Group has been cancelled.

Welcome to the Newest Member of our Parish Community, Luke Patrick Clancy

On Saturday February 2/9/19, Saint Frances Cabrini welcomed the newest member of our Parish Community through the baptism of Luke Patrick Clancy. Luke is the son of our parishioners, Mr. and Mrs. Colin Clancy. Colin and Jenna (Rankin) were joined by the Godparents, Ryan Clancy and Casey Rankin, and many family members from the area and New England.


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