Urgent! Action Needed! Downs Syndrome Protection Act (House Bill 2050)

 Monday’s expected vote is going to be close.

Right now, abortion-extremist groups like Planned Parenthood are lobbying in full force against the Down Syndrome Protection Act (House Bill 2050) ahead of an expected vote in the PA House of Representatives. We’ve also been told that Governor Tom Wolf would veto the bill if it reaches his desk. All that being said, if this bill can achieve the two-thirds majority vote threshold in the House (134 votes with every State Representative present for a vote) and Senate, it will be enough to override an expected veto by Governor Wolf!

That’s the reality of Monday’s expected vote on the Down Syndrome Protection Act. There are some elected officials that agree with Planned Parenthood’s extreme view that babies can be aborted solely based on a diagnosis of Down syndrome. But, we’re close to reaching the override threshold.

Between now and Monday, can we count on you to contact your State Representative? A simple, short phone call asking for a yes vote on the Down Syndrome Protection Act truly makes a difference. And recruiting others to do the same begins to multiply its effectiveness.

Click here to identify your Legislator in the Pennsylvania General Assembly.  Please call and you can simply say the following:

“My name is ___ and I ask the Representative to please vote yes on the Down Syndrome Protection Act, House Bill 2050.”

Click here to read the full email regarding the Downs Syndrome Protection Act from Michael Geer, President of the Pennsylvania Family Council.

PREP Tuesday Classes Cancelled March 20

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Archbishop’s Statement on Pope Francis’ 5th Anniversary




“On behalf of the priests, deacons, consecrated religious, and lay faithful in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, I offer prayerful best wishes to Pope Francis as he marks the 5th  anniversary of his Petrine ministry. I’ve admired and respected his keen focus on service to the poor since we first met as young bishops delegated to the 1997 Special Assembly for the Americas.

The people of our local Church will always have a special bond with this pope and remember with great joy his presence here at the conclusion of the World Meeting of Families in 2015. His time with us was filled with powerful public moments and deeply grace filled intimate gatherings hallmarked by an overarching spirit of mercy, compassion, and charity. Those moments were special gifts that we can all use to build a stronger society and a stronger Church.

From a broader perspective, Pope Francis has consistently spoken in a style appealingly his own and has gained the attention of Catholics and non-Catholics alike. He’s grasped that our modern world is morally fractured and that it’s mission territory.

He’s repeatedly challenged us to bear witness to Christ through concrete action—by serving the poor, by helping immigrants, by preserving families, and by protecting the sanctity of life. It’s the kind of challenge we can and should answer with a hearty yes each day.

May God bless Pope Francis and may the Holy Spirit grant him wisdom as shepherd of the Universal Church.”

Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.

Archbishop of Philadelphia


Fish Fry and Fellowship Fridays in Lent

2018 Fish Fry Menu and Order form images_Page_1_Image_0002Please join us on Friday evenings during Lent in Monsignor Woods Hall from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM for our Parish Lenten Fish Fry and Pizza.  We will be serving great food for dine in or take out!  Bring the whole family to socialize with fellow parishioners.  Our Fish Fry will start this Friday, February 23rd from 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM and will continue on Fridays throughout Lent.  Click here for the menu and order form.

Help our parish achieve 100% participation in the Disciple Maker Index Survey! Respond online today.

disciple maker week one

Support the Catholic Charities Appeal

catholic charities appealThe Catholic Charities Appeal opens this weekend, February 3rd and 4th.  Please take some time to pray, reflect, and decide how you can share your blessings to help our brothers and sisters.

Click here for more information.

March for Life 2018


March for Life – January 19, 2018

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PREP Monday Classes Cancelled Jan. 8

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Help Spread the Joy of Christmas

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