PREP Classes Cancelled Tuesday Jan. 29

Discover the Difference! Exciting New Video!

Spread the word! Holy Family Regional Catholic School has a new way to promote our Parish elementary school. So watch the film! Discover the Holy Family Difference! And then share the link with friends and family.

Monday (Jan 21) PREP Classes Cancelled

Due to the forecast for this evening, which is predicting temperatures in the single digit, PREP classes for this evening, Monday, January 21, are cancelled. The safety and comfort of our children and our PREP staff are our highest priority. Any midterm or unit assessments that had been planned for this evening will be postponed until next week. As of this time, Tuesday evening classes will meet as scheduled.
May God protect you and your families from the freezing weather. Please remember to pray for all those who work outdoors and for those living without proper shelter or adequate heat in their homes.

President of U.S. Bishops Conference Issues Statement on Course of Action Responding to Moral Failures on Part of Church Leaders

WASHINGTON—Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo, Archbishop of Galveston-Houston and President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, has issued a statement noting the steps the U.S. Bishops Conference will take in addressing the failures of the Church in protecting the people of God. Click here to read the statement.

Looking forward to the start of a new PREP year!

PREP Registration is NOW OPEN!

Requests for Monday or Tuesday evening sessions are filled on a rolling basis. Once a class is filled, students will automatically be assigned to the evening with remaining availability. Parents are encouraged to register early in order for their children to be enrolled in their preferred evening session.

Click HERE to Register

Our new organ is here!

Check out our new Rodgers Infinity 361 organ

Join us for any Mass this weekend to hear how this magnificent instrument will enhance the sung prayer of our Parish Community as we give praise and thanks to God.



Camp Cabrini Decorating and Prep Update

Camp Cabrini 2018 decorating and preparations scheduled for today, June 14, is cancelled.

All decorating and preparatory activity will resume next week on Tuesday, June 19. We only have a few days left to finish transforming our space into a tropical island. The schedule for next week will be: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm, and 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm, in the Father Laut classrooms and hallway and in the gym. All are welcome to join in the fun and help decorate for our Vacation Bible Camp!

Personal Reflection on a College-Related Service Immersion Experience

Personal Reflection on A College-Related

Service Immersion Experience

By Elizabeth Garneau, parishioner

Over my spring break from Saint Joseph’s University, I attended an amazing service trip and I want to share some of my experiences. The Appalachian Experience, or APEX as we call it was one of the best weeks of my entire life. The APEX program is so popular at SJU, they filled 500 spots in just under 8 minutes this year! APEX is a week-long service immersion program during our spring break. There are 18 different sites in the Appalachian region and each site is very special and unique. We spend the semester leading up to the trip with our groups, learning about the poverty and injustices that our site faces. This year the site that I went to was Honaker, Virginia…

Click here to read the rest of the story.     Click here to see pictures from Liz’s experience.

Camp Cabrini 2018

Register online for Camp Cabrini 2018!

Shipwrecked: Rescued by Jesus

June 25 – 29, 9 AM – Noon

Cost: $25 (Add $10 for each additional child in a family)

Click here to register now. Call 215-946-1115 to volunteer!

HB 2050 Passes with 71% Veto-Proof Majority Vote!


Amazing news!

After a lengthy floor debate, the PA House of Representatives just voted 139-56 to PASS House Bill 2050 – the Down Syndrome Protection Act! That’s a 71% majority vote and a veto-proof majority! That means despite Governor Wolf threatening a veto, this vote sets the stage for a potential override of that threat.

139 State Representatives should be thanked for their desire to protect unborn children diagnosed with Down syndrome here in Pennsylvania. For now, send a “Thank You!” to Representative Judy Ward at: and to Speaker Mike Turzai at: for their leadership on this legislation.

Today’s vote is not the finish line. Passing the Down Syndrome Protection Act into law still has a ways to go. The next step is now up to your State Senator and the full State Senate to pass this reasonable and needed legislation. Click here to read the full email regarding the Downs Syndrome Protection Act from Michael Geer, President of the Pennsylvania Family Council.

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