DAY TWO – Ten Plagues of Egypt in case you missed it!

Father Matt Guckin
COVID-19 and The 10 Plagues of Egypt – Day TWO

TEN- A series reflecting on the Ten Plagues of Egypt!

The Office for Catechetical Formation is sponsoring a series which connects the 10 plagues of Egypt to the present pandemic in which we are immersed. This unprecedented time reminds us how fragile life truly is, and how little control we have. Many people are turning to the Bible for answers. Beginning today and for the next TEN days, Father Matt Guckin will be spending TEN minutes each day at TEN O’Clock in the morning to discuss each of the TEN plagues in Egypt at the time of Moses (emphasis on TEN!).

Click here to view the session from this morning.

The series will continue tomorrow, Tuesday, April 28, at 10AM on

Each session will be recorded daily and archived if you are unable to make the 10am time. The recorded sessions also will be available on

Message from Monsignor 4/23/2020

Check out the most recent message from Monsignor McCormac!

57th World Day of Prayer for Vocations

Novena for Vocations

On Sunday, May 3, 2020, the universal Catholic Church celebrates the 57th World Day of Prayer for Vocations. We invite you to pray for increased grace in young people to respond to God’s call to the priesthood and religious life throughout the world, but especially in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

To celebrate this World Day of Prayer for Vocations, we invite you to join the seminarians from St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in praying a Novena for Vocations between April 25th and May 3rd. A novena is a devotion consisting of prayer said on nine successive days, asking to obtain special grace. The seminarians have videotaped their daily reflection/prayers and each day of the Novena the videos will be available on the website and on Facebook at For your convenience, we will be sharing the Phillypriest Facebook postings on our Parish Facebook page.

A Prayer-Song of Comfort

A prayer-song from Father Jan Michael Joncas, composer of On Eagle’s Wings, offered as a possible source of comfort during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Message from Monsignor 4/16/2020

Monsignor McCormac’s Message 4/16/20 from St. Frances Cabrini on Vimeo.

Photos from Palm Sunday, Holy Week & East

Click here for screenshots from our Parish celebrations of Palm Sunday, Triduum and Easter Sunday. Many thanks to everyone involved in making this unique experience of Holy Week so meaningful: Monsignor McCormac, Deacon Mace Mazzoni, Christian Thompson, Karen David, Audrey Wilson, Hank Wajda, Joe Tufo, Rick Trailes, Deborah Eater, Victor Sorace, Matthew Graglia, Marybeth Haberstick, JoAnne Osborn, Julianna Rifkin, Tom Stefanik, John McClure, Jean Madden, and the hundreds of people who prayed with us from their homes. Happy Easter!

Message from Our Parish School – Still HFRCS!

Behind the Camera during Every Broadcast Mass

Parishioners might be wondering how we are able to produce such professional broadcasts of our beautiful Parish Liturgies. The answer is our very own parishioner, Hank Wajda! Thank you, Hank, and thanks to your wife, Cathy, for her patience and support as you spend so much time setting up, testing, and producing each Mass and Pastor’s Message.

An Easter Message of Hope from Archbishop Perez

Pastoral Message to the Faithful from Archbishop Pérez on the Occasion of Easter 2020 from Kearns Media Consulting LLC on Vimeo.

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