Nutritional Development Services Food Distribution 3/6/21

Free Community Food Distribution in Bucks County

Saturday, March 6, 2021
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Fatima Catholic Outreach Center
2913 Street Road
Bensalem, PA 19020

Nutritional Development Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia (NDS) is hosting a free drive-through “Farmers to Families” food box distribution for individuals and households facing food insecurity stemming from the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

NDS will have over 650 food boxes on hand containing nourishing produce, meat, and dairy products. The pre-packaged food boxes are funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) “Farmers to Families” Food Box Program.

NDS will also have 450 free student meal boxes available for children and youth who are attending school virtually and not receiving school meals. Each box will contain seven breakfasts and seven lunches along with milk.

Cars are asked to enter through Mechanicsville Road and exit onto Street Road. Walk-ups will also be accommodated.

Contact Your Senator Regarding the Equality Act

Urgent: So-Called Equality Act Passes the US House —  Tell Your US Senator to Vote No!

We know you care deeply about family, faith, and freedom – which is why we are asking you to take one minute right now to contact Senators Casey and Toomey to tell them to vote NO on the so-called Equality Act. While this dangerous legislation passed the US House yesterday, it is not too late to stop it in the US Senate.

In adding sexual orientation and gender identity to US Civil Rights laws, here’s how your foundational rights and freedoms would be harmed.

The Equality Act would:

  • Punish religious employers, like Christian schools, if they do not hire LGBT staff;
  • Open up dorms so that your daughter’s roomate would be determined by gender identity, not by sex;
  • Open up women’s shelters to men;
  • Open bathrooms, changing areas, and showers to the opposite sex;
  • Allow men who identify as women to compete in women’s sports;
  • Shut down religious foster care if such agencies seek to exclusively place children in homes with a mother and father;
  • Force doctors to remove healthy body parts from those who want gender-reassignment surgery;
  • Force doctors to stop the puberty of children and inject opposite sex hormones into kids;
  • Require wedding service providers to support same-sex weddings that they oppose for conscience reasons;
  • And the list goes on!

We expected this to pass the US House; the real fight will be in the US Senate.

Click here to take action now and make your voice heardIt’s not too late to stop this!

Weekly Message by Ms. Audrey Wilson

Check out the most recent weekly message!

URGENT! Action Needed

Urgent Action Needed to Prevent Taxpayer Funding for Abortion in COVID Relief Bill

The U.S. House of Representatives will vote as soon as tomorrow (Friday) on a new COVID relief bill, called the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 that addresses the needs of many vulnerable people related to the pandemic. The Senate is expected to vote as soon as next week. Unfortunately, unlike previous COVID relief bills, this bill appropriates billions of taxpayer dollars that are not subject to longstanding, bi-partisan pro-life protections that are needed to prevent this funding from paying for abortions.

Click here to take action!

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is communicating to Congress its strong opposition to any taxpayer funding of abortion as part of this legislation, saying that the Hyde Amendment policy must be included before this bill moves forward. Your voice is critically needed today to tell your representatives in Congress to support amendments that prevent abortion funding and to work for their inclusion in the final bill.

Contact Your Representative Regarding the Equality Act

This week the US House of Representatives is expected to vote on “The Equality Act.”

While everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity, this act would actually discriminate against the faithful and many groups in our society.

The Equality Act would actually: punish faith-based organizations, such as charities and schools–who serve everyone in their communities–simply because of their beliefs; force girls and women to compete against boys and men for limited opportunities in sports; and force girls and women to share locker rooms and shower spaces with biological males, who identify as women! It would also risk mandating taxpayers to fund abortions; force people in everyday life–and especially health care workers–to support gender transition; and expand what the government considers a “public” place, forcing even some parish halls to host functions that conflict with Catholic beliefs.

How does this promote equality?

Please contact your Congressional Representative and US Senators today and ask that they oppose this Act.

Click the link below to log in and send your message:

Happy First Anniversary to Archbishop Pérez

Yesterday marked the first anniversary of Archbishop Pérez’s installation as our shepherd. To mark this occasion, the Archdiocesan Office for Communications has compiled a brief video montage featuring some highlights and memories. Please click here to enjoy the video.

Please join in prayerful gratitude for the Archbishop’s leadership, most especially as we continue to navigate the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. May the Holy Spirit continue to guide Archbishop Pérez as a successor to the Apostles and may God grant him many years in service to our local Church.

What Makes for a Good Homily?

What Makes for a Good Homily?

Your insights on this question are sought through a national study partially funded by a grant from the Confraternity of Christian Faith of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Catholic Biblical Association. This effort, called the Parables Project, is focusing on the preaching of Jesus’ parables.

Please help us gain new insights by going to and completing a 15-minute survey. Thanks!

Weekly Message from Monsignor McCormac

Check out the most recent message from Monsignor!

PREP Classes Cancelled Monday February 15

Due to the unpredictability of the timing for the severe winter weather forecast for tonight, and out of an abundance of caution for everyone involved in our PREP, Monday evening PREP classes for February 15 have been cancelled.

Parents of students in Levels 1 through 6 on Monday evenings are most welcome, indeed encouraged, to bring their children to PREP tomorrow evening, Tuesday, February 16.

The Kindergarten class will NOT meet this week. The Kids of God Group will meet online on Tuesday evening.

Weekly Message from Monsignor McCormac

Check out the most recent message from our Pastor!

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