Weekly Message for May 2, 2024

Joe Dembik gives an update on Walking with Moms in Need and encourages active participation.

Weekly Message for April 25, 2024

Msgr. McCormac shares part 2 of the annual Pastor’s Report.

Removing the Paper Recycling Container

As many of you are aware, Saint Frances Cabrini has for many years had a paper recycling container located in the rear parking lot by the hall.  It was originally delivered as a fundraising vehicle and the Parish would receive quarterly rebates from the recycling company for the newspapers it recycled.  Eventually, however, the reduced demand for newspaper, along with the expansion of curbside collection systems have resulted in paper having so little value that recyclers now charge to accept it.  Therefore, rebates are no longer provided for the paper collected in our recycling container.

The recycling business itself has changed ownership several times over the years and we now have a difficult time getting the current business to pick up our recycled paper on a timely basis.   This results in paper often overflowing from the container and being scattered on the campus.  Repeated requests that the container be emptied are necessary and not always responded to.

Therefore, we have requested to have the container removed.

We appreciate the support of our parishioners who have supported our recycling efforts through the years.  We hope you will continue to recycle through the regular curbside collection.  Thank you.

Passover Greeting from Archbishop Pérez to the Jewish Community

Yesterday, Archbishop Pérez sent a letter to the Jewish Community as it marked the celebration of Passover. The letter was shared through the Jewish press and other news media as well as various Archdiocesan social media channels. Below is the full text.

Archbishop Pérez’s Letter to the Jewish Community at Passover

Dear Friends in the Jewish Faith Community,

Together with the people of the Catholic Church in Philadelphia, I extend peaceful greetings as you celebrate the holy days of Passover.

In a time of turmoil and violence throughout the world, Passover and its promise are more timely than ever. No oppression, in any form, can overcome the love and power of G-d. I pray that you will draw strength in knowing that the same loving G-d who guided Moses continues to guide you now during this time of war, devastation, and suffering in the Holy Land and so many other places.

In the words of Pope Francis, “May the Almighty, who has freed His beloved people from slavery and led them to the Promised Land, accompany you even today with the abundance of His blessings.”

I pray that your commemoration of these Holy Days will bring renewed hope, peace of heart, and a multitude of blessings.

Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez, D.D.

Archbishop of Philadelphia

Teaching Mass First Holy Communion Retreat 2024

On Saturday, April 20th, members of our First Holy Communion Class and their parents participated in the annual Teaching Mass as part of the First Holy Communion Retreat. Prior to Mass, Monsignor McCormac explained all the books, vessels, and vestments used during the Liturgy. Monsignor also explained each part of the Mass as we moved through the Liturgy. The highlight of the day was when everyone was invited to stand around the Altar for the Eucharistic Prayer. We thank Monsignor McCormac for taking the time to provide us with this beautiful experience.  We also thank our Altar Servers, Jason and Cruz Alvarez, and Mr. Tom Stefanik for helping to make this a special Mass. We are happy to share some photos from that experience.

Weekly Message for April 18, 2024

Highlights from the Annual Pastor’s Report Part 1

Weekly Message for April 11, 2024

Monsignor McCormac shares thoughts on Stewardship Weekend and preparing to say farewell to Deacon Brox.

Archbishop Pérez Statement Regarding Shooting at Eid Al-Fitr Celebration

Archbishop Pérez has issued a statement in response to the shooting that erupted during an Eid Al-Fitr celebration this afternoon in West Philadelphia as our brothers and sisters in the Muslim faith community celebrated the end of Ramadan. Please join in prayer for all those affected and for an end to violence in our world.

Please click here to read the statement from Archbishop Pérez.

Weekly Message for April 4, 2024

A Message from the Implementation Team by John Scanlon

Responsibilities of Our New Auxiliary Bishops

Last month our local Church experienced a moment of great joy as Archbishop Pérez ordained three new auxiliary bishops—Most Reverend Keith J. Chylinski, Most Reverend Christopher R. Cooke, and Most Reverend Efren V. Esmilla—to the Episcopacy at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul. Since then, people have been wondering what their pastoral and temporal responsibilities will be. Please click here to read a letter from Archbishop Pérez regarding their assignments.

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