Breakfast with Santa, Saturday, Dec. 3rd

Breakfast with Santa

Saturday, December 3rd

9:00 AM to 12 Noon

Monsignor Woods Hall (gym)


Click here to purchase tickets.

Click here to volunteer to help with the event!

Obituary for Father Fidelis Weber, T.O.R.

Father Fidelis Weber, T.O.R., 93, a Franciscan Friar of the Third Order Regular of Saint Francis, died on 20 November 2022 at UPMC Hospital Altoona, PA. Born 3 February 1929 in the Bronx, New York, the son of Charles and Olga (Aleski) Weber, Father Fidelis was given the name Francis (Frank) Ernest. After completing his secondary education in 1946 at Great Neck (NY) Public High School, Frank enrolled at Saint Francis College in Loretto, Pennsylvania. After completing two years of study, Frank entered the Franciscan Friars in September 1948. On 1 July 1950 he professed simple vows and assumed the religious name Fidelis. After earning a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from Saint Francis College, he professed solemn vows in 1953, and attended Saint Francis Seminary where he completed a Masters of Divinity in May 1955.

Please click for the full obituary.

Thanksgiving Message 11/24/22

Theresa Leonetti O’Connor gives the Thanksgiving Day Message!

Archbishop Pérez appointed Chair of the Board of Catholic Relief Services

During the Fall Plenary Meeting of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez was appointed to a three-year term as Chair of the Board of Catholic Relief Services. As is customary, that appointment was made by the newly elected President of the USCCB, Archbishop Timothy Broglio.

Today, Archbishop Pérez released a statement regarding this appointment and Catholic Relief Services issued a news release. The full text of Archbishop Pérez’s statement can be found here and a link to the CRS statement is here.

Thanksgiving Message from Archbishop Nelson Perez

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

On behalf of myself and the auxiliary bishops, I wish you and your families a Happy Thanksgiving! Each year, this national moment of gratitude provides us with an opportunity to reflect on our blessings and give thanks to God from whom all good things flow.

I am deeply thankful for all of you – priests, deacons, consecrated religious, and laity. We are so blessed with the many parishes, schools, and charitable ministries that do the work of Christ each and every day. Your steadfast commitment truly helps to build up the Kingdom of God here on earth and you are inspiring examples of Missionary Discipleship in action.

As we gather around the table with our family and friends on Thanksgiving Day, let’s remember that Christ’s love is the greatest gift of all. We can absorb it, reflect it, and give it to others. Know that you and your families are in our thoughts and prayers. May God bless you abundantly with peace and joy now and always.

Breakfast with Santa, Saturday, Dec 3rd

Breakfast with Santa

Saturday, December 3rd

9:00 AM to 12 Noon

Monsignor Woods Hall (gym)


Click here to purchase tickets.

Click here to volunteer to help with the event!

Reflections by Father Stephen D. Thorne for Black Catholic History Month recently published “Looking Back, Facing Forward,” a commentary penned by Father Stephen D. Thorne, Chairperson of the Archbishop’s Commission on Racial Healing and consultant for the Sub-Committee for African American Catholics for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. This piece comes as we celebrate Black Catholic History Month in the Archdiocese and throughout the Universal Church.

You can read the full text here:…

Progress on Plans to Relocate St. Charles Borromeo Seminary to Gwynedd Mercy Univ. Property

Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary (SCBS) and  Gwynedd Mercy University announced the closing of the first phase of an agreement allowing the Seminary to acquire property and buildings on part of GMercyU’s campus. The sale includes approximately 15 acres of land on the northern border of GMercyU’s campus along with two existing buildings located on that parcel.

Click here for more details.

Weekly Message from Monsignor McCormac

Monsignor McCormac interviews Father McCarthy!

A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother

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