Weekly Message by John Scanlan – 4/27/23

John Scanlan discusses Stewardship

Register for Camp Cabrini 2023

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Pope Francis Names Most Reverend Timothy C. Senior 12th Bishop of the Diocese of Harrisburg

Pope Francis Names

Most Reverend Timothy C. Senior

Bishop of the Diocese of Harrisburg

Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez, Archbishop of Philadelphia, is pleased to share that Pope Francis has named Most Reverend Timothy C. Senior, Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia, as the 12th Bishop of the Diocese of Harrisburg. Founded in 1868, the Diocese of Harrisburg is home to over 200,000 Catholics from 15 counties in central Pennsylvania.

In reaction to this appointment Archbishop Pérez said, “This moment is one of great joy for the Church in Philadelphia! I’ve known and worked closely with Bishop Senior since long before either of us were bishops. He is an exemplary priest who has served his hometown faithfully for many years with great wisdom, intelligence, and apostolic zeal for the good of souls. It has been an inspiration for me to witness his humility, devotion, and unending dedication for many years. Pope Francis has given the people of the Church in Harrisburg a true gift in making this appointment. I know Bishop Senior will serve them joyfully as a faithful shepherd.

I ask that the bishops, priests, deacons, consecrated religious, and lay faithful of Philadelphia join me in extending hearty congratulations and prayerful best wishes to Bishop Senior as he prepares to accept this assignment.”

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Check out Joey C at Georgine’s on May 19th

Joey C is back in the neighborhood.

Georgine’s Jessie Ballroom

May 19, 6:30 PM – 10 PM


Archbishop Pérez Sends Letter to Muslim Faith Community on Eid Al-Fitr

Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez Sends Letter to the Muslim Faith Community on the Occasion of Eid Al-Fitr

Dear Friends in the Muslim Faith Community,

On behalf of the Catholic Church in Philadelphia, I extend prayerful greetings as you celebrate Eid al-Fitr! May you be filled with peace and joy as you conclude Ramadan’s month long vigil of fasting, prayer, and works of mercy.

In 1985, Saint John Paul II spoke to a gathering of Muslim leaders in Belgium and said, “As Christians and Muslims, we encounter one another in faith in the one God, our Creator and guide, our just and merciful judge. We believe that God transcends our thoughts and our universe and that his loving presence accompanies us throughout each day.”

I echo those sentiments with deep respect as you mark this holy time on your calendar. May your lives give glory to the Almighty and bring serenity and joy to all those you encounter!

Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez, D.D.

Archbishop of Philadelphia

Weekly Message by Monsignor McCormac – 4/20/23

Monsignor shares the Annual Pastoral Report part 2

Weekly Message by Monsignor McCormac – 4/13/23

Monsignor shares the Annual Pastoral Report

Easter Greetings from Archbishop Pérez

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

On Sunday, our Church will joyfully proclaim in unison Christ is Risen! Alleluia!

Easter is the defining moment of our faith and marks the fulfillment of God’s promise as foretold by the prophet Isaiah, “Though the mountains leave their place and the hills be shaken, my love shall never leave you nor my covenant of peace be shaken” (Isaiah 54: 10).

Click here to continue reading the message.

Weekly Message by Monsignor McCormac

Holy Week Greetings from Monsignor McCormac!

Rev. Philip G. Bochanski Appointed Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia



During the Chrism Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul today, Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez announced that Reverend Philip G. Bochanski has been appointed Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia effective June 19. He will succeed Reverend Monsignor Daniel J. Kutys, who has served in that role since July 2012.

In sharing this news Archbishop Pérez said, “Caring for the spiritual and temporal needs of more than 1.5 million Catholics in Archdiocese of Philadelphia is a tremendous responsibility and no one can do that alone. I’m blessed to have the support and assistance of the auxiliary bishops and my senior staff in that work.

Over the last eleven years, Monsignor Kutys, has quietly, ably, and humbly served as Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia. He generously shared his talents in service to God’s people as a key figure in the governance and administration of the Archdiocese during that time. He did so with grace and calm during some of the most challenging periods in the history of our local Church and we all owe him our deep thanks.

As we thank Monsignor and wish him well, I ask you to join me welcoming his successor. The new Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia is with us here today and it is Father Philip Bochanski. He will take over in June. Father Bochanski has served our Church at the local and national levels for nearly 25 years as a parish priest, high school religion teacher, a spiritual director, a chaplain to the Philadelphia chapter of Courage, and as the Executive Director of Courage International. He is also a nationally known author who has published six books.

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