Weekly Message from Monsignor McCormac

Check out the most recent Weekly Message!

Building Our Future: The Comprehensive Campaign for St. Charles Borromeo Seminary

With the Building Our Future: The Comprehensive Campaign for Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary underway, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia hopes to raise $40 million dollars to accomplish the following goals:

  • Building a new campus for Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary that will transform our seminarians’ formation with updated technology, improved services and state-of-the art facilities, readying our students to be servant leaders after the Heart of Jesus Christ;
  • Establishing an endowment to ensure the long-term sustainability of our seminary. The endowment will allow us to offer financial aid to students in need, manage annual operating expenses and continue to grow our vibrant community.

Click here to view a short video presentation.

Click here to visit the Comprehensive Campaign website.


Weekly Message by Monsignor McCormac

As we approach the Feast of Corpus Christi, Msgr. McCormac discusses the importance of reverently receiving Holy Communion.

Archbishop Pérez’s Pastoral Letter on Racial Healing

Today, Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez issued a Pastoral Letter on Racial Healing: “We are One Body” in conjunction with the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ which will be observed this Sunday, June 11, 2023.

A Pastoral Letter on Racial Healing: “We Are One Body”
June 11, 2023: Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to emulate His love and compassion for all humanity and, as sinners, to reflect on where we have fallen short. Today, I again address the grave sin of racism, which continues to plague our society and even our own Church.

Our faith teaches us that every person is created in the likeness of God and deserves to be treated with equal dignity and respect. Yet, we cannot deny that racism persists within the Body of Christ. It inflicts immense pain, division, and injustice in our Church, our communities, and our world.

Philadelphia has a long history of hometown saints who dedicated their lives to fighting racism and discrimination like Saint John Neumann, Saint Katharine Drexel, and Saint Frances Cabrini.

Despite their monumental efforts and the work of so many others, this evil continues to poison our souls, our Church, our relationships with one another, and with God. Racism shreds the fabric of our communities, hinders our unity, and impedes the building of God’s kingdom on earth.

Click here to continue reading.

Review of Proper Manner for Receiving Holy Communion

Beginning on the weekend of June 10th – 11th, we will be resuming the distribution of the Precious Blood of Jesus.

We thought now would be a special opportunity to review the proper manner for receiving Holy Communion at Mass.

Weekly Message by Msgr. McCormac

Monsignor McCormac provides the Weekly Message

Camp Cabrini 2023 Decorating Fun!

Join the Fun!
Camp Cabrini 2023 Decorating Schedule


Wednesday, May 31, 4pm – 6pm

Friday, June 2, 4pm – 6pm

Sunday, June 4, To Be Determined

Father Laut School Building and the Gym

Memorial Day Reflection

The primary focus of Memorial Day – remembering those who sacrificed their lives in service to our country.

Weekly Message by Theresa Leonetti O’Connor

Thoughts on Pentecost and Memorial Day!

Archbishop Pérez’s Statement on the Retirement of Most Reverend Michael J. Fitzgerald

At noon Roman time today, Pope Francis announced from the Vatican that he has accepted the retirement of Most Reverend Michael J. Fitzgerald, Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia. As required by the Code of Canon Law for all bishops, Bishop Fitzgerald petitioned the Vatican for retirement in anticipation of his 75th birthday, which he marked earlier this month.

Although officially retired, Bishop Fitzgerald will continue serving the Church of Philadelphia in a pastoral capacity.

Please click here to read Archbishop Pérez’s Statement on the Retirement of Most Reverend Michael J. Fitzgerald.

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