Archdiocese Offers Opportunity for Bidders to Own Historic FIAT 500L Used by Pope Francis During 2015 Philadelphia Visit


Today, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia announced that it is auctioning a FIAT 500L used by Pope Francis for transportation during his historic visit to Philadelphia in September 2015. The auction is being conducted in partnership with Charitybuzz. Bidding opened this morning at 9:00 a.m. and will last through December 20th at

Net proceeds will benefit the 2017 Catholic Charities Appeal (CCA). This appeal provides the support needed to tens of thousands of people through countless organizations, programs and ministries throughout the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. The beneficiaries are grouped into five key areas: Education; Social Services; Evangelization, Parish and Spiritual Life; Clergy and Local Mission Activities. Those who receive assistance and support from these ministries come from a broad array of faith traditions.

The attached news release has been distributed to the media by the Office for Communications and contains additional information.


Sincerely in Christ,

Rev. Msgr. Daniel J. Sullivan

Vicar for Clergy

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