Dear Lay Ministers,

A Blessed and Happy New Year to you!  As we thank God for his many blessings, especially for the gift of His Son, we are also very thankful for the wonderful Parish Community we have at St. Frances Cabrini.  We are especially grateful to you, our Lay Ministers, and your service to the Parish Community.

It is time to make preparations for the next Lay Ministry Schedule which will cover the period of February through May 2017.  This schedule will include the Easter Triduum.  We ask that you complete thePreference Form and return it to the rectory no later than Friday, January 13.

Click here to access the Preference Form.

If you have any questions, or difficulties, please contact the rectory immediately at 215-946-4040.  Schedules will be sent out in late January.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Audrey Wilson
Director of Parish Services

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