Thank Your Senators Who Voted for Senate Bill 857


Pa. Telemedicine Senate Bill 857

Yesterday the State Senate passed SB 857, a crucial bill that would increase access to telemedicine for people throughout Pennsylvania. The bill passed 29-21, mostly along party lines, with one Independent joining Republicans to vote in support of the bill. (The bill passed the PA House late last year with a bipartisan majority.)

The bill contains safeguard language that ensures it cannot be used to allow risky telemedication abortions by requiring a doctor to administer in-person and at a health facility any of the drugs flagged by the FDA with serious safety concerns, which includes the abortion drug Mifeprex.

However, Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry – desiring another way of increasing their profits – are now attacking the 29 senators who voted YES on SB 857.

Please, join me in thanking the 29 common sense senators who passed a safe telemedicine bill to ensure that families all across PA are kept safe and healthy. Your voice matters and this is a great way to celebrate a life-protecting victory. Click here to send a message now.

Responding to a global healthcare crisis should not include expanding abortion access.

A safe telemedicine bill is what every Senator should have been able to agree upon yet all 21 Democrat senators voted against SB 857 because it did not allow the use of telemedicine to include remote abortions. It is important now to thank your senator for a good vote, and it is equally important to hold those who voted against it accountable.

If your senator voted against SB 857, let them know that now is not the time to allow politics to get in the way of crucial care in the midst of a pandemic.

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