Archbishop Perez Announces Virtual Lenten Retreat

A Message from Archbishop Pérez Announcing the Launch of

“The Power of Faith and Hope in a Time of Uncertainty: A Virtual Lenten Retreat”

Our Lenten journey has taken an unexpected turn with the worldwide outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). In an effort to impede the spread of the virus and to protect those most vulnerable among us, all of us have changed the way that we live. Life as we understand it has temporarily changed, but this too shall pass. We are people whose hearts are grounded in our faith and in our hope, that is the strength that helps us during this time of uncertainty.  Click here to read more…

Retreat begins Monday night, March 30, at 7:00 PM. To participate on that evening, and every evening after that leading up to Palm Sunday, visit one of the following sites:  Archbishop Pérez’s Facebook page, the Archdiocesan Vimeo Channel, the Archdiocesan website, or Click here for information on the presenters.

Click here for a personal invitation from Archbishop Perez.

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