Only 11 session days left

Giving Tuesday is November 28th

Double your investment in PA Family Institute:

Your State Representative will be back in Harrisburg on Monday for one of just eleven session days left in the PA House before the end of the year (last session day: December 20th) and two questions remain unanswered:

  1. Will you continue paying for “sex change” surgery on children?
  2. Will Pennsylvania continue to permit late-term and dismemberment abortion?

  1. “Sex Change” Surgery on Children

The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) must be renewed by December 31st and is awaiting action in the PA House of Representatives. This program currently includes coverage for “gender reassignment” surgery on children, something Governor Wolf unilaterally added into the program last year.

TAKE ACTION: Tell your State Representative that you do not want your taxdollars paying for “sex change” surgery on children through the CHIP program. Click here to use our Citizen Action Center to automatically email your State Representative.

  1. Ending Late-Term & Dismemberment Abortion

After passing the State Senate in February, we had been told that a vote can be expected in the PA House by the end of this year on ending both late-term and dismemberment abortions.

Frankly, it should not take nearly a year to pass this important legislation. Just last week, a story made headlines about a baby born at just 21 weeks who is now a healthy 3-year-old (“most pediatrics and obstetrics societies agree that 22 weeks of gestation is the lower threshold of viability.”). The sad truth is Pennsylvania State Representatives are continuing to allow viable babies being killed through abortion as far as six months in pregnancy (24 weeks). That is inexcusable.

TAKE ACTION: Tell your State Representative to end late-term and dismemberment abortion as soon as possible. Click here to use our Citizen Action Center to automatically email your State Representative.

Thank you for helping us advocate for these two bills.

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“I don’t want to imagine a world without PFI.”

– State Representative Bryan Cutler 

Giving Tuesday is coming soon and you have an opportunity to double your investment into the work of the Pennsylvania Family Institute. Thanks to a generous donor, all contributions we receive will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to $50,000.

To give towards this matching grant, click here or call 717-545-0600.

For more, visit

Pennsylvania Family Institute

23 N Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101

717-545-0600 |

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