I write once again to ask your help in advocating for the Conscience Protection Act of 2017. Now is the time to raise our voices in defense of those health care professionals who choose not to participate in abortion. Even if you have sent a message to your members of Congress in the past, please take action again today. This has been a long effort, but we are closer than ever to reaching our goal of making the common-sense protections of the Weldon Amendment part of permanent law. We are grateful that you continue to stand with us as we strive to protect every life and freedom of conscience in federal law. Further information about the legislation is availablehere.
Today we renew our call to action to urge Congress to pass the CPA as part of must-pass appropriations legislation. The USCCB has joined with 32 other groups representing millions of Americans and tens of thousands of health care professionals with a profound concern about abortion, and particularly about the conscience rights of health care professionals and facilities who choose not to participate in the destruction of unborn lives. These national and community leaders have called on the Senate and theHouse of Representatives to enact the Conscience Protection Act of 2017 (CPA). Now is the time to add our voices to theirs.
Please tune in tonight to EWTN Pro-Life Weekly at 10 pmEastern (or Sunday at 10 am Eastern) to learn more about the need for this legislation and how we can make a difference. Greg Schleppenbach and I visit with host Catherine Szeltner about the Conscience Protection Act of 2017.
Thank you for continuing to stand with us in defense of life and liberty of conscience. Together we will be heard!