Dear Lay Ministers,
As the Summer weeks wind down we thank God for His many graces and blessings. We especially are very grateful to you, our Lay Ministers, for your service to the Parish Community. We pray that you and your families had an enjoyable and refreshing summer.
It is time to plan for the next Lay Ministry Schedule, which covers the period ofSeptember 30 through January 2018. Please access the online Ministry Preference Form from the following link. You can also access the form from our Parish website.
We are pleased to attach a copy of the Preference Form, which can be completed and returned to the rectory.
We ask that you complete and submit the preference form no later than Monday, September 4.
If you have any questions or difficulties, please contact the rectory immediately at215-946-4040. Again, the Preference Form can be accessed by clicking this link.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Audrey Wilson
Director of Parish Services